

词汇 no
no 1
adj.1. 没有
no flowers in the garden花园里没有花
No task is so difficult but (that) we can accomplish it.不管任务怎样困难,我们都能完成。
You have no doubt heard the results of the competition.你总已听到这次竞赛的结果了吧。
There is no question but (that) he will succeed.他会成功,这是没有问题的。
He's no fool.他是精明能干的。
no sugar没有糖
There is no ground for anxiety.不必担心。
There's no butter left.没有黄油了。
2. 不准;不(允)许;不要
No farther!别再向前走啦。/别再说啦。
No fear! (非正式)肯定不!/不会!/没事儿!
No smoking!禁止吸烟!
No admission.禁止入内。
no 2
adv.1. 不;不是
"Will you come to the match?" "No, thanks."“你来参加比赛好吗?”“不,谢谢。”
"Is it raining?" "No, it's snowing."
“正在下雨吗?” “不,正在下雪。”
2. 毫不;一点也不
I have no more time to waste here.我没有更多的时间浪费在这里了。
3. (用于 or 後面)… 与否
You'll have to do it, whether or no.不管你愿意与否,你都得去做。




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