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词汇 wheel
noun uk/wiːl/ us/wiːl/
A2 [ C ]轮子车轮
a circular object connected at the centre to a bar, used for making vehicles or parts of machines move
I got my bag caught in the wheel of my bicycle. 我的书包被绞进了自行车车轮里。
He lost control of his car when a front/rear wheel hit a rock as he approached the first bend. 在快到第一个转弯处时他的汽车前/后轮碰到了一块石头,失去了控制。
See also: Ferris wheel flywheel waterwheel
on wheels 装有轮子的
Something that is on wheels has wheels under it so that it can be pulled or pushed along
My suitcase is on wheels so that makes life a little easier. 我的旅行箱装有轮子,所以用起来省力一些。
I bought my niece one of those toy dogs on wheels. 我给我侄子买了个那种带轮子的玩具狗。
He has a leaf blower that's on wheels and it's so much easier to use.
I hadn't noticed that the chair was on wheels.
We need some of those storage drawers on wheels.
It's described as a 5 drawer storage trolley on wheels.
the wheelB2 车辆的方向盘
a steering wheel (= a wheel inside a vehicle that the driver turns to make the vehicle go in a particular direction)
Keep your hands on the wheel! 手不要离开方向盘!
I never feel safe with Richard at/behind the wheel (= driving). 理查德开车我就从没有放过心。
Do you think you could take the wheel (= drive) for a couple of hours? 你能不能来开几个小时车?
[ C ](船的)舵轮
a wooden or metal wheel that is turned to make a ship go in a particular direction
wheels[ plural ] old-fashioned informal 汽车
a car
I've got to get some wheels - the buses are way too slow! 我得买辆车了——公共汽车实在太慢了!
I'm going to check out some wheels at the car dealers.
Hey, nice wheels, Lee!
You need a new set of wheels, mate.
Check out those wheels!
Are you in the market for a new set of wheels?
Some nice wheels you've got there, Harry!
  • Remember to apply plenty of oil so that the wheel can rotate freely.
  • It was a real job getting the wheel off the bike.
  • The height of the steering wheel is adjustable.
  • I tried to move forwards but the wheels had locked.
  • The piano's on wheels, so we can roll it into the room.
set the wheels in motionidiom 使运转起来
to do something that will cause a series of actions to start
I thought a phone call to the right person might set the wheels in motion. 我想,给管事的人打个电话或许就会起作用。
wheels within wheelsidiom 错综复杂的事物
hidden or unknown things that influence a particular situation, making it more complicated than it at first seems
verb uk/wiːl/ us/wiːl/
[ T usually + adv/prep ]推,推动(有轮子的东西)
to push an object that has wheels so that it moves in a particular direction
I saw her last night wheeling a buggy along Green Lane. 昨天晚上我看见她推着婴儿车沿着格林小道走过。
Halfway through the talk someone wheeled in a trolley laden with drinks. 会谈进行到一半时,有人推进来一辆装满饮料的手推车。
Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to intensive care. 医生们给她戴上呼吸器,把她推到了楼下的特别护理病房。
[ I ]盘旋
to fly repeatedly in a circular pattern
She watched a flock of seagulls wheeling high above her. 她注视着一群在她头顶盘旋的海鸥。
[ I ] US很快地转过来
to turn round quickly
She suddenly wheeled and looked directly at me. 她突然转过来看着我。
Mike wheeled on Tom and started shouting. 迈克转向汤姆,大喊大叫起来。
Phrasal verbs
wheel something out 反复使用(致使他人厌烦);故伎重施
to use something or someone that you have used many times before in a way that is boring for other people
Every time we have this argument you wheel out the same old statistics, and I'm still not convinced! 每次我们争论这个问题你都搬出那一套老掉牙的数据,我还是不服气!
Year after year they wheel out the same third-rate celebrities to entertain us. 年复一年,他们一直让那群三流明星为我们演出。
wheel round 快速转身
to turn round quickly
She wheeled round to face him and saw him take out a gun. 她快速转过身面对他,看到他掏出了手枪。




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