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词汇 start
verb uk/stɑːt/ us/stɑːrt/
A1 [ I or T ]开始;着手
to begin doing something
When do you start your course/your new job? 你什么时候开始你的课程/新工作?
We'll be starting (the session) at six o'clock. 我们将在6点钟开始(议程)。
Can you start (= begin a new job) on Monday? 星期一你能开始工作吗?
[ + -ing verb ] They started building the house in January. 他们1月份动工盖这所房子。
[ + to infinitive ] I'd just started to write a letter when the phone rang. 我刚开始写信,电话铃就响了。
B2 [ I or T ] (also start up)(企业或其他机构)开业,开始运营;创办,开办
If a business or other organization starts, or if someone starts one, it is created and starts to operate.
She started her own software company. 她创办了自己的软件公司。
A lot of new restaurants have started up in the region. 这个地区有很多家新餐馆开业。
B1 [ I or T ]使发生;(使开始
to begin to happen or to make something begin to happen
A new series about wildlife has started on Monday nights. 一档新的野生动物节目已开始在每周一晚上播出。
Police believe the fire was started by arsonists. 警方认为这起火灾是有人蓄意纵火。
A1 [ I or T ](从…)开始
to begin a set of activities with the thing or person mentioned
The speaker started with a description of her journey to China. 讲演者讲述了她的中国之行作为开场白。
Give me your answers one by one, starting with Lucy. 请一个接一个地回答我的问题,从露西开始。
You could start by weeding the flowerbeds. 你开始时可以先给花坛除草。
He started his working life as an engineer but later became a teacher. 他刚开始工作时是工程师,但后来做了老师。
[ I ] informal开始抱怨;开始惹人厌烦
to begin to complain or be annoying in some way
Don't start with me - we're not going and that's that! 别烦人——我们不去,没的商量!
informal "It would help if Richard did some work." "Oh, don't get me started on Richard!" “如果理查德做了些工作就好了。”“噢,别提理查德了,说起来我就生气!”
get started 开始
to begin
When can we get started? 我们什么时候能开始?
Let's get started on cleaning the house.
We can't get started until we secure some funding.
I know the amount of work seems daunting, but it will be fine once we get started.
This money will enable us to get started on a new bicycle trail linking the two towns.
start a family 生育第一个孩子
to have your first child
At that point, we were thinking of starting a family.
He returned to his home town, got married and started a family.
They asked us if we were planning to start a family soon.
When she took the job, she put her plans to start a family on hold.
After starting a family, many of our staff decide to go part-time.
start something 挑起争论(或打斗)
to begin an argument or a fight
You could tell the guy wanted to start something, so we just walked away. 看得出这个家伙想挑事,于是我们就走开了。
I think they're going to start something if we don't leave right now.
Katie had an angry look on her face and I was worried that she might start something.
I was on edge all evening, waiting for Wes to start something.
There's no need to start something just because you disagree with him.
start work 开始上班;参加工作
to begin being employed
He started work at 16 in a bakery. 他16岁开始在当地的一家面包房干活。
She didn't really start work until she was 25.
I'll start paying my parents some rent as soon as I start work.
If you think uni is tough, wait until you start work!
She started work as a nutritionist after leaving college.
to start withB2 最初,一开始;首先
at the beginning, or as the first of several things
We only knew two people in Montreal to start with, but we soon made friends. 起初我们在蒙特利尔只认识两个人,但很快就交到了朋友。
To start with, we need better computers - then we need more training. 首先,我们需要更好的电脑——其次,我们需要更多的培训。
You wanted to know why I left my job. Well, to start with, I was spending a quarter of my salary on train fares to get there.
To start with, I'd like to give you all a bit of the background to our proposal.
It's best to approach a publisher in your own country, at least to start with.
  • He started as an actor, making his debut as a director in 1990.
  • As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.
  • People have started to gossip about us.
  • The party had hardly started when she left.
  • Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander.
[ I usually + adv/prep ]出发;动身,启程;开始,(自…)
to begin at one point and then move to another, in distance or range
The run starts at/from the entrance to the park. 跑步活动的出发地点是公园大门口。
We'll need to start (off/out) early because the journey takes six hours. 我们需要早点儿出发,因为路上需要6个小时。
Tell me what happened - start at the beginning. 告诉我发生了什么事——从头说起。
Ticket prices start at/from €80 and go up to €500. 票价80欧元起,最高500欧元。
[ I ]突然一惊;吓一跳
to move your body suddenly because something has surprised or frightened you
He started at the sound of the phone. 电话铃声把他吓了一跳。
B2 [ I or T ] (also start up)使)开始工作;开动,启动
to (cause to) begin to work or operate
I'm having trouble starting the car. 我的车发动不起来。
The engine won't start. 发动机启动不了。
Phrasal verbs
start (something) offB1 使)(以…)开始
to begin by doing something, or to make something begin by doing something
She started off the meeting with the monthly sales report. 她在会议开始时首先做了月度销售报告。
I'd like to start off by thanking you all for coming today. 首先,我想感谢大家今天的光临。
start someone off 帮助某人开始做(尤指工作)
to help someone to start an activity, especially a piece of work
I'll start her off on some fairly basic stuff and see how she gets on. 我会先让她做些相当基础的事情,看看她做得如何。
to make someone start to laugh, cry, or talk about something that they talk about often
I could see Emma trying not to laugh and of course that started me off. 我注意到埃玛想忍住不笑,当然,那却惹得我笑了出来。
start on something 着手处理;开始进行;开始使用
to start to deal with something, or to start to use something
I'm just about to start on the cleaning. 我正要开始打扫卫生。
When did your baby start on solid food? 你的孩子从什么时候开始吃固体食物的?
start on at someone UK开始责备,开始数落
to start complaining angrily to someone about something they have done
She started on at him about the way he's always looking at other women. 她开始数落起他来,埋怨他老盯着其他女人看个不停。
start outC1 开始人生;开始职业生涯
to begin your life, or the part of your life when you work, in a particular way
My dad started out as a salesperson in a shop. 我爸爸最初在一家商店当售货员。
start over 重新开始,重做
to begin to do something again, sometimes in a different way
We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over. 我们决定把报告的第一稿推翻重写。
I made some mistakes. I'm going to have to start again.
start (something) up 使)(公司或机构)成立;创办
If a business or other organization starts up, or if someone starts one up, it is created and starts to operate.
Many small businesses started up in the 1980s to cater to this growing market. 20世纪80年代,为满足这个日渐壮大的市场的需要,许多小型企业应运而生。
We ought to start up a drama group. 我们应该成立一个戏剧社。
If a vehicle or engine starts up, or someone starts it up, it starts to work.
The car wouldn't start up this morning. 今天早上汽车发动不起来了。
noun uk/stɑːt/ us/stɑːrt/
B1 [ S ]开始,开端,开头
the beginning of something
We were doubtful about the product's usefulness from the start. 从一开始我们就对这个产品的效用抱有疑问。
They announced the start of a new commercial venture. 他们宣布创办一个新的企业。
The weather was good at the start (= in the first part) of the week. 本周初天气不错。
The event got off to a shaky/poor start with the stage lights failing in the first few minutes. 活动开局不顺/不利,舞台灯光头几分钟就出了问题。
C2 [ C ]开始
the act of beginning to do something
We need to make a start on (preparing) the brochure next week. 我们下星期需要开始准备小册子了。
from start to finishC1 从头到尾,自始至终
including all of something, from the beginning to the end
The whole party was a disaster from start to finish. 整个过程自始至终糟糕透了。
The exercises take about 50 minutes from start to finish.
The performance kept up the same high energy levels from start to finish.
Johnson was in charge of the project from start to finish.
From start to finish, the investigation into his death was beset by errors and deliberate attempts at sabotage.
for a startC1 UK 首先;第一
first, or as the first in a set of things
We'll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details. 我们先记下名字和电话号码,之后可以获取更多的细节。
For a start, let's see if we can persuade her to go to school every day.
Today we're cooking chilli. Let's all wash our hands for a start.
For a start, we can contact all the residents in the street and find out what they think about the closure.
I'm thinking of training as a youth worker, but I'm just volunteering at a youth club for a start.
  • I was standing near her at the start of the race.
  • I was so optimistic at the start of the year.
  • At the start of the film I was a bit sceptical.
  • We've made a good start on decorating the living room.
  • I'm going to make a start on sorting out these boxes.
C2 [ S ](给予他人的)让先
an advantage that you have over someone else when you begin something
We gave the youngest children a five-second start (= in a race). 比赛开始时我们给年龄最小的孩子五秒钟让先。
[ S ]突然一惊;吓一跳
a sudden movement of the body that you make when something has surprised or frightened you
He woke with a start. 他抖了一下,惊醒了。
She gave a start as I entered. 我进去时她吓了一跳。




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