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词汇 sign
verb uk/saɪn/ us/saɪn/
B1 [ I or T ]),署();签署,签字
to write your name, usually on a written or printed document, to show that you agree with its contents or have written or created it yourself
to sign a letter/cheque/contract/lease/agreement 在信件/支票/合同/租约/协议上签名
Sign here, please. 请在这儿签名。
He signed his name at the end of the letter. 他在信的末尾签上了自己的名字。
[ + obj + noun ] He signed himself "Mark Taylor". 他签上了自己的名字“马克‧泰勒”。
She said the painting was by Picasso, but it wasn't signed. 她说这幅画是毕加索创作的,但画上没有他的签名。
[ T ]球员签约
in sport, to make a legal written agreement to employ a player
The team has just signed a new player. 球队刚刚与一名新球员签约。
  • Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment.
  • We can't sign the agreement yet - we'll have to play for time.
  • He asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement when they got engaged.
  • Can I nominate someone as a proxy to sign for me?
  • Don't sign anything until you've read the small print.
[ T or I ]打手势示意
to give an order or information, or make a request, using hand and body movements
[ + to infinitive ] He signed for/to the waiter to bring him another drink. 他示意侍者再给他一份饮料。
[ + that ] He signed to the waiter that he wanted another drink. 他向侍者示意,想再要一份饮料。
[ I or T ]使用手语
to use sign language (= language used by people who cannot hear or talk)
sign your own death warrantidiom informal 自我毁灭自寻死路
to do something that is harmful to your own position
She signed her own death warrant by refusing to do what the boss demanded. 她拒绝了老板的要求,简直是自寻死路。
sign on the dotted lineidiom informal 在签字处签名同意
to agree to do something, especially by signing an agreement
If you want to join the gym, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. 若想加入该俱乐部,仅需签名即可。
signed and sealedidiom (also signed, sealed, and delivered) 签名盖章完毕了的;已成定局的
finished and official because all the necessary documents have been signed
Phrasal verbs
sign something away 签字放弃
to give up your rights to something by signing a legal document
Under the treaty, both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons. 根据该条约的规定,双方将签字放弃他们三分之一的核武器。
sign for something 签收
to sign a form to show that you have received something
I had to sign for the parcel when I went to get it at the post office. 从邮局领取包裹时,我得签字。
sign for/with someone 签约(某支运动队)
(in sport) to sign a formal agreement saying that you will play for a particular team
sign someone in 签到,登记
to sign your name in a book next to the name of someone who is visiting you, in order for them to be allowed to enter a building such as an office or hotel
He's signed you in and is waiting for you inside.
You cannot even enter the premises unless you are signed in by a member.
sign (something) off 结束(写信、广播或电视节目)
to give a final message at the end of a letter or when communicating by radio, or at the end of a television or radio programme
She signed off (her show) by wishing her listeners a Happy New Year. 她在结束播音时祝听众新年快乐。
sign off US informal暂停工作(或类似活动)
to stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time
As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today. 今天是星期五,我想我会早点儿下班。
UK informal(到政府就业事务处)登记取消失业救济金
to report to a government employment office that you now have a job and do not need to receive benefit (= money paid by the government)
sign on UK informal(到政府就业事务处)登记领取失业救济金
to sign a form at a government office to say that you do not have a job and that you want to receive benefit (= money paid by the government)
mainly US (UK sign up)报名参加(某项有组织的活动)
to agree to become involved in an organized activity
[ + to infinitive ] mainly US I've signed on to help at the school fair. 我已报名在学校交流会上帮忙。
UK informal签约受雇);报名(参加活动)
to sign a document saying that you will work for someone or do a particular job or activity
She's signed on with a temp agency. 她和一家临时机构签约了。
sign out 签退
to sign your name in a book when you leave a building such as an office or factory
Don't forget to sign out before you leave. 离开前别忘了签退。
sign something out 签字领取
to record when you take something away, usually by signing your name in a book
You have to sign books out when you borrow them from the library. 从图书馆借书时,必须签名。
sign something over 签字移交,签字转让
to give the legal rights to own or do something to someone else by formally signing a document
Two years before her death she signed her property over to her children. 去世前两年,她签字把自己的财产转到了自己孩子们的名下。
More phrasal verbs
sign upB1 报名参加(某项有组织的活动)
to agree to become involved in an organized activity
[ + to infinitive ] I've signed up to make the sandwiches for the party. 我已报名为聚会做三明治。
She's signed up for evening classes at the community college. 她已经报名参加社区学院夜间课程的学习。
Synonym: sign on (AGREE TO HELP)
noun [ C ] uk/saɪn/ us/saɪn/
A2 告示;标志;警告
a notice giving information, directions, a warning, etc.
a road sign 路标
a shop sign 商店招牌
  • The sign by the roadworks said 'Slow - heavy plant crossing'.
  • The road sign points left.
  • The sign on the gate said 'Private Property - No Admittance.'
  • The sign on the wall said "Please refrain from smoking."
  • He hung a sign on the door of the shop that said it would reopen at 11.
B1 示意动作手势
a movement of the body that gives information or an instruction
She pointed to her watch as a sign that it was getting late and she wanted to leave. 她指着手表示意已经很晚了,她想离开。
He made/gave a sign to his boyfriend to stop talking. 她示意男朋友停止讲话。
The priest made the sign of the cross (= made the shape of a cross by moving his hand between four points on his chest) when he entered the church. 牧师走进教堂时,在胸前画了个十字。
See also: signal noun (ACTION)
  • She made a sign to the others to come in.
  • The conductor gave a sign for them to play louder.
  • He made a sign to them to stand up.
  • He pulled a face as a sign that he thought Tommy was talking rubbish.
  • He made a spiral sign with his hand to indicate that they should turn.
B1 迹象征兆
something showing that something else exists or might happen or exist in the future
His inability to handle the situation is a sure sign of weakness. 他无法控制局面无疑是一种软弱的表现。
[ + that ] The fact that he's eating more is a sign that he's feeling better. 他能多吃东西表明他感觉好些了。
I've searched for my hat, but there's no sign of it anywhere (= I can't find it). 我在找我的帽子,但到处都没有它的踪影。
There was no sign of life in the building (= there seemed to be no one in it). 建筑物里看不到人影。
Billy's work at school has shown signs of improvement this year. 比利的学业今年有进步的迹象。
There is every sign that/All the signs are that the worst is over. 各种迹象表明,最糟糕的时期已经过去了。
See also: signal noun (SHOWING)
  • Doug scanned the horizon for any sign of the boat.
  • She searched his face for some sign of forgiveness, but it remained expressionless.
  • The detectives searched the house from top to bottom , but they found no sign of the stolen goods.
  • A common sign of dyslexia is that the sequencing of letters when spelling words may be incorrect.
  • High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society.
B2 记号,符号,标志
a written or printed mark that has a standard meaning
+ and - are mathematical signs. +和-是数学符号。
£ is the sign for the British pound. £是表示英镑的符号。
  • How do you write the euro sign?
  • There was a percentage sign after the figure.
  • Where is the degree sign on this keyboard?
sign of the timesidiom usually disapproving 时代特征世道
something that is typical of the (bad) way things are now
These riots are a sign of the times. 这些骚乱是这个时代的一个写照。




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