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词汇 piercingly
adverb uk/ˈpɪə.sɪŋ.li/ us/ˈpɪr.sɪŋ.li/
in a way that makes a high, loud, and unpleasant sound
She screamed piercingly. 她撕心裂肺地尖叫。
The alarms here are piercingly high and painful, so you have to get out just to save your eardrums. 这里的警报高得刺耳,听得难受,所以就是为了保护耳膜也必须离开。
piercingly cold 极度寒冷,酷寒
extremely cold
It was piercingly cold when we came out of the warm cave. 当我们从温暖的山洞里出来时,天气冷得刺骨。
The weather remained piercingly cold all week.
The bedrooms at their house were always piercingly cold in winter.
The weather had changed from a piercingly cold hailstorm to warm sunshine.
We walked for miles in the piercingly cold night air.
in a way that expresses something unpleasant or uncomfortable strongly, especially by making you think about or discuss something that you would prefer not to
I’ve been collecting all the funny, strange, and sometimes piercingly honest things my daughter says. 我女儿说的每一句有趣的、奇怪的、有时甚至是忠言逆耳的实话,我都一直记录着。
The playwright piercingly observes how lack of closure can devastate the lives of surviving loved ones. 剧作家敏锐地发现,那些悬而未决的疑问对遗属们的生活带来毁灭性的影响。
used to describe someone looking in a very careful way, especially when they are trying to discover something
Her dark eyes regarded him piercingly. 她漆黑的眸子锐利地看着他。
His gaze moved piercingly from one sister to the other. 他的目光洞悉一切地从一个妹妹身上移到另一个妹妹身上。
See: piercing




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