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词汇 sorry
adjective uk/ˈsɒr.i/ us/ˈsɔːr.i/
A2 [ after verb ]悲伤的,难过的;惋惜的
feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has happened or been done
I'm just sorry about all the trouble I've caused her. 我为给她带来的所有麻烦而感到抱歉。
He'd really upset her and he didn't seem at all sorry. 他确实惹恼了她,但他似乎一点儿也不感到愧疚。
[ + (that) ] I'm sorry (that) you had such a difficult journey. 你的行程如此艰辛,我深表同情。
[ + to infinitive ] We were both sorry to hear you've been ill again. 听说你又生病了,我们两个都很难过。
I feel so sorry for their kids - it must be really hard for them. 我为孩子们感到十分难过——对他们而言肯定非常艰难。
Compare: apologetic
feel sorry for yourselfdisapproving (对自己的遭遇而感到)愤愤不平
to feel sad because you have a problem and you feel that it is not fair that you are suffering so much
He sounded very sorry for himself on the phone. 他在电话里听上去一肚子怨气。
I'm sorry to say 我很遗憾;我很抱歉
used to show that something that must be said causes sadness or disappointment
I'm sorry to say that the project's funding has been cancelled. 我很遗憾,项目的资金被取消了。
Most people who start the exercise class do, I'm sorry to say, give up within the first two weeks. 我很遗憾,参加这门健身课的大多数人确实在头两周内就放弃了。
  • I feel sorry for the kids, too - they've had a hard time.
  • I was sorry to hear about your trouble on holiday.
  • I feel so sorry for people in that situation.
  • I'm just sorry about messing him around again.
  • I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.
A1 [ after verb ]抱歉的,对不起的
used to say that you wish you had not done what you have done, especially when you want to be polite to someone you have done something bad to
Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't see you there. 哦,很抱歉——我在那儿没看见你。
Tom, I'm so sorry about last night - it was all my fault. 汤姆,我对昨晚的事感到非常抱歉——都是我的错。
I've said I'm sorry. 我已经说对不起了。
  • I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday.
  • I'm sorry I'm late.
  • I'm genuinely sorry for what I said, I really am.
  • I'm sorry, I was only trying to be helpful.
  • I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm sorryB2 (婉转地表示拒绝或反对)对不起,抱歉
used to show politeness when refusing something or disagreeing
I'm sorry, but I think you've made a mistake. 对不起,但我认为你犯了一个错误。
I'm sorry, I can't agree. 很抱歉,我不能同意。
sorry sight, state, tale, etc. 悲惨的景象/糟糕的状况/糟糕的事情(等等
a bad condition or situation
He was a sorry sight when he got home - soaking and covered in mud. 他到家的时候,一副惨兮兮的样子——浑身湿透了,而且都是泥。
It's a sorry situation when there isn't any food in the house. 家里什么吃的都没有,真是够可怜的。
exclamation uk/ˈsɒr.i/ us/ˈsɔːr.i/
used when apologizing for something
"That's my foot you're stepping on." "Sorry!" “你踩了我的脚。”“对不起!”
  • Sorry - I didn't catch what you said.
  • Sorry, could you say that again?
  • Sorry, this area is closed to the public.
  • Sorry, I can't let you in without identification.
  • Sorry, can I see your pass?
used to show politeness when refusing something or disagreeing
Sorry, you can't go in there. 抱歉,你不能到那里面去。
used when politely asking someone to repeat something or when politely interrupting someone
"He's late." "Sorry?" "I said he's late." “他迟到了。”“你说什么?”“我说他迟到了。”
Sorry, could you just say that last sentence again please? 我没听清楚,你能否把最后一句话重复一下?




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