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词汇 spoil
verb uk/spɔɪl/ us/spɔɪl/ spoiled or spoilt | spoiled or spoilt
B1 [ T ]破坏糟蹋毁掉
to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest, or beauty of something
He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening. 他努力不让那个坏消息破坏他晚上的兴致。
The oil spill has spoiled the whole beautiful coastline. 溢出的石油破坏了整段漂亮的海岸线。
I haven't seen the film, so don't spoil it for me by telling me what happens. 我还没看那部电影,所以别把内容告诉我,以免坏了我的兴致。
You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now. 你要是现在吃蛋糕的话,就没胃口吃晚饭了。
[ I or T ]使)(食物)变质,(使变坏
When food spoils or is spoiled, it is no longer good enough to eat.
The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge. 如果你不把甜点放在冰箱里,它会坏掉的。
[ T ] politics UK specialized使选票作废
to mark a ballot paper so that it cannot be officially counted as a vote
Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper. 几个候选人她哪个都不支持,因此她把选票作废了。
  • He wasn't enjoying the occasion so he thought he'd spoil it for everyone else - it was very childish of him.
  • Knowing the ending already didn't spoil my enjoyment of the film.
  • The government is understandably reluctant to do anything which might spoil the harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups.
  • I won't have any chocolate, thanks. It will spoil my appetite.
  • Let it rain - it won't spoil our afternoon.
[ T ](尤指极其慷慨地)宠爱,溺爱,纵容
to treat someone very or too well, especially by being extremely generous
When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and spoil myself - a couple of new dresses always make me feel better. 我心情糟糕的时候,就会去购物放纵一下自己——买上几件新衣服总会让我感觉好些。
C1 [ T ] disapproving溺爱,娇惯;宠坏
to allow a child to do or have everything that it wants to, usually so that it expects to get everything it wants and does not show respect to other people
Mr Harvey, unable for once to do exactly as he wanted, sulked just like a spoiled child. 哈维先生只此一次不能如愿以偿按他的意思做,就气鼓鼓的,像个宠坏了的孩子。
Synonyms: baby coddle (PROTECT)cossetindulgemollycoddle pamper
be spoiling for a fightidiom 按捺不住想打架;忍不住想争论
to be very eager to fight or argue
Local councillors are spoiling for a fight over plans to close two village schools. 当地市政委员们一心想就关闭两所乡村学校的计划进行争论。
be spoilt for choiceidiom UK (also be spoiled for choice) 选择太多而让人难以决定,让人挑花了眼
to be unable to choose because there are so many possible good choices
There's so much good theatre in New York City - one is spoilt for choice. 纽约好的戏剧和电影太多了,简直让人无从选择。
spoil someone's partyidiom (also spoil the party for someone) 使某人)败兴,扫(某人)的兴
to cause trouble for someone at a moment when they are enjoying a success
spoil someone rottenidiom 惯坏(做某人要你做的任何事情,或给他们想要的任何东西)
to do whatever someone wants you to do or to give someone anything they want
The children are spoiled rotten by their grandparents. 这些孩子们被爷爷奶奶惯坏了。
noun uk/spɔɪl/ us/spɔɪl/
[ U ](开掘时挖出的)废土,废石方
earth, stones, etc. dug out from a hole in the ground
a spoil heap 弃土堆
spoils[ plural ] formal 战利品,掠夺物;权力地位的连带利益,获益
goods, advantages, profits, etc. that you get by your actions or because of your position or situation
The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour. 胜利/战争的战利品包括大量的财物和盔甲。
The two parties will have to decide how to divide the spoils of power.
He was elected on a promise to spread the spoils of a growing economy more broadly across the country.
Her family still benefits from the spoils of slavery.
Soldiers were recruited with promises that they would share in the spoils of war.




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