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词汇 herself
pronoun uk/hɜːˈself/ us/hɝːˈself/
A2 她自己
used to refer to a female object of a verb, that is the same person or animal as the subject of the verb
She kept telling herself that nothing was wrong. 她不断地告诉自己一切都没有问题。
My mother would worry herself to death if she knew what I was doing. 如果我母亲知道我在做什么,她一定会担心死的。
B2 她亲自
used to emphasize a particular woman, girl, or female animal
She decorated the cake herself. 她亲自装点蛋糕。
She herself admitted that it was wrong. 她自己承认那是不对的。
(all) by herselfA2 她独自;她独立地
If a woman or girl does something by herself, she does it alone or without help from anyone else.
She lives by herself in an enormous house. 她独自一人住在一所巨大的房子里。
Holly's only three but she wrote her name all by herself. 霍丽只有3岁,但她完全能自己写自己的名字。
The child was playing by herself in the garden.
She raised four children all by herself.
Her parents started letting her walk to school by herself.
(all) to herself 她独自占用
for her use only
Mum's got the house to herself this weekend. 这个周末妈妈独自一人在家。
In her new job, Jackie has an office all to herself.
It was very early in the morning and she had the pool to herself.
She likes it when she has her father all to herself.
He sat on the hard chair while she had the entire couch all to herself.
not be/seem herself (also mainly UK not feel herself) 情绪反常
not to be, seem, or feel as happy or healthy as usual
Is Michelle all right? She doesn't seem quite herself at the moment. 米歇尔没事吧?她现在看起来很反常。
She hasn't been herself since her dog died.
She isn't herself at the moment, not least because of her broken ankle.
The whole experience has been very tough and it's clear that Sara isn't feeling herself yet.
Georgia didn't seem herself when she came to visit last weekend.
in herself UK informal (用于描述或询问女性生病后的精神状况)
used when describing or asking about a woman's state of mind when she is physically ill
I know she's got back trouble but how is she in herself? 我知道她又患病了,那她现在怎么样?
She was still coughing but she seemed fine in herself.
Lara looked frail but she was a lot better in herself.
I haven't spoken to Donna for a while, so I don't really know how she is in herself these days.
Despite her injuries, she seemed to be fine in herself.
  • She went shopping to cheer herself up.
  • She was too frightened to go herself, so she sent her son to find out the news.
  • She gave me a signed photograph of herself.
  • She sprayed herself with perfume.
  • "I'm so glad to see you!" she said, seating herself between Eleanor and Marianne.
keep (herself) to herselfidiom 独处,不常与人交谈
to spend a lot of time alone, not talking to other people very much.
My neighbour was an elderly lady who kept to herself. 我的邻居是一位年长的女士,不怎么和人说话。




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