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词汇 plain
adjective uk/pleɪn/ us/pleɪn/
B1 朴素的不加修饰的简单的
not decorated in any way; with nothing added
She wore a plain black dress. 她穿着一件朴素的黑色连衣裙。
We've chosen a plain carpet (= one without a pattern) and patterned curtains. 我们挑了一块没有图案的地毯和带图案的窗帘。
He prefers plain food - nothing too fancy. 他喜欢清淡简单的食物——不喜欢太讲究的。
We're having plain blue walls in the dining room. 我们客厅里的墙壁要纯蓝色的。
a catalogue sent in a plain brown envelope 用纯褐色信封寄出的目录
a plain style of architecture 简朴的建筑风格
plain yogurt (= with no added fruit or sugar) 原味酸奶
Synonyms: austeresevere (PLAIN) stark
plain paper 白纸
paper that has no lines on it
a letter written on plain paper 用白纸写的一封信
The graphics were printed on plain paper.
Do you print your letters on plain paper or on your own headed notepaper?
When my computer broke down, I went back to using plain paper in a typewriter.
Take a sheet of plain paper and jot down some ideas.
  • a plain gold ring with no ornamentation
  • Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate.
  • She was dressed very soberly in a plain grey suit.
  • Do you prefer plain or striped shirts?
  • I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings.
C2 清楚的,明显的
obvious and clear to understand
It's quite plain that they don't want to speak to us. 很明显,他们不想和我们说话。
The reason is perfectly plain. 原因很清楚。
I made it quite plain (that) (= explained clearly that) I wasn't interested. 我明白地表示我不感兴趣。
[ before noun ](表示强调)完全的
(used for emphasis) complete
It was plain stupidity on Richard's part. 理查德愚蠢至极。
C2 (尤指女性)相貌平平的,不好看的
(especially of a woman or girl) not beautiful
She had been a very plain child. 她小时候并不是个漂亮的孩子。
a plain Jane 平凡的珍妮(不漂亮的女人或女孩)
a woman or girl who is not attractive
If she'd been a plain Jane, she wouldn't have had all the attention. 如果她象平凡的珍妮,她就不会成为关注的焦点。
His wife was a plain Jane with tightly curled hair and a long chin.
It's the story of a plain Jane who transforms into a glamorous beauty.
She is a resolute plain Jane who doesn't wear make-up or style her hair.
Nobody will give a plain Jane like me a second thought.
Related word: plainness
be (as) plain as the nose on your faceidiom (UK also be (as) plain as a pikestaff) 非常明显
to be very obvious
He's not happy here - that's as plain as the nose on your face. 他在这里不愉快——这是明摆着的。
be plain sailingidiom (US also be smooth sailing) 一帆风顺
to be easy and without problems
The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing. 我们开出市区时路上很拥挤,再往后就一路顺畅。
noun uk/pleɪn/ us/pleɪn/
[ C ] (also plains [ plural ])平原
a large area of flat land
the coastal plain 海边的平原
High mountains rise above the plain. 高山从平原拔地而起。
[ U ]平针
a type of simple stitch in knitting
a row of plain and two rows of purl 一排平针两排反针
adverb informal uk/pleɪn/ us/pleɪn/
I mean, taking the wrong equipment with you - that's just plain stupid. 我的意思是,你拿错仪器简直是愚蠢透顶。




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