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词汇 nowhere near
nowhere near phrase
C1 (距离、时间、数量或质量)远远没有,远非
not close in distance, time, amount, or quality
The house was nowhere near the beach. 这座房子离海边很远。
It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet. 离我们走的时间还早呢。
I'm nowhere near finishing the book - I'm only half-way through it. 我读完这本书还早着呢——我才看完一半。
He's nowhere near as tall as his sister. 他比他姐姐矮多了。
His latest book is nowhere near as good as his last one.
I'm nowhere near ready to retire.
There's nowhere near enough food here for twenty people.
See also: near adverb preposition




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