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词汇 sort
noun uk/sɔːt/ us/sɔːrt/
A2 [ C ]种类,类型
a group of things that are of the same type or that share similar qualities
We both like the same sort of music. 我们俩喜欢同一类音乐。
I'm going to have a salad of some sort. 我想吃一些色拉。
What sort of shoes will I need? 我需要什么样的鞋子呢?
We saw all sorts (= many types) of animals in the park. 我们在公园里看见了各种各样的动物。
Many sorts of bacteria are resistant to penicillin. 有很多种细菌能抵抗青霉素。
This sort of camera is very expensive. 这种照相机很贵。
Plants of this sort need shady conditions. 这种植物需要在阴凉的环境下生长。
your sort 某人喜欢的类型
the type of thing or person that you like
Hmm, this is my sort of wine! 嗯,这是我喜欢的葡萄酒!
I'd have thought these black trousers were more your sort of thing. 我本以为这条黑色裤子才是你喜欢的那种。
I wouldn't have thought he was your sort (= was the type of man you would be attracted to). 我没想到你喜欢他这种类型。
(and) that sort of thingB1 informal …之类,等等
used to show that what you have just said is only an example from a much larger group of things
They sell souvenirs, postcards, that sort of thing. 他们卖纪念品、明信片之类的东西。
  • He struck me as an affable sort of a man.
  • There was some sort of property deal that didn't come off.
  • He hates physical contact of any sort - he doesn't even like to shake your hand.
  • What sort of music do you like dancing to?
  • His condition was diagnosed as some sort of blood disorder.
[ C usually singular ] UK old-fashioned某一种人
a person having the stated or suggested character
He seemed like a decent sort to me. 在我看来,他似乎是很正派的那种人。
be out of sortsidiom 有些不舒服;有点不高兴
to be slightly ill or slightly unhappy
I've been feeling tired and headachy and generally out of sorts. 我一直感到疲劳和头疼,总体来说有些不舒服。
it takes all sorts (to make a world)idiom UK saying (US it takes all kinds ) 世界之大,无奇不有;林子大了,什么鸟都有
said to emphasize that people have different characters, opinions, and abilities, and that you should accept this
of sortsidiom (also of a sort) 勉强称得上的,凑合的
used to describe something that is not a typical or good example of something
He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. 他用一条旧床单凑合做了个窗帘。
(a) sort ofidiom informalB1 有点像,近似于
used to describe something approximately
It's a sort of pale orange colour. 那近乎浅橙色。
sort ofidiom informalB1 有几分在某种程度上
in some way or to some degree
I was sort of hoping to leave early today. 我今天有点儿想早一些离开。
It's sort of silly, but I'd like a copy of the photograph. 这可能有点傻,可这张照片我想要一张。
verb uk/sɔːt/ us/sɔːrt/
B2 [ I or T ]把…分类;整理拣选
to put a number of things in an order or to separate them into groups
Paper, plastic, and cans are sorted for recycling. 纸张、塑料和罐子分开归类以便回收。
I'm going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away. 我打算把这些旧书分成要留下的和要扔掉的两类。
You can use the computer to sort the newspaper articles alphabetically, by date, or by subject. 你可以用电脑把这些报刊文章按字母顺序、日期或主题进行排列。
She found the ring while sorting (through) some clothes. 她在整理衣服时找到了那枚戒指。
  • Eggs are sorted into different sizes by a machine.
  • We no longer use manual sorting of letters.
  • The eggs are sorted into different sizes.
  • They sorted the rotten apples from the good ones.
  • The students were sorted according to ability.
[ T ] UK informal修理;整理好,安排妥当
to deal with something by repairing or organizing it
Can you sort the car by tomorrow? 你明天能把汽车修好吗?
We must get the phone sorted soon. 我们必须马上找人把电话修好。
I must get this paperwork sorted before I go on holiday next week. 我下星期度假之前必须把这些文书工作处理完。
  • In all seriousness now - joking aside - I do think there's a problem here that we've got to get sorted.
  • I need to get tomorrow's food sorted.
  • At least that's Sam's birthday present sorted.
  • The plumber came and got the leak sorted.
  • I need to get my bike sorted.
Phrasal verbs
sort something out 分拣出,挑出
to separate one type of things from a group of things
Sort out any clothes you want to throw away and give them to me. 把你打算扔掉的衣服拣出来给我。
See also: sort-out
sort something/someone outB2 解决,处理好
to deal successfully with a problem, a situation, or a person who is having difficulties
We've sorted out the computer system's initial problems. 我们已经解决了计算机系统最初出现的问题。
[ + question word ] It'll be difficult to sort out how much each person owes. 要弄清楚每个人都欠多少钱会很不容易。
Most of the job involves sorting out customers who have queries. 这项工作的主要内容是处理好顾客们提出的问题。
See also: sort-out
sort someone out 惩罚某人);收拾(某人
to punish or attack someone, usually to make the person understand that they have behaved badly
Has he been bothering you again - do you want me to sort him out? 他是不是又在烦你了——是否需要我教训教训他?




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