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词汇 movement
noun uk/ˈmuːv.mənt/ us/ˈmuːv.mənt/
B2 [ C or U ]动;移动;运动
a change of position
He made a sudden movement and frightened the bird away. 他突然动了一下,鸟受惊飞走了。
For a long time after the accident, he had no movement in (= was unable to move) his legs. 出事以后的很长时间里,他的腿都不能动。
Her movements were somewhat clumsy. 她的动作很笨拙。
someone's movements 某人的)行动,活动
what someone is doing during a particular period
I don't know his movements this week. 我不知道他这周的活动安排。
He was convinced that government agencies were trying to track his movements.
She wears an electronic ankle bracelet that allows the authorities to monitor her movements.
He had been careful to disguise his movements.
The police started to intercept her phone calls and track her movements.
  • With one movement, she disarmed the man and pinned him against the wall.
  • A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
  • The movement of the ship caused the mast to sway from side to side.
  • Satellite photographs provide us with a lot of information about their troop movements.
  • Some people run their lives according to the movements of the stars.
C1 [ C, + sing/pl verb ](有特定目标的)运动
a group of people with a particular set of aims or ideas
the women's movement 妇女运动
the antiwar movement
The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women. 妇女参政运动旨在为妇女争取选举权利。
He was a prominent member of the artistic movement known as the Ashcan School.
[ + to infinitive ] Mulligan became involved in a movement to develop a different style of jazz.
[ C or U ](意见、生活或工作模式的)转变
a situation in which people change their opinion or the way that they live or work
There has been a movement towards more women going back to work while their children are still young. 现在有一种倾向,越来越多的妇女在孩子尚年幼时便重返工作。
Recently there has been some movement away from traditional methods of teaching. 近来教学方法出现了一些打破传统的趋势。
[ U ](按照一定方式或趋势的)发展,改变
an occasion when something develops, changes, or happens in a particular way or direction
There has been little movement in the dollar (= it has not changed in value very much) today. 今天美元汇率变化很小。
[ C ]乐章
one of the main parts of a piece of classical music
Beethoven's fifth symphony has four movements. 贝多芬的第五交响曲有四个乐章。
[ C ](钟表的)机芯
the part of a clock or watch that turns the hands (= thin sticks) that point to the time
[ C ] polite word(尤为医护人员用语)排泄粪便
(used especially by doctors and nurses) an act of emptying the bowels
When did you last have a (bowel) movement? 你上次排便是什么时候?




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