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词汇 pin
noun [ C ] uk/pɪn/ us/pɪn/
B1 (尤指用于固定布料用的)别针,大头针
a small thin piece of metal with a point at one end, especially used for temporarily holding pieces of cloth together
I'll keep the trouser patch in place with pins while I sew it on. 在把裤子的补丁缝上去时,我会用别针把它固定好。
a thin piece of metal
If you pull the pin out of a hand-grenade, it'll explode. 拉掉手榴弹上的保险针它就会爆炸。
a two-pin/three-pin electrical plug 那是两相插头还是三相插头?
Doctors inserted a metal pin in his leg to hold the bones together. 医生们把一根钢针钉进他腿里把骨头固定住。
a decorative object, used as jewellery
a hat/tie pin 女帽饰针/领带夹
US胸针(同 brooch)
a brooch
  • He stuck up a notice on the board with pins.
  • She'd used some pins to hold the seam together.
  • I've not stitched the hem yet, it's just held up with pins.
  • Don't prick yourself on those pins.
  • They had to insert a pin into his knee joint.
[ usually plural ] old-fashioned humorous
a leg
Grandpa's very old now and he's very shaky on his pins. 爷爷现在年纪很大了,走路有点不稳。
games specialized牵制,困子(国际象棋中“牵制”或“困子”,是特殊的一步,移动后阻止另一方移动棋子,因为移动棋子会使另一个更重要的棋子有危险)
In the game of chess, a pin is a special move that stops the other player from moving one of their pieces, because to move it will put another more valuable piece in danger.
That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight. 这步讨厌的牵制,使我无法移动我的马。
be on pins and needlesidiom US 如坐针毡,焦虑不安,急得要命
to be nervously waiting to find out what is going to happen
verb uk/pɪn/ us/pɪn/ -nn-
B1 [ T + adv/prep ](用别针等)别住,钉住,固定住
to fasten something with a pin
A large picture of the president was pinned to/(up) on the office wall. 总统的巨幅照片钉在了办公室的墙上。
She had pinned up her beautiful long hair. 她把她那美丽的长发用发夹别了起来。
[ T ] US old-fashioned青年男子(青年女子)赠送首饰
When a young man pins a young woman, he gives her a piece of jewellery to show that they love each other.
  • A flower was pinned to her lapel.
  • She'd pinned a brooch on her jacket.
  • He pinned a notice on the board.
  • We're not allowed to pin anything on these walls.
  • He had a red ribbon pinned to his collar.
[ T + adv/prep ]按住,压住
to force someone or something to stay in a particular place by putting weight on him, her, or it
She was pinned (down) under a pile of rubble. 她被压在了一堆碎石下面。
A guy leaped out at me and pinned me (up) against the wall. 一个家伙向我扑过来,把我按在了墙上。
pin back your earsidiom UK informal (also pin your ears back) 倾听,仔细听
to listen carefully
pin your hopes on something/someoneidiom 把希望寄托在…上
to hope very much that something or someone will help you to achieve what you want
Phrasal verbs
pin someone down 使某人)动弹不得;困住(某人
to stop someone from escaping by surrounding and shooting at them if they try to escape
[ often passive ] Government forces were pinned down by resistance fighters 30 miles north of the capital. 政府军被抵抗组织战士钳制在首都以北30英里处。
to make someone provide details about something or make a decision about something
I've tried asking Stephanie, but she's proving difficult to pin down to a particular date. 我已经问过斯蒂芬妮了,可她很难确定具体日期。
pin something down 清楚地知道确认
to discover exact details about something
We can't pin down where the leak came from. 我们无法确定哪里发生了泄漏。
pin something on someone 把…归咎于(尤指无辜者)
to blame someone for something, especially for something they did not do
You can't pin the blame on her - she wasn't even there when the accident happened. 你不能把责任推到她身上——事故发生时她根本不在现场。
noun [ C ] uk/pɪn/ us/pɪn/ (also PIN number)
个人身份识别码;银行卡密码(personal identification number 的缩写)
abbreviation for personal identification number : a secret number that a person uses together with a special card to get money from their bank account out of a machine, or when paying by credit card




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