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词汇 logrolling
noun [ U ] US uk/ˈlɒɡ.rəʊ.lɪŋ/ us/ˈlɑːɡ.roʊ.lɪŋ/
politics specialized互投赞成票
the practice of voting for something that someone else wants in return for them voting for something that you want
Logrolling is especially common when the legislators are relatively free of control by their national party leaders. 当立法者相对不受国家党派领导人控制时,互投赞成票的情况尤为普遍。
It was part of a logrolling package. 这是互投赞成票行为的一部分。
the practice of praising someone or their work, in return for them doing the same for you
Attention has been drawn to alleged logrolling by authors in "books of the year" features published by newspapers. 人们注意到在报纸上刊登的“年度最佳书籍”专题中,作者们有互相吹捧的嫌疑。
I am not saying writers of those comments are engaging in logrolling, but they certainly read a different book to the one I did. 我不能说写那些评论的人是在故意吹捧这本书,但他们读的书和我读的肯定不是一本。
(also log rolling)水上踩滚木游戏
a sport in which two people try to stay standing on a floating log (= a thick piece of a tree trunk or branch), or other long, rounded object, while trying to make the other person fall off
The group's eventual goal is to bring logrolling to the Olympics. 该组织的最终目标是让水上踩滚木运动成为奥运赛事。
Her mum signed her up for a logrolling class at the local pond. 她的妈妈为她报名参加了在当地池塘上开办的水上踩滚木课程。
Synonym: birling
medical specialized滚木式翻身法
the practice of turning a person who is lying down in one movement, keeping their spine (= the row of bones down the back) straight
To turn a patient by logrolling, the nurse first folds the patient’s arms across their chest. 为了给患者做滚木式翻身,护士先让患者的手臂交叉放在自己胸前。




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