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词汇 lock
noun uk/lɒk/ us/lɑːk/
B1 [ C ]锁,门锁
a device that prevents something such as a door from being opened and can only be opened with a key
I heard someone turn a key in the lock. 我听见有人在用钥匙开门。
safety locks 安全锁
Thieves got in by smashing the lock off the door. 盗贼砸坏门锁闯了进去。
See also: padlock noun
  • She eased the key into the lock, anxious not to wake anyone.
  • If the lock has frozen up, try lubricating it with oil.
  • If the door won't open, try jiggling the key in the lock.
  • I could see at once that the lock had been tampered with.
[ C ]水闸,船闸
a length of water with gates at each end where the level of water can be changed to allow boats to move between parts of a canal or river that are at different heights
[ C ] US informal一定会发生的事件
something that is certain to happen
She's a lock for promotion this year. 她今年肯定会晋升的。
[ C ](尤指卷发的)一股,一缕
a small group of hairs, especially a curl
There is a lock of Napoleon's hair in the display cabinet. 在展柜中有一缕拿破仑的卷发。
locks [ plural ] literary头发
the hair on someone's head
curly locks 卷发
flowing golden locks 飘逸的金发
The hairdresser transformed Gloria's long locks into shoulder-length waves.
Her shiny locks were the envy of her friends.
This conditioner is perfect for frazzled locks.
[ U ] UK前轮转向角度
the amount a road vehicle's front wheels can be turned from one side to the other by turning its steering wheel
You need it on full lock (= with the wheel turned as much as possible). 你得把方向盘转到底。
[ C ]锁住对手),使(对手动弹不得
a way of holding someone that you are fighting against so that they cannot move
The smaller wrestler held his opponent in a full body lock. 小个子摔跤手死死抱住对手。
lock, stock, and barrelidiom 全部家当,所有东西
including all or every part of something
We had to move our things lock, stock, and barrel to the other side of the country. 我们不得不把全部家当都搬到郊外的另一个地方。
under lock and keyidiom 锁起来的,存放好的
locked away safely
Her jewellery is securely under lock and key at the bank. 她的珠宝全都安全地存放在银行里了。
If a person, especially a criminal, is under lock and key, they are being kept in a place from which they cannot escape, usually a prison.
verb uk/lɒk/ us/lɑːk/
B2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]妥善保管,妥善保藏
to put something in a safe place and fasten the lock
He locked the confidential documents in his filing cabinet. 他把机密文件放入文件柜妥善保管起来。
You really should lock your car (up) or it'll get stolen. 你真应该把车锁好,否则就会被盗。
B1 [ I or T ]锁,上锁
to fasten something with a key, or be fastened with a key
Don't forget to lock the door when you go out. 出去时别忘了锁门。
If you shut the door it will lock automatically. 门关上就会自动锁好。
  • Oh, and don't forget to lock the back door.
  • Some prize idiot forgot to lock the door.
  • "Come on, hurry up!" "I'll just/only be a second - I've got to lock the back door."
  • If you don't lock your doors and windows, you'll be a sitting target for burglars.
  • I'd only gone a few steps down the road when I realized I'd forgotten to lock the door.
[ I ]锁定,锁住
to become fixed in one position
I tried to start moving but the wheels had locked. 我想向前移动一下,但车轮被锁住了。
be locked togetheridiom (人或动物)扭在一起
If people or animals are locked together, they are holding each other tightly so that neither one can move.
Sometimes, fighting stags become locked together by their antlers. 雄鹿在相互争斗的过程中有时鹿角会缠在一起,动弹不得。
lock hornsidiom 开始争论;开始争斗
to begin to argue or fight
The mayor and her deputy locked horns over plans for the new road. 市长和副市长为这条新路的规划争论不休。
Phrasal verbs
lock something awayB2 把…锁起来,将…妥善保管
to put something in a safe place and lock the door in order that someone else cannot get it
If you keep valuables in your house, lock them away somewhere safe. 如果家里有值钱的东西,就得放在安全的地方锁起来。
lock something in 获得优势保持优势
to get and keep an advantage such as a low price
People are jumping to purchase homes and lock in affordable mortgage rates before they increase. 人们踊跃购房,希望在按揭利率上升前确保得到支付得起的低利息。
If you find a rate that works for you, lock it in.
With the purchase plan, customers would take a daily price and lock it in for a certain number of gallons that have to be bought over a certain time period.
lock someone inB2 某人)锁在屋子里,将(某人)关起来
to prevent someone from leaving a room or building by locking the door
She stormed off to her bedroom and locked herself in. 她冲进卧室,把自己锁在了里面。
He was locked in his bedroom as a punishment. 作为惩罚,他被锁在卧室里不让出门。
See also: lock-in (PUB)
to prevent someone from ending or changing a financial arrangement
Most cell phone contracts lock you in for a fixed period. 绝大部分手机合同会将顾客锁定一段时间。
be locked in something 被…困住,受到…阻碍
to be prevented from moving by something
We were locked in traffic for over two hours on the way home. 回家的路上我们因堵车被困了两个多小时。
If you are locked in a situation or process, it is impossible for you to escape or make progress from it.
Both parties wish to avoid being locked in discussions that will resolve nothing. 双方都希望能避免陷入毫无意义的讨论而停滞不前。
lock someone into something (某人或机构)锁定在财务协议上(阻止其终结或改变)
to prevent a person or organization from ending or changing an agreement or financial arrangement
The gas company is locked into long-term supply contracts. 煤气公司被锁定在长期供气协议中。
lock someone outB2 某人)锁在门外
to prevent someone from entering a building or room by locking the door
He had to break into the house because his girlfriend had locked him out. 由于女朋友把他锁在了门外,他只好破门而入。
to prevent workers from entering their place of work until they agree to particular conditions given by the employer
Management has threatened to lock out the workforce if they do not accept the proposed changes in working methods. 管理层威胁说,如果工人不接受改变工作方法的提议就不让他们上班。
lock someone out of something 阻止(某人或机构)参与
to prevent a person or organization from having or being able to take part in something
The company risks being locked out of China's booming car market. 这家公司有被排除在蓬勃发展的中国汽车市场之外的风险。
lock (something) up 锁好(门窗)
to lock all the doors and windows of a building when you leave it
Sandra, will you lock up tonight when you go? 桑德拉,你今晚离开时把门窗都锁上好吗?
lock someone up 某人)投入监狱;将(某人)关进精神病院
to put someone in a prison or a hospital for people who are mentally ill
Murderers should be locked up for life. 杀人犯应该被终身监禁。
After what she did, they should lock her up and throw away the key (= lock her up until she dies). 鉴于她的所作所为,他们应该把她永远关在监狱里。
See also: lock-up




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