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词汇 put
verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
A1 [ T + adv/prep ]把…放在;放置
to move something or someone into the stated place, position, or direction
Where have you put the keys? 你把钥匙放在哪了?
Put your clothes in the cupboard. 把你的衣服放在衣橱里。
He put salt into the sugar bowl by mistake. 他把盐误放在了糖罐里。
She put her bag on the table. 她把包放在桌子上。
She put her hands over her eyes. 她用双手捂住了眼睛。
I put my arm around him to comfort him. 我搂住他,给他安慰。
We always put the cat out (= outside the house) at night. 我们晚上总是把猫留在屋外。
Every night, she puts out her clothes (= takes them from where they are kept so that they are ready) for the next day. 每天晚上她都把衣服拿出来,准备好第二天穿。
If we put the chairs a little closer together (= move them nearer to each other), we should be able to get another one around the table. 我们把椅子挨近点的话,应该能在桌子边再放下一把。
If you put together (= mix) yellow and blue paint you get green. 你把黄色和蓝色的颜料混合就会得到绿色。
The prisoners were put up against (= moved into a position next to) a wall and shot. 犯人们被带到墙边击毙。
  • I've put the beer in the fridge to chill.
  • Why don't we put the bed against the wall?
  • Aha, that's where I put my keys!
  • Throw your gun down and put your hands in the air.
  • I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.
A2 [ T + adv/prep ]
to write something
She puts her name in all her books. 她在她所有的书上都写上了自己的名字。
Put an X next to the name of the candidate you want to vote for. 在你想选的候选人姓名旁画个叉。
I've put the date of the party down in my diary. 我已经把聚会的日期记在了我的记事本里。
He asked me to put my objections (down) on paper. 他让我把反对的理由写下来。
It was an interesting article but I wish they'd put in more information (= included more information) about the costs. 这篇文章很有趣,不过他们要是提供了更多有关费用的信息就更好了。
  • Put your name at the top of each sheet.
  • I put something about my previous work experience.
  • This is where you have to put your family details.
  • Put the address in the top, right-hand corner.
  • She put that she wanted to work in the media.
C2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]说,表述,表达
to express something in words
She wanted to tell him that she didn't want to see him any more, but she didn't know how to put it. 她想告诉他再也不想见到他了,但不知如何开口。
We're going to have to work very hard, but as Chris so succinctly put it, there's no gain without pain. 我们不得不努力工作,就像克里斯十分精辟地指出的那样,不劳则无获。
Why do you always have to put things so crudely? 你为什么说话总是这么粗鲁?
Has everyone had a chance to put their point of view? 每个人都有机会发表自己的看法吗?
put a price/value/figure on something 估价
to say what you think the price or value of something is
The agent has put a price of £720,000 on our house. 经纪人估计我们的房子值72万英镑。
You can't put a value on friendship (= say what it is worth). 友谊是无价的。
There will be a rate increase, but plans aren't far enough along to put a price on it yet.
Ministers were reluctant to put a figure on how much extra trade this agreement will bring in.
Today bosses put a figure on the number of job losses that will happen over the next year.
to put it bluntly, simply, mildly, etc. 直言不讳/简单地说/简而言之/委婉地说
used to describe the way you are expressing an event or opinion
To put it bluntly, you're going to have to improve. 恕我直言,你还得改进。
He was annoyed, to put it mildly (= he was very annoyed). 说得好听一点,他有点儿不太高兴。
To put it simply, the business must change or it will go under.
She found her new colleagues uninspiring, to put it bluntly.
They are hardly the most popular couple in town right now, to put it mildly.
  • To put it simply - I think she's wrong.
  • "What's her new boyfriend like?" "Well, how shall I put it? He's unusual."
  • You really should try to put things a bit more tactfully - you've upset her now.
  • This sentence is rather confusing - how can we put it a bit more clearly?
  • On yesterday's programme, we heard the actor put his views on media harassment very forcefully.
B2 [ T ]使处于某种状态(或境地、局面)
to cause someone or something to be in the stated condition or situation
Are you prepared to put your children at risk? 你打算要置孩子们于危险境地吗?
This puts me in a very difficult position. 这让我处于非常困难的境地。
What has put you in such a bad mood? 是什么让你的心情这么糟糕?
This election is a chance for the country to put a new government in (= elect a new government). 这次选举是该国选出新政府的一个机会。
It's broken into so many pieces, it'll be impossible to put it back together again (= repair it). 已经碎成这么多块了,不可能再修复了。
Let's give her the chance to put her ideas into practice. 让我们给她一个把她的想法付诸实践的机会。
The terrorists were put on trial (= their case was judged in a court of law) six years after the bombing. 恐怖分子在爆炸发生6年后受到了审判。
Wilson was put out (of the competition) (= was defeated) by Clarke in the second round. 威尔森在第2轮被克拉克淘汰出局。
[ + adj ] How much did it cost to have the television put right (= repaired)? 修好电视机花了多少钱?
I originally thought he was Australian, but he soon put me straight (= corrected me) and explained he was from New Zealand. 我原以为他是澳大利亚人,不过很快他就纠正了我,解释说他是新西兰人。
I know she's gone forever, but I just can't put her out of my mind/head (= forget her). 我知道她永远地离开了,但我就是无法忘记她。
He's putting me under pressure to change my mind. 他在对我施加压力以使我改变主意。
  • That walk has put some colour in your cheeks.
  • If you can't control your dog, put it on a lead!
  • My doctor's put me on a course of antibiotics.
  • The doctor put me on a low-salt diet to reduce my blood pressure.
  • We put up our tents and made a small fire.
[ T usually + adv/prep ]实施带来造成
to bring into operation; to cause to be used
When the drugs failed to cure her, she put her faith/trust in herbal medicine. 西药不能治好她的病时,她转而相信草药了。
The school puts a lot of emphasis on teaching children to read and write. 学校非常重视对孩子们的读写教育。
He's putting pressure on me to change my mind. 他正在对我施加压力,想让我改变主意。
The events of the last few weeks have put a real strain on him. 过去几周发生的事让他背负了很大的压力。
In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the wicked fairy puts a spell/curse (US hex) on the baby princess. 在《睡美人》这个故事中,那个邪恶的仙女对小公主施了魔咒。
You know it was your fault, so don't try to put the blame on anyone else. 你清楚那是你自己的错,所以别想怪罪别人。
The government is expected to put a new tax on cars. 预计政府将对汽车开征一项新税。
The new tax will put 15 percent on fuel prices (= increase them by 15 percent). 新税收将会使燃油价格上涨15%。
She's never put a bet/money on a race before. 她以前从不赌赛马。
He put everything he had into (= he used all his abilities and strength in) the final game. 他全力投入决赛。
The more you put into something, the more you get out of it (= the harder you work at something, the more satisfying it is). 你投入越多,收获就越多。
They put (= invested) a lot of money into the family business. 他们把许多钱投入到家族企业中。
The president is trying to put through (= bring into operation) reforms of the country's economic system. 总统正试图对该国的经济体制进行改革。
They've got to put an end to/a stop to their fighting (= to stop fighting). 他们必须停止争斗。
  • The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers.
  • Johnson was influential in persuading the producers to put money into the film.
  • Their constant arguments were putting a strain on their marriage.
  • She tried to cure the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint.
  • You must try to put a curb on your spending habits.
[ T + adv/prep ]判断,估计
to judge something or someone in comparison with other similar things or people
I'd put him among the top six tennis players of all time. 我会把他列为有史以来最优秀的6位网球选手之一。
Drama critics have put her on a level/par with the great Shakespearean actresses. 剧评家把她和一些伟大的莎剧女演员相提并论。
He always puts the needs of his family first/last (= they are the most/least important thing to him). 他总是把家庭的需要放在首位/末位。
[ I + adv/prep ]航行
to travel in a boat or ship across the sea
Our mast broke, so we had to put about (= turn round) and return to port. 我们的桅杆坏了,因此只好掉头向港口返航。
The ship put in at (= stopped at) Cape Town for fresh supplies. 轮船停靠在开普敦以补充新鲜补给。
We put to sea (= began our journey by sea) at dawn. 我们拂晓启航。
put your back into somethingidiom 耗费很大体力做…
to use a lot of physical effort to try to do something
You could dig this plot in an afternoon if you really put your back into it. 如果你卖力干的话,一下午就能刨完这块地。
put yourself in someone's place/position/shoesidiom 处在某人的)角度考虑
to imagine how someone else feels in a difficult situation
Put yourself in my place - what else could I have done? 你站在我的角度想想,我还能做什么呢?
put someone to somethingidiom 使某人感到某人
to cause someone to experience or do something
Your generosity puts me to shame. 你的宽宏大量让我感到羞愧。
I've put the children to work clearing the snow from the path. 我让孩子们去干活,清扫道路上的雪。
I hope we're not putting you to any inconvenience. 我希望我们没有给你添麻烦。
put it aboutidiom UK informal (also put yourself about) 滥交,生活放荡
to have sex with a lot of different people
Have you been putting it about recently, then? 那么说,你最近生活有些放纵是吗?
put it there!idiom informal (达成协议或取得一致意见时的用语)握个手吧!
something that you say when you want someone to shake your hand to show that you have just made an agreement
"So, do we have a deal?" "Sure, put it there." “那么,我们达成协议了?”“当然,我们握手庆祝一下吧。”
put one over on someoneidiom informal 欺骗某人),哄骗(某人
to trick someone
He'd tried to put one over on the tax office and got found out. 他企图蒙骗税务局,但被查出来了。
put the shotidiom 推铅球,掷铅球
to throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible in a sports competition
He won the gold medal for putting the shot. 他获得了铅球项目的金牌。
put the squeeze on someoneidiom slang (US also put the bite on someone) 某人要钱
to ask someone to give you money
She put the squeeze on her mother for a hundred bucks. 她向她妈妈要了100美元。
The insurance company put the bite on me for a huge increase in my premium after I crashed the car. 我把车撞坏以后,保险公司对我收取的保险费提高了很多。
Phrasal verbs
put something about/around 到处散布谣言),造谣
to tell a lot of people something that is not true
[ + that ] I'd like to know who put the rumour around that I'm pregnant. 我想知道谁在到处造谣说我怀孕了。
Someone's been putting it about that Dan is leaving. 有人在四处造谣说丹要走了。
put something across/over someone 欺骗某人)相信…
to cause a piece of false information to be believed by one or more people
You didn't manage to put that story over on the tax people, did you? 你没能用那个故事来欺骗税务员,对吧?
put something across 表达(或解释)清楚(自己的想法或观点)
to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them easily
It's an interesting idea and I thought he put it across well. 这个想法很有趣,我认为他表达得很清楚。
put yourself across 清楚表达自己的想法(或观点)
to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them and realize what you are like as a person
I don't think I managed to put myself across very well in my interview. 我觉得面试时我没有把自己的意思表达清楚。
put something asideB2 留出时间);存(
to save something, usually time or money, for a special purpose
I put aside a little every month for a deposit on a house. 我每月存一点钱支付房子的首付。
He tries to put some time aside every evening to read to the kids. 他设法每天晚上腾出些时间读书给孩子们听。
C2 (分歧或问题)撇开不理,搁置
If you put a disagreement or problem aside, you ignore it temporarily so that it does not prevent you doing what you want to do.
Let's put our differences aside and make a fresh start. 让我们撇开分歧,重新开始。
Can we put that question aside for now, and come back to it later? 我们暂时先把那个问题搁置一旁,稍后回头再来考虑好吗?
put something at something 推测,估计(某物的价格、大小、数量等)
to guess or roughly calculate that something will cost a particular amount, or that something is a particular size, number, or amount
The value of the painting has been put at £1 million. 这幅画估价为100万英镑。
I'd put her at (= guess that her age is) about 35. 我估计她大约35岁。
put something awayB1 把…收拾(或储藏)起来
to put something in the place or container where it is usually kept
Put your toys away now. 现在把你的玩具收起来。
to eat a large amount of food
He put away a whole box of chocolates in one evening. 他一晚上吃掉了整整一盒巧克力。
put someone away informal把…送进精神病院(或养老院等)
to move someone into a place where people live and are cared for together, such as a mental hospital or old people's home
In the past, people who suffered from schizophrenia were often put away. 过去,患精神分裂症的人通常都被送进精神病院。
to send someone to prison
After what he did, he deserves to be put away for life. 他做了那样的事,被终身监禁是罪有应得。
put something backB1 将…放回原处
to return an object to where it was before it was moved
Will you put the books back when you've finished with them? 你看完书把它们放回原处好吗?
to delay a planned event
We had to put the meeting back a week. 我们不得不将会议推迟一周。
mainly UK informal快速喝(尤指大量的酒)
to drink something quickly, especially a large amount of alcohol
He regularly puts back six pints a night - I don't know how he does it. 他通常一晚上要喝6品脱酒,不知道他是怎么喝下去的。
to change a clock or watch to make it show an earlier time, for example because you are now in a part of the world where the time is different
put something before someone 把…看得比(某人重要
to give more attention to one thing than another because you think it is more important
I'd never put my work before my family. 我决不会把工作看得比家庭重要。
to formally tell or explain facts or ideas to a group of people in authority
We have to put our proposal before the committee. 我们必须向委员会解释我们的提议。
More phrasal verbs
put something behind you (不愉快的经历)抛在脑后
If you put an unpleasant experience behind you, you stop thinking about it, so that it does not affect your life.
Like any divorce, it was a painful business but I've put it all behind me now. 离婚都一样,都是令人痛苦的事,不过我现在已经把它抛在脑后了。
put something by
to save an amount of money to use later
I try to put by a few pounds every week. 我设法每周存几英镑。
put something/someone downB1 放下;卸下
to put an object that you are holding onto the floor or onto another surface, or to stop carrying someone
I put my bags down while we spoke. 我们说话时我放下了我的包。
Put me down, Daddy! 把我放下,爸爸!
B2 登记,记下(某人的名字)
to write someone's name on a list or document, usually in order to include that person in an event or activity
Do you want me to put you down for the trip to London? 你想报名去伦敦旅游吗?
I've put myself down for the office football team. 我已经报名参加部门的足球队了。
If you want to get your children into that school, you have to put their names down at birth. 如果你想让你的孩子们上那所学校就必须在他们出生时就报名。
put something downB1 放下电话听筒
If you put the phone down, you place it or the receiver back in the position you keep it in when it is not being used.
to pay part of the cost and promise to pay the rest later
I've put a deposit down on a new car. 我已经为新车支付了定金。
put someone down informal贬低某人),奚落(某人
to make someone feel silly or not important by criticizing them
Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that? 你为什么要在大家面前那样数落我?
to place and make a baby comfortable in the place where it sleeps
I'd just put Jack down for his nap. 我刚把杰克放在床上让他小睡一会儿。
put (something) down (somewhere) 飞机着陆
When an aircraft puts down, it lands, and when pilots put down their aircraft, they land.
She put down safely in the corner of the airfield. 她在机场的一个角落安全降落。
put someone down somewhere 某人下车
to stop a vehicle and allow someone to get out of it or off it
Ask the taxi driver to put you down outside the church. 告诉出租车司机让你在教堂外下车。
put someone down as something 认为(尤指不熟的人)是,将(尤指不熟的人)看作
to think that someone is a particular type of person, especially when you do not know them very well
I'd hate them to put me down as a snob. 我讨厌他们把我看作势利小人。
put someone down for something 记下某人)(答应捐款的数额)
to make a record that someone has promised to pay a particular amount of money as part of a collection to help people in need
Put me down for a £10 donation. 请你记下我捐10英镑。
put something down to something 把…归因于…
to think that a problem or situation is caused by a particular thing
I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired. 我认为孩子们表现不好是因为他们累了。
put something/someone forwardC1 提出(想法或计划);推荐(某人
to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider
The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration. 你提出的建议值得认真考虑。
I wasn't convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward. 他提出的论据没有一条能让我信服。
Many suggestions have been put forward, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election. 已经提出了许多建议,但明年的大选过后才可能作出决定。
The peace plan put forward last August has been revived for the latest round of negotiations. 去年8月份提出的和平计划在最近的一轮谈判中被再次提出。
She has decided to put her name/put herself forward as a candidate. 她决定申请当候选人。
put something forward UK向前拨,拨快(钟表
to change a clock or watch to make it show a later time, especially an hour later
Most European countries put the clocks forward in the spring. 大多数欧洲国家会在春季将钟表拨快一小时。
put something in 安装设备
to fix a large piece of equipment or system into a room or building, ready to be used
I've just had central heating/a new kitchen put in. 我刚刚安装了一个中央供暖系统/一个新厨房。
to formally offer a particular thing to be considered
I've put in an application to the college. 我已经向这所大学提交了报名申请。
They've put in a bid for the company/a bid to buy the company. 他们投标购买该公司。
put something in/put something into something 花费(大量时间或精力)
to spend a lot of time or effort doing something
You've obviously put a lot of work in on your garden. 你显然为你的花园花费了很多精力。
If I put in some extra hours (= spend some extra hours working) today, I can have some time off tomorrow. 如果我今天多工作几个小时的话,明天就可以休息一会儿了。
We've put a lot of time and effort into making the house look nice. 我们花了很多时间和精力让房子看起来漂亮些。
put (something) in (话)
to say something that adds to or interrupts what is already being said
[ + speech ] "But she's too inexperienced for the job," put in Jane. “但是这份工作她很缺乏经验,”简插嘴说。
put in for something 正式要求,申请
to make an official request to have or do something
I'm putting in for a job at the hospital. 我要向医院申请一份工作。
Richard's finally put in for his driving test. 理查德终于申请了驾照考试。
put something into something (同 put sth in)
→  put something in/put something into something
put something offB1 推迟,拖延
to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date
The meeting has been put off for a week. 会议被推迟了1周。
[ + -ing verb ] I can't put off going to the dentist any longer. 我不能再拖着不去看牙医了。
put someone off 拒绝某人);阻止某人
to tell someone that you cannot see them or do something for them, or to stop someone from doing something, until a later time
I really don't want to go out with Helen and Greg tonight - can't we put them off ? 我今晚真的不想跟海伦和格雷格出去——我们就不能不见他们吗?
He keeps asking me out, and I keep putting him off. 他不停地约我出去,我一直拒绝他。
put someone off (something) (从…)分散某人)的注意力,让(某人打消(…)的念头
to take someone's attention away from what they want to be doing or should be doing
Once she's made up her mind to do something, nothing will put her off. 她一旦下定决心做什么事情,没有什么能让她改变主意。
Could you be quiet please - I'm trying to concentrate and you're putting me off. 请你安静些好吗——我想要集中注意力,而你打扰了我。
The sudden flash of the camera put the players off their game. 照相机突然闪光,分散了选手们比赛的注意力。
put someone off (something/someone)B2 使反感;使泄气
to make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something
The smell of hospitals always puts me off. 我一直很讨厌医院里的气味。
You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people. 不得不加班,这让很多人非常反感。
His attitude put me right off him. 他的态度让我对他很反感。
[ + -ing verb ] Personally, I didn't enjoy the film, but don't let that put you off going. 就我个人而言,我不喜欢这部电影,不过别让这扫了你的兴。
put something onA2 使)(CD播放机或DVD播放机等装置)运行
to make a device operate, or to cause a device to play something, such as a CD or DVD, by pressing a switch
Could you put the light on? 你能把灯打开吗?
Do you mind if I put the television/some music on? 你介意我打开电视机/放点音乐吗?
Don't forget to put the brake on. 别忘了踩刹车。
A2 穿,戴
to cover part of the body with clothes, shoes, make-up, or something similar
Put your shoes on - we're going out. 穿上你的鞋,我们出去。
He put on his jacket. 他穿上了他的夹克衫。
She puts face cream on every night. 她每天晚上都涂面霜。
to pretend to have a particular feeling or way of behaving that is not real or natural to you
Why are you putting on that silly voice? 你为什么故意发出那么傻的声音?
There's no need to put on that injured expression - you know you're in the wrong. 没必要装出那种受伤的表情——你自己清楚你有错。
I can't tell whether he's really upset, or if he's just putting it on. 我看不出他是真的难过还是装的而已。
mainly UK生产;提供
to produce or provide something, especially for the good of other people or for a special purpose
She put on a wonderful meal for us. 她为我们做了一顿可口的饭菜。
They've put on a late-night bus service for students. 他们为学生们提供深夜公共汽车服务。
B1 长胖,体重增加
If people or animals put weight on, they become heavier.
I'd expected to put weight on when I gave up smoking, but I didn't. 我以为我戒烟后体重会增加,不过没有。
He's put on ten pounds in the last month. 他上个月体重增加了10磅。
put someone on 欺骗,愚弄(某人
to try to persuade someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke
She said she was planning to give her house to a charity for the homeless but I thought she was putting me on. 她说她打算把房子捐给为无家可归者服务的慈善机构,不过我觉得她是在骗我。
put someone on something 某人)开始使用某种药物(或食用某种食物)
to tell someone to start taking a particular medicine or eating particular foods
Doctors put her on antibiotics after discovering an infection. 医生在发现她被感染后让她开始使用抗生素。
My coach put me on a high-protein diet. 我的教练让我食用含高蛋白质餐。
put someone onto something 某人介绍(对其有益的人或物)
to introduce a person to something or someone that could bring them an advantage
David put me onto a wonderful vegetarian cookery book. 戴维给我推荐了一本很棒的素食烹饪书。
Can you put me onto (= tell me where to find) a good dentist? 你能给我推荐一个好牙医吗?
put something out
to make a light stop shining by pressing or moving a switch
Did you put the lights out downstairs? 你把楼下的灯关了吗?
Put that torch out! 把那个手电筒关上!
B1 扑灭);熄灭(香烟
to make something such as a fire or cigarette stop burning
Firefighters have been called to put out the fire in the city centre. 已经叫了消防员来扑灭市中心的火。
Would you mind putting your cigarette out, please? 请你把烟掐了好吗?
put someone out 某人)添麻烦;使某人)做额外的工作
to cause trouble or extra work for someone
Would it put you out if we came tomorrow instead of today? 如果我们今天不来明天来,会给你添麻烦吗?
[ M usually passive ]使某人愤怒(或心烦意乱)
to annoy or upset someone, often by what you do or say to them
She was very put out when they turned up two hours late for dinner. 他们吃饭迟到了两个小时,这让她非常恼火。
He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited. 没有被邀请,他似乎有点不高兴。
put yourself out (为帮助别人)尽心竭力
to make an effort to do something to help someone, even if it is not convenient
Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people. 伊桑总是愿意尽力帮助别人。
put out (尤指女性)愿意性交
(especially of a woman) to agree to have sex
I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner. 我可不会因为他请我吃了晚饭就和他上床。
put something over/across 观点表达清楚使被理解
to express an idea clearly so that people understand it
Did you feel that you managed to put over your point of view? 你认为你把自己的观点表达清楚了吗?
She's not very good at putting across her ideas. 她不太善于表达自己的观点。
put someone through something 使某人经历(不愉快的事或困难)
to make someone experience something unpleasant or difficult
I'm sorry to put you through this ordeal. 让你受这种煎熬,我很抱歉。
to pay for someone to study at school, college, or university
It's costing them a lot of money to put their children through school. 供孩子们上学花了他们很多钱。
She's putting herself through college. 她在挣钱供自己上大学。
put someone throughB1 某人)接通电话;转接
to connect a person using a phone to the person they want to speak to
Could you put me through to customer services, please? 请为我接通客服部的电话好吗?
put something to someone 某人提出(想法或计划)供考虑(或讨论)
to suggest an idea or plan to someone so that they can consider it or discuss it
"Shall we all go out for a pizza tonight?" "I don't know. I'll put it to Jim and see what he says." “今晚我们都出去吃比萨饼好吗?”“不知道,我问问吉姆,看他怎么说。”
[ + that ] formal I put it to you (= I believe it to be true), Ms Dawson, that you were in the building at the time of the murder. 道森女士,我相信发生谋杀时你在那座楼里。
to ask someone a question
I have a question I want to put to you. 我有个问题想问你。
put something togetherB2 把…组装在一起;装配;拼合,组合
to put the parts of something in the correct places and join them to each other
It took several hours to put the puzzle together. 要花好几个小时才能把拼图拼好。
C1 (通过搜集观点和建议)整理出,拼凑,凑成
to prepare a piece of work by collecting several ideas and suggestions and organizing them
The management are putting together a plan/proposal/package to rescue the company. 管理层正在整理制订出一个挽救公司的计划/建议/一揽子建议。
It takes about three weeks to put the magazine together. 把这份杂志整理出来大约要花费3周的时间。
said after a phrase that refers to a group of people or things to show that you are thinking of them as a group rather than separately
She earns more than all the rest of us put together. 她挣的比我们其他所有人挣的加起来还多。
The population of the US is bigger than that of Britain, France, and Germany put together. 美国的人口比英国、法国和德国的人口加起来还要多。
We have seen more patients with this condition in the last three months than in the last ten years put together.
That year, their government executed more prisoners than the rest of the world put together.
Simon worked harder than all the other boys put together.
put something towards something 拿出(一定量的钱)贴补着买…
to use an amount of money to pay part of the cost of something
My grandma gave me some money to put towards a new coat. 我奶奶贴补了我些钱来买一件新大衣。
put something upB1 举起,抬起,升起;高高固定起
to raise something, or to fix something in a raised position
Why don't you put up your hood/umbrella? 你怎么不戴起风帽/撑起伞?
I put my hand up to ask the teacher a question. 我举起手问了老师一个问题。
I put my hair up (= fastened it into a position on the top of my head) for the wedding. 我盘起头发参加婚礼。
B2 建造
to build something
They're planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be. 他们打算在原来的博物馆那里建一个宾馆。
We're going to put up a new fence around our garden. 我们打算在我们的花园周围建一圈新篱笆。
to fix an object to a vertical surface
We've put up some new curtains in the living room. 我们在起居室里挂上了新窗帘。
Posters advertising the concert have been put up all over the town. 全城都贴满了宣传这场音乐会的海报。
B1 mainly UK提高,抬高(价格或价值)
to increase the price or value of something
I see they've put up the price of fuel again. 我知道他们又提高了燃料价格。
to provide or lend an amount of money for a particular purpose
The money for the new hospital was put up by an anonymous donor. 建造新医院的资金是一位匿名捐赠者提供的。
His brother has agreed to put up bail for him. 他哥哥答应给他交保释金。
put up something 进行(反对或抵抗)
to show or express a particular type of opposition to something
The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops. 村民没有能力对侵略军进行任何抵抗。
We're not going to let them build a road here without putting up a fight. 他们要在这里修公路,我们不会轻易让他们得逞。
put something/someone up 提出观点);推举,提名(某人
to suggest an idea, or to make a person available, to be considered
It was Bob who originally put up the idea of the exhibition. 展览会的想法最初是鲍勃提出来的。
Each party is allowed to put up one candidate. 每个政党允许推举一名候选人。
William has been put up as a candidate for the committee. 威廉被推举为该委员会的候选人。
Is Chris willing to be put up for election? 克里斯愿意接受提名参加选举吗?
put someone upB2 某人)暂时提供住宿
to provide someone with a place to stay temporarily
Sally is putting me up for the weekend. 萨莉这个周末留我过夜。
put up 住下过夜
to stay somewhere for the night
We put up at a small hotel for the night. 我们在一家小旅馆里过的夜。
put someone up to something 唆使某人
to encourage someone to do something, usually something wrong
I think he was put up to it by his friends. 我想他干那事是他的朋友唆使的。
put up with something/someoneB2 忍受,忍耐
to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly
I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean. 房子凌乱我能忍受,但我讨厌房子不干净。
He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him. 他太喜怒无常了——我不知道她为什么要忍受他。
They have a lot to put up with (= they have a lot of difficulties). 他们遇到了很多困难。
be put upon 被利用,被人占便宜
to be treated badly by someone who takes advantage of your wish to be helpful
I'm fed up with being put upon by my boss all the time. 老是被老板利用,我受够了。




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