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词汇 out
adverb, preposition uk/aʊt/ us/aʊt/
B1 出;向外
used to show movement away from the inside of a place or container
She opened the window and stuck her head out. 她打开窗户,将头探了出去。
The bag broke and the apples fell out. 袋子裂开了,苹果掉了出来。
I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. 我跳下床,冲下楼去。
He leaned out the window. 他将身子探出窗外。
He opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks. 他打开抽屉,取出一双袜子。
Get out! 出去!
Out you go! (= Go out!) 滚出去!
My secretary will see you out (= go with you to the door). 我的秘书会送你出去。
Turn the trousers inside out (= put the inside on the outside). 把裤子翻过来。
  • Don't go out with wet hair - you might catch a chill.
  • He'd been chucked out of a club for fighting.
  • You can come out now, the coast is clear.
  • She smacked her books down on the table and stormed out of the room.
  • I'm just going out for a bit. See you later.
outside a building or room
If you wait out here, we will call you when the doctor is ready. 你在这外面等好吗?医生很快会来请你进去的。
Danger! Keep out! (= Do not enter!) 危险!不要进来!
It's bitterly cold out, today. 今天外面真冷。
  • The weather had conspired to ruin their day out.
  • They had to sleep out after they forgot their tent.
  • If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.
  • Without a sleeping bag, you would freeze to death out there on the mountainside.
  • The most common parental admonition must surely be "Don't stay out late!"
A2 暂时外出的,暂时不在的
absent for a short time from the place where you live or work
I came around to see you this morning, but you were out. 今天上午我来拜访你,可是你不在。
Someone called while you were out. 你出去的时候有人打电话找你。
A2 出去,外出(参加社交活动
used to refer to a period of time when someone goes away from home for a social activity
I can't go out tonight - I have work to do. 今晚我不能出去了——我有活儿要干。
Do you want to eat out (= eat in a restaurant) tonight? 今晚你想到外面去吃饭吗?
He asked me out (= asked me to go with him) to the cinema next week. 他请我下周和他去看电影。
used to refer to a time when someone is away from the main office in order to do a particular job
The thieves were spotted by a postman out on his rounds (= as he was delivering the post). 一个正在投递邮件的邮递员发现了小偷。
The police were out in force (= there were a lot of police) at the demonstration. 警方出动了大批警力到示威现场。
In a library, if a book is out, it has been borrowed by someone.
Both copies of "Wuthering Heights" were out. 两本《呼啸山庄》都被借走了。
  • I was out when the postman came.
  • I'll be out all afternoon.
  • I tried to ring him, but he always seems to be out.
  • They broke in while he was out playing football.
  • Don't come round later - I'll probably be out.
B1 去掉,清除,消失
to the point where something is removed or disappears
The stain won't come out. 这个污渍去不掉。
Cross out any words that are not on the list. 将单子上没有的词全部划掉。
Never use water to put out fires in electrical equipment. 电器失火时,千万不要用水灭火。
Our time/money/patience ran out. 我们的时间/钱/耐心耗完了。
out ofB2 耗尽,用完
used to say that no more of something is available
We're nearly out of petrol. 我们快没汽油了。
I'm running out of patience.
Apparently her campaign is nearly out of money.
We need to finish up - we're almost out of time.
We're almost out of milk - could you get some on the way home?
They ran out of ammunition and had to surrender.
We're out of water - it's desperate.
See also: out of (NO LONGER IN)out adverb preposition (DISAPPEAR)
  • My patience is beginning to run out.
  • If you think it's wrong, cross it out and write it again.
  • Did you put the lights out downstairs?
  • I've chucked out all my old clothes.
  • Since my heart attack, I've cut fatty foods out altogether.
(in sport) no longer able to play because your turn is over
Two of the best players on the team were out after ten minutes. 10分钟后该队最棒的球员中有两名出局了。
New Zealand were all out for 246 (= the team finished with a score of 246). 新西兰队全部出局,得分246分。
(in politics) no longer able to govern because you have lost an election
The Social Democrats were voted out after 15 years in power. 社会民主党在执政15年后被选下了台。
  • Hick was out for 56 just before lunch.
  • The last batsman was out with the team still 34 runs short of victory.
  • Australia were all out for 278 in their second innings.
  • Vaughan was given out lbw for 42.
  • Stewart made 46 before he was out.
to many people
The teacher gave out test books to all the students. 老师把测验用书分发给所有的学生。
Greenpeace sent a letter out to all its supporters. 绿色和平组织给所有的支持者都发了一封信。
  • Some software can be configured to prevent children from giving out their phone numbers on the internet.
  • By giving out printed sheets of facts and theories, the teachers spoon-fed us with what we needed for the exam.
  • The clinic gives out free condoms.
  • We sent out the wedding invitations about three weeks ago.
  • He gave out a questionnaire at the end of the meeting.
spreading out from a central point over a wider area
The police search party spread out across the fields. 警方的搜索队在田野里四处散开。
  • The stone she threw caused ripples to spread out across the lake.
  • The wake spread out in a v-shape behind the ship.
  • From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.
  • The repayments on the loan can be spread out over three years.
  • The dough spreads out as you roll it.
B1 (书、杂志、电影、音乐带等)出版,问世
When a book, magazine, film, or musical recording is out, it is available to the public.
Is her new book out yet? 她的新书出版了吗?
The new movie comes out in August. 新片8月份上映。
  • Her latest novel is out at the end of the month.
  • How did you manage to get a copy of that book? It's not out yet!
  • I can't wait for his latest movie to come out.
  • Her new album is out just in time for Christmas.
  • Hundreds of new magazines come out every year.
B1 能看见;出现
able to be seen
The stars are out tonight. 今晚看得见星星。
The rain stopped and the sun came out (= appeared). 雨停了,太阳出来了。
In spring all the flowers came out (= their petals opened). 春天里百花盛开。
  • The clouds finally parted and the sun came out.
  • The morning mist had lifted and the sun was starting to come out.
  • The rash had come out all over her forearm.
  • Let's go while the sun's out.
  • The sun came out and thawed the ice.
used to make the meaning of a word stronger
We walked all day and were tired out (= very tired) by the time we got home. 我们走了一整天,回到家时累得筋疲力尽。
It's up to you to sort this out (= deal with it completely). 要靠你来彻底解决它了。
  • Leave it to me - I'll sort it out tomorrow.
  • Try not to get worked up , I'm sure we can sort the problem out.
  • You must be tired out after all that driving - why don't you have a little sleep?
used with verbs describing sounds to emphasize the loudness of the sound
He cried out in pain as he hit his head. 他撞到了头,痛得大叫。
Charlie Chaplin films always make me laugh out loud. 查利‧卓别林的电影总能让我笑破肚皮。
  • They looked at the picture and laughed out loud.
  • Oh, for crying out loud, why won't you listen to me!
  • Ken screamed out a warning telling people to get out of the way.
  • I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Rubbish!" in the middle of her speech.
  • A cry of warning rang out.
C2 (大陆、城市或祖国)很远,遥远地
a long distance away from land, a town, or your own country
The fishing boats were out at sea for three days. 渔船出海3天了。
They live out in the country, miles from anywhere. 他们住在偏远的乡下,离哪儿都很远。
He lived out in Zambia for seven years. 他在赞比亚侨居了7年。
mainly US The weather's better out west (= a long distance away in the west of the country). 西部边远地区的天气比较好。
  • She lived out in Australia for a long time.
  • Helen lived out in Oregon for two years before moving back east.
  • She could see the sailing boats way out on the horizon.
  • He lives out in the suburbs.
  • They moved out to the countryside after ten years in the city.
B2 (灯或火)熄灭
If a light or fire is out, it is no longer shining or burning.
When we got home, all the lights were out. 等我们到家的时候,所有的灯都灭了。
Is that fire completely out? 那火全都扑灭了吗?
away from the coast or beach
Is the tide coming in or going out? 潮水是在涨还是在退?
You can only see the beach when the tide is out. 只有在退潮后才能看到海滩。
  • At what time does the tide start to go out?
  • The sea level is 5 metres lower when the tide is out.
  • Cows graze on the marshes when the tide is out.
  • At about three o'clock, the tide started to go out.
  • The boats will put (out) to sea on this evening's high tide.
(of information) no longer kept secret
You can't hide your gambling any longer - the secret's out. 你无法再隐瞒自己赌博的事了——这个秘密已经泄露出去了。
used to describe a person who is not heterosexual (= sexually attracted to men if they are a woman and women if they are a man) or not cisgender (= having a gender that matches the body they were born with) and who does not keep that fact secret from other people
She came out three years ago. 她公开自己是同性恋已经有3年了。
He hasn't come out to his family yet. 他还没有告诉家人自己是同性恋。
Is she out at work?
  • When the truth came out, there was public outrage.
  • After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age.
  • The basic facts of the story are out, but the details are still fuzzy.
  • It's too late, the rumours are out now.
  • Shocking revelations about their private life came out in the Sunday papers.
(of a ball in a sport such as tennis) landing outside one of the lines that mark the area where the game is played
He thought the ball had bounced on the line, but the umpire said it was out. 他认为球落在线上,但裁判说球出界了。
  • The umpire overruled the line judge who had called the ball out.
  • The referee judged that the ball had gone out before the player crossed it.
  • His second serve landed out, giving his opponent two match points.
  • You should have left that ball. It was going out.
  • The ball was just out.
unconscious or sleeping
He passes out (= loses consciousness) at the sight of blood. 他一看到血就会昏过去。
I was hit on the head, and I must have been out cold (= completely unconscious) for about ten minutes. 我头上挨了一下,肯定昏迷了10分钟左右。
  • She passed out when she heard the news.
  • I couldn't hold my breath for that long without passing out.
  • It was so hot in the room, I thought I was going to pass out.
  • She hit her head on the ceiling and knocked herself out.
  • The sleeping tablets knocked him out for 18 hours.
C1 informal不准确的,错误的,有出入的
not accurate
Our estimates were only out by a few dollars. 我们的估算只有几美元的偏差。
You were an inch out in your measurements. 你的测量差了一英寸。
Those sales figures were way out (= completely wrong). 那些销售数据完全不准确。
US I'm out $25 on this trip (= it cost me $25 more than expected). 我这次旅行的花费超出预算25美元。
UK informal(用于最高级后)可用地,现有地
(used with superlatives) available or in existence
This is the best automatic camera out. 这是现有的最好的自动照相机。
I think he's the greatest football player out. 我认为他是目前最伟大的足球运动员。
used to show that a period of time is finished
I think I can finish this project before the month's out. 我觉得我在这个月结束之前能完成这个项目。
not acceptable or not possible
Smoking is definitely out among my friends. 在我的朋友中,吸烟是绝对不允许的。
The option of taking on more staff is out for the moment. 雇用更多职员这一选择目前并不可行。
no longer fashionable or popular
Every month the magazine lists what's out and what's in (= fashionable). 每个月这份杂志都会列出什么过时及什么流行。
Trousers like that went out (= stopped being fashionable) in the 70s. 像那样的裤子在70年代就过时了。
out for something/to do something informal (常出于自私或令人不快的动机)做,意图做(或得到),蓄意
doing something, or intending to do something, for an unpleasant reason or only because it is good for you and not others
She doesn't usually help the charity - she's only out for the publicity. 她一般不资助慈善事业——她只是为了给自己扬名。
[ + to infinitive ] He's always been out to cause trouble between us. 他总是存心在我俩之间制造麻烦。
He doesn't care about the cause - he's just out to make money.
They're only out to advance their own financial interests.
These people are just out for what they can get.
Come on, she's only out for the bucks!
See also: out ofout adverb preposition (INTEND)
out and aboutidiom 活跃的;正常行动的
active; doing the things you usually do
The doctor says she's making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days' time. 医生说她恢复得很好,几天后应该就可以正常行动了。
out and awayidiom UK old-fashioned (与形容最高级连用)无可比拟的
used with superlatives to mean by a great amount
She is out and away the best student I have ever taught. 她无疑是我教过的学生当中最出色的。
out with it!idiom informal 说出来吧!
said to someone when you want that person to tell you something that they do not want you to know
What did he do then? Come on, out with it! 那他做什么了?快点,说吧!
verb [ T often passive ] uk/aʊt/ us/aʊt/
to make known the fact that someone is not heterosexual (= attracted to men if you are a woman and women if you are a man) or cisgender (= having a gender that matches the body you were born with), especially when that person does not want other people to know
Hardly a week went by without someone famous being outed. 几乎每一周都有一个名人被揭露出是同性恋。
Outing private individuals is offensive behaviour.
She was outed as transgender by a sleazy tabloid.
noun uk/aʊt/ us/aʊt/
[ C usually singular ] informal借口,理由
an excuse or reason for avoiding an unpleasant situation
We must arrange the negotiations so we have an out if we need it. 我们必须安排好谈判,这样一旦需要我们就能有个借口。
on the outs US informal 吵架了;不友好,闹矛盾
People who are on the outs have argued and are not now friendly with each other.
Lizzie and Tyler are on the outs again. 莉齐和泰勒又闹别扭了。
He'd reported that he was on the outs with the child's mother.
Later that year, she found herself on the outs with Taylor.
Currently on the outs with several members of her own party, she is unrepentant.
Harry is on the outs with his girlfriend again.
prefix uk/aʊt-/ us/aʊt-/
used to add the meaning "not central" to nouns and adjectives
the outskirts of town (= the areas that form the edge of the town) 市郊
used to add the meaning "going further" or "being better than" to verbs
She doesn't drink or smoke and I'm sure she'll outlive (= live longer than) us all. 她烟酒不沾,我想她肯定比我们都要活得长久。
used to add the meaning "out of" or "away from" to nouns and adjectives
She turned away from their outstretched hands (= hands held out). 她转身不理睬他们伸出的手。




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