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词汇 live
verb uk/lɪv/ us/lɪv/
B1 [ I ]生存;活着
(to continue) to be alive or have life
He only lived a few days after the accident. 出事后他只活了几天就死了。
[ + to infinitive ] I hope I live to see my grandchildren. 我希望我能活到看见我孙辈的那一天。
Her granny lived to the ripe old age of 94. 她奶奶活到了94岁高龄。
Can the right to live ever be denied to any human? 人的生存权可以剥夺吗?
She lived on well into her 90s. 她一直活到了90多岁。
  • Mrs Jones is failing fast, and the doctor doesn't think she'll live much longer.
  • Few people live beyond the age of a hundred.
  • The study found that men who were married lived longer than those who were not.
  • All animals have to eat in order to live.
  • Her joy at the birth of her son was tinged with sadness that her father had not lived to see him.
A1 住,居住
to have your home somewhere
Where do you live? 你住在哪里?
We live in Kingston. 我们住在京士顿。
Some students live on the University campus. 有些学生住在大学校园里。
He lives with four other people in a shared house. 他和另外4个人同住在一所房子里。
She's still living at home (= with her parents).
[ I ] informal放,放置,保存
to be kept usually in a particular place
Where do the knives live in your kitchen? 刀具放在你厨房的什么地方?
I'm not sure where this bowl lives. 我不知道这只碗该放在哪里。
  • She went to live abroad after the break-up of her marriage.
  • Do you know the people who live two doors down?
  • I don't like the idea of living so far away from my family.
  • It's very convenient that you live near the office.
  • We live on a quiet road.
B1 [ I usually + adv/prep, T ]生活,过活
to spend your life in a particular way
After a while you get used to living alone. 过一段时间你会适应一个人生活的。
When you retire, you want to live a comfortable life. 退休的时候,大家都希望能过上舒适的生活。
So the couple got married and lived happily ever after. 于是这对情侣结了婚,从此过上了幸福的生活。
He simply wants to live (out) (= experience) the rest of his days in peace. 他只想能安度余生。
The TV's broken - we'll just have to live without (= not have) it for a while. 电视机坏了 ——这段时间我们只好不看电视了。
She certainly lived her life to the full (= was always doing something interesting). 她当然活得非常充实。
figurative The US is living beyond its means (= spending more than it earns). 美国人过的是借钱享乐的日子。
  • He likes to live dangerously.
  • I quite like wine but I could live without it.
  • You can't expect to live in a continual state of marital bliss.
  • We live in a toughly competitive world.
  • She's miserable living on her own.
C2 [ I ]活着;(尤指靠…)过活,生活
to stay alive, especially by getting enough money to pay for food, a place to stay, clothing, etc.
For several years she lived by begging. 她以乞讨为生过了好几年。
She has an inheritance to live off (US also live off of) so she doesn't need to work. 她可以靠遗产生活,不必工作。
He only agreed to marry her so he could live off her (money). 他同意和她结婚只是为了她的钱。
  • They have to steal to live.
  • He lives by catching fish.
  • They live off the proceeds from selling the palace.
  • He lives off other people's kindness.
  • They lived by gathering nuts and seeds.
[ I ](指逝去的事物)继续存在,留存
(of things that are not alive) to exist or continue to exist
The memory of those terrible days lives on. 对那些恐怖的日子的记忆挥之不去。
[ I ]享受生活的乐趣,尽情地享受生活
to have an interesting life
I want to live a little before I settle down. 在安定下来之前我要好好享受一下生活。
If you haven't seen Venice, you haven't lived. 如果你没到过威尼斯,就等于白活了一场。
live (on) in the memoryidiom 留在记忆中
If something lives (on) in the memory, it has such an effect that it is remembered for a long time.
live your own lifeidiom 用自己的方式生活自由自在地生活
to spend your life doing what you want, usually because something is no longer stopping you from doing so
Now that the children have left home, I can live my own life again. 现在孩子们离开家了,我终于能以我自己的方式生活了。
live a lieidiom 过着骗人的生活;过着双面人的生活
to live in a way that is dishonest because you are pretending to be something that you are not, to yourself or to other people
She doesn't know you're married? You have to stop living a lie and tell her. 她不知道你结了婚吗?你不能再骗人了,必须告诉她实情。
live and breathe somethingidiom 对待…像生命一样重要,视…为生命
When a person lives and breathes something, it is extremely important to them.
He lives and breathes music. 他视音乐为生命。
live and let liveidiom 自己活也让别人活;互相宽容
said to mean that people should accept the way other people live and behave, especially if they do things in a different way
live by your witsidiom 靠耍小聪明赚钱,靠玩花招赚钱
to make money in a clever and usually dishonest way
live in sinidiom humorous (有性关系但并未结婚的人)一起居住;姘居;非法同居
to live with someone that you are having a sexual relationship with but are not married to
Last I heard, they'd moved in together and were living in sin. 我听到的最新消息是,他们已经搬到一起同居了。
live it upidiom informal 享乐,玩乐
to have an exciting and very enjoyable time with parties, good food and drink, etc.
He's alive and well and living it up in the Bahamas. 他活蹦乱跳的,正在巴哈马群岛吃喝玩乐呢。
live like a king/lordidiom 过着奢侈的生活
to have a luxurious (= spending a lot of money) way of life
live to fight another dayidiom 下次再分高低,还有机会较量
to have another chance to fight in a competition; to be able to continue with your life although you have had a bad experience
We didn't win this time, but we live to fight another day. 这次我们没有获胜,但下回我们再论输赢。
More idioms
live to tell the taleidiom 熬过来,挺过来
to successfully deal with or continue to live despite a difficult situation or experience
We had a horrific journey, but we lived to tell the tale. 这段旅程太恐怖了,但我们终于熬了过来。
lived inidiom 常用的,舒适的
regularly used and comfortable
I like a room to look lived in. 我喜欢房间里看上去像有人常住的样子,舒适惬意。
live out your dreams/fantasiesidiom 实现梦想/幻想
to do something that you really wanted but did not think was possible
They are living out their show-biz dreams. 他们正活在他们的娱乐事业梦中。
never live something downidiom 对…感到尴尬不已,一直对…感到难堪
to be unable to stop feeling embarrassed about something you have done
I wish I'd never opened my mouth in the meeting - I'm never going to live it down! 我真希望自己在会上什么都没说——我一辈子都会为此感到难堪的!
within living memoryidiom 记忆犹新,依然留在记忆中
If something has happened within living memory, it can be remembered by some people who are still alive.
There is possibly less chance of another world war while the last one is within living memory. 当人们对上一次世界大战还记忆犹新的时候,爆发新的世界大战的可能性会很小。
you live and learnidiom (表示对得知的东西感到惊讶)真想不到
said when you hear or discover something that is surprising
I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn. 我一点都没想到他们之间还有联系。唉,真是想不到啊。
Phrasal verbs
live for something/someoneB2 为…而活着
to have something or someone as the most important thing in your life
She just lives for music. 她就是为音乐而活的。
live in 住在工作(或学习)的地方
to live at the place where you work or study
The university guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for every first year who wants to live in. 大学为想住校的一年级学生保证提供学生宿舍。
live off someone/something 依靠…生活
to use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need to live
All his life he had lived off his father. 他一辈子都靠父亲生活。
They had learned to live off the land (= grow or find their own food). 他们学会了靠土地吃饭。
live on somethingB2 依靠(…钱)生活
If you live on an amount of money, that is the money that you use to buy the things that you need.
We lived on very little when we first got married. 我们刚结婚的时候日子过得很紧。
B2 (…食物)生存;只吃
to only eat a particular type of food
I more or less live on pasta. 我基本上只吃意大利面。
live out 不住在工作(或学习)的地方
to not live at the place where you work or study
We have a nanny, but she lives out. 我们的孩子有保姆,但是她不和我们一起住。
Most students live out in their second year. 大部分二年级学生不住校。
live out something 过日子;过(人生)余下的日子
to spend your life or the last period of your life in a particular way
She retired and lived out the rest of her days quietly in the country. 她退休了,在乡下安静地度过余生。
live through somethingC2 经历困难的情形(或事件)
to experience a difficult situation or event
He could never know the pain and fear this child had lived through. 他永远不会知道这个孩子经历的痛苦和恐惧。
live togetherB2 未婚同居
If two people live together, they share a house and have a sexual relationship but are not married.
Nowadays many young people live together before they get married. 现在许多年轻人都婚前同居。
live up to somethingB2 与…一样好
to be as good as something
The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations. 音乐会很棒——一点儿都没有让我们失望。
live with someoneB2 某人)未婚同居
to share a home with someone and have a sexual relationship with them although you are not married
More phrasal verbs
live with something 接受,容忍(困境或令人不快的情形)
to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation
I can't change the situation so I'm going to have to learn to live with it. 既然无法改变这种状况,我只好试着去接受它。
adjective uk/laɪv/ us/laɪv/
[ before noun ]活的
having life
Millions of live animals are shipped around the world each year. 每年有数百万只动物被运到世界各地。
There was a tank of live lobsters in the restaurant. 饭馆里有一箱活龙虾。
  • They transport live cattle across the country.
  • The place was full of live rats.
  • He said he'd seen a live dinosaur.
  • He uses live insects as bait.
  • She carries a live snake round her neck.
B1 现场直播的,实况转播的
(of a performance) broadcast, recorded, or seen while it is happening
This evening there will be a live broadcast of the debate. 今晚将现场直播这场辩论。
a live recording 现场录音
  • I saw the Rolling Stones live.
  • I wish I had seen Maria Callas live.
  • The concert was broadcast live from New York.
  • The show was recorded in front of a live audience.
  • The stunt was filmed live.
(of a wire) carrying or charged with electricity
a live wire 火线
able to explode
live rounds of ammunition 数发实弹
live shells 实弹
(of a fire, coals, or a match) still burning or able to burn
There are live coals in the fireplace. 壁炉里的煤还在燃烧。
adverb uk/laɪv/ us/laɪv/
broadcast as it happens; performing or being performed in front of an audience
I've got two tickets to see them (perform) live. 我有两张看他们现场演出的门票。
go live (新系统,尤指电脑系统)开始运行;开始工作
If a new system, especially a computer system, goes live, it starts to operate.
Our new payments system will go live at the beginning of next month. 下个月初我们新的支付系统将开始运行。
Our first public forum goes live next month and we will be monitoring its use.
The product, which is scheduled to go live next spring, offers improved reliability and flexibility.
A beta version of the app has now gone live.
Our new website will go live in a few days' time.




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