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词汇 order
noun uk/ˈɔː.dər/ us/ˈɔːr.dɚ/
A2 [ C ]点菜订制订货
a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods
"Can I take your order now?" said the waiter. 侍者问:“现在可以点菜了吗?”
I would like to place (= make) an order for a large pine table. 我想订制一张大松木桌。
[ C ]所订之货所点饭菜
a product or a meal that has been asked for by a customer
I got an email saying that the order has been shipped. 我收到电子邮件说订的货已经发出了。
be on order 在订购中,在订制中
If something is on order, you have asked for it but have not yet received it.
The new drilling equipment has been on order for several weeks. 新的钻探设备已经订购有几星期了。
do/make something to order 订做,订制
to do or make something especially for a person who has asked for it
We make wedding cakes to order. 我们提供订做婚礼蛋糕。
  • I dictated my order over the phone.
  • They decided not to honour an existing order for aircraft.
  • A waiter hovered at the table, ready to take our order.
  • All our customer orders are handled by computer.
  • There's no logic in the decision to reduce staff when orders are the highest for years.
B1 [ U ]顺序,次序
the way in which people or things are arranged, either in relation to one another or according to a particular characteristic
The children lined up in order of age/height. 孩子们按照年龄/身高顺序排列成队。
I can't find the file I need because they're all out of order (= they are no longer arranged in the correct way). 我找不到我需要的文件,因为它们都给弄乱了。
Put the files in alphabetical/chronological order. 把文件按照字母/时间顺序放好。
mainly UK Here's the running order for the concert (= the order in which each item will happen). 这是音乐会的节目单。
  • Give me the dates in chronological order.
  • The names are published in alphabetical order.
  • I shall list my objections to the plan in ascending order of importance.
  • Keep your files in numerical order.
  • She ranked the bottles in order of size along the shelf.
B2 [ C often plural ]指示指令命令
something that someone tells you you must do
The soldiers fired as soon as their commander gave the order. 指挥官一声令下,士兵们立即开火。
Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。
What are your orders? 你接到了什么指示?
My orders are to search everyone's bag as they come in. 我接到的命令是搜查每个进来的人的包。
The road was closed all day by order of the police. 按照警方的命令,这条路全天封闭。
Clean up this room immediately - and that's an order! 立刻清理好这间屋子——这是命令!
Compare: request noun
be under orders 命令就是命令,命令必须执行
to have been told that you must do something by someone in authority
We are under orders not to allow anyone into the building. 我们接到命令不许任何人进入该大楼。
[ C ]官方的)指令;(银行汇票
an official instruction telling someone what they can or cannot do, or a written instruction to a bank to pay money to a particular person
  • I think it galls him to take orders from a younger and less experienced colleague.
  • The soldiers listened in silence as their captain gave the orders.
  • Don't blame me, I'm only carrying out my orders.
  • The judge issued a gagging order to prevent the witnesses from speaking to the press.
  • We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.
in order (for someone/something) to do something(also in order that something)B1 为了,以便
with the aim of achieving something
He came home early in order to see the kids before they went to bed. 他早回家是为了在孩子们睡觉前看到他们。
I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her. 为了不让她伤心,我同意了她的建议。
B2 [ U ]整齐有序
a situation in which everything is arranged in its correct place
The house was such a mess that she spent the whole day trying to establish some kind of order. 房子里很乱,她花了一整天的时间想把它收拾得整洁一些。
leave/put something in order 使有条理;把…整理得井井有条
to organize something well
I try to leave my desk in order when I go home. 我回家前整理了我的办公桌。
He put his affairs in order (= made arrangements for his personal and business matters) before he went into the hospital. 他住院之前把自己的事情都安排好了。
  • Their house is always in apple-pie order.
  • You should put your own house in order before you start telling me what to do!
  • I need to put the kitchen in order before I can leave.
  • Make sure you leave the changing rooms in order.
  • We must impose some kind of order on the way this office is run.
B1 [ U ]正常工作状况;良好使用状况
the state of working correctly or of being suitable for use
TV for sale in (good) working order. 出售性能良好的电视机。
Are your immigration papers in order (= legally correct)? 你的移民证件是否合法?
The coffee machine is out of order (= not working). 咖啡机坏了。
  • The cash machine is out of order.
  • The inspectors checked that all the documentation was in order.
  • I forgot to tell her that my phone is out of order.
  • The sign on the elevator read "out of order".
  • It has taken about five years to restore the aircraft to full working order.
C2 [ U ]秩序
a situation in which rules are obeyed and people do what they are expected to do
The teacher found it hard to keep her class in order. 老师发现很难维持课堂秩序。
As the demonstration began to turn violent, the police were called in to restore order. 当示威游行开始演变成暴力活动时,警察被召来恢复秩序。
After some heated discussion, the chairperson called the meeting to order (= told everyone to stop talking so that the meeting could continue). 经过一番热烈的讨论后,主席请与会人员安静下来。
UK Is it in order (= allowed) for me to park my car outside the building? 我可以把汽车停在大楼外面吗?
order!formal 安静!安静!(用于议会或正式会议中)
an expression used in a parliament or a formal meeting to get people's attention and make them stop talking, so that the meeting or discussion can start or continue
  • There has been a complete breakdown in law and order.
  • The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.
  • Would you say the government's stance on law and order has softened?
  • The self-declared guardians of law and order held a press conference.
  • Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
C2 [ C ](社会或政治)制度,秩序
a social or political system
The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order. 20世纪80年代末,共产主义的瓦解点燃了建立世界新秩序的希望。
[ C, + sing/pl verb ](按照一定规范生活的)修道会;会社
a group of people who join together for religious or similar reasons and live according to particular rules
religious/holy orders 修道会/圣职
monks of the Cistercian/Franciscan Order 西多会/方济各会的修道士
[ S, + sing/pl verb ]被授勋的人;勋爵士团
a group that people are made members of as a reward for services they have done for their country
He was made a knight of the Order of the Garter. 他被封为嘉德勋爵士。
[ U ]种类,类型;规模
the type or size of something
These were problems of a completely different order from anything we had faced before. 这些问题同我们以前所遇到过的完全不同。
formal No successful business can be run without skills of the highest order (= great skills). 没有超群的才能是无法成功经营企业的。
of the order of(UK also in the order of) 大约,大概
The cost will be something in the order of $500. 费用大约为500美元。
[ C ] biology specialized(用于动植物分类的)
(used in the classification of plants and animals) a group of related plants or animals
An order is below a class and above a family. 目低于纲,高于科。
orders are ordersidiom (通常指虽然不赞成但)命令就是命令,命令必须执行
said when you have to do something because someone in authority has told you to, and usually when you do not really approve of it
Nobody wants to do it, but orders are orders, so let's start. 谁也不想做这事,但命令必须执行,所以我们开始吧。
out of orderidiom mainly UK informal 不妥的惹人讨厌的
If something someone says or does is out of order, it is unpleasant or not suitable and it is likely to upset or offend people.
His behaviour in the meeting was out of order. 他在会上的行为不妥。
the lower ordersidiom UK old-fashioned disapproving 下层阶级;底层社会
the poorest social groups in society
the order of the dayidiom formal(议会或正式会议的)当日议程
in a parliament or in formal meetings, the list of matters to be discussed on a particular day
something that is very common or important
On these TV channels, reality shows and repeats are becoming the order of the day. 在这些电视台的节目中,真人秀节目和回放节目越来越多。
verb uk/ˈɔː.dər/ us/ˈɔːr.dɚ/
A2 [ I or T ](尤指在饭店或商店)饭菜),订购,订制,订货
to ask for something to be made, supplied, or delivered, especially in a restaurant or shop
I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad. 我点了意大利面条和一份什锦色拉。
[ + two objects ] There are no shirts left in this size but we could order one for you/order you one. 这个尺寸的衬衫没有了,不过我们可以给您订购一件。
  • The waiter smiled contemptuously at anyone who didn't know which wine to order.
  • I ordered a double espresso.
  • She quickly emptied her glass and ordered another drink.
  • He orders the same thing every time he goes to this restaurant.
  • I'll be ordering a take-away later. Would you like anything?
B2 [ T ]吩咐;命令;指示
If a person in authority orders someone to do something, or orders something to be done, they tell someone to do it.
The management has ordered a cutback in spending. 管理层指示要减少开销。
[ + speech ] "Wait over there," she ordered. “在那儿等着,”她吩咐道。
[ + to infinitive ] They ordered him to leave the room. 他们命令他离开房间。
  • I order you to put down your weapon.
  • The police have been ordered to pay substantial damages to the families of the two dead boys.
  • An inquiry was ordered into the recent rail disaster.
  • In a level voice, he ordered the soldiers to aim and fire.
  • You can't just come in here and start ordering people around.
[ T ]整理安排;给…排序
to arrange a group of people or things in a list from first to last
The documents have been ordered alphabetically. 文件已经按字母顺序排列好了。
I've ordered the application forms into three groups. 我将申请表整理成了3组。
order your thoughtsidiom 整理思路,理清思绪
to plan what you want to say or do
Just give me a moment to order my thoughts, and then I'll explain the system to you. 请给我点儿时间让我理一理思路,然后我会把这个系统解释给你听。
Phrasal verbs
order someone around (尤指不断地)支使,差遣,使唤(某人
to tell someone what they should do in an unpleasant or forceful way, especially repeatedly
You can't just come in here and start ordering people around. 你不能一到这儿就开始把人差来遣去的。
order something in UK (US order out (for something))(外卖)
to order food that is ready to eat to be brought to your home or to the place where you work
I think I'll stay home tonight, order in a pizza, and watch my new box set. 我想今晚我要呆在家里,叫比萨饼外卖,看新买的电视剧合集。




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