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what's that about then what's that (all) about (then)? what's that all about then what's the betting? what's the betting
what's the big idea? what's the big idea what's the damage? what's the damage what's the drill for something?
what's the drill for something what's the good of what's the good of what's the magic word? what's the magic word
what's the score? what's the score what's the use of...? what's the use of what's the world coming to?
what's the world coming to what's up? what's up what's up what's what
what's your game? what's your game what's your poison what's your poison what the blazes...?
what the blazes what the devil what the heck what the hell what the hey
what use is what use is what/whatever someone says goes what/where/how/why the devil what with
what with one thing and another what wouldn't I give for something what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts what you see is what you get wheat
wheat complexion wheatgerm wheat germ wheatgrass wheat grass
wheatmeal wheedle wheedling wheel wheel and deal
wheel around wheelbarrow wheelbase wheelchair wheel clamp
wheel clamp wheel-clamp -wheeled -wheeler wheeler-dealer
wheelhouse wheelie wheelie bag wheelie bin wheeling and dealing
wheel round wheel something out wheels within wheels wheel trim wheeze
wheezy whelk whelp when when all is said and done
whence whenever when hell freezes over when in Rome when in Rome (do as the Romans do)
when in Rome do as the Romans do when it comes to the crunch when it rains, it pours when push comes to shove when someone was a (mere) twinkle in their father's eye
when someone was a mere twinkle in their father's eye when someone was a twinkle in their father's eye when the chips are down when the going gets rough when the going gets rough/tough
when the going gets tough when the going gets tough, the tough get going where whereabouts whereas
whereby wherefore wherefores where has/have something gone? where has something gone
where have something gone wherein whereof wheresoever where the action is
where the devil where there's a will there's a way where there's muck there's brass where there's smoke, there's fire whereupon
wherever wherewithal whet whether whetstone
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