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词汇 light
noun uk/laɪt/ us/laɪt/
B1 [ U ]光,光亮,光线
the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen
a bright light 明亮的光线
fluorescent/ultraviolet light 荧光/紫外光
a beam/ray of light 一道/束光线
Light was streaming in through the open door. 光线从敞开的门口倾泻进来。
It's a north-facing room so it doesn't get much light (= brightness from the sun). 房间朝北,所以光线有些不足。
A2 [ C ]发光体;灯,电灯
a piece of equipment that produces light, such as a lamp or a bulb
Could you switch/turn the light on/off, please? 请把灯打开/关上好吗?
She could see the city lights in the distance. 她能够看到远处城市的灯光。
As the lights went down, the audience grew quiet. 灯熄灭后,观众们开始安静下来。
My front bike light isn't working. 我的自行车前灯不亮了。
  • The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes.
  • The bomb exploded in a flash of yellow light.
  • The torch sends out a powerful beam of light.
  • She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.
  • We saw a glimmer of light in the distance.
a light 打火机,点火器
something that will produce a flame and cause burning, such as a match or a cigarette lighter
Have you got a light, please? 请问你有打火机吗?
set light to something UK 点燃
to cause something to start burning
The lamp caught fire and set light to the curtains. 灯起火了,烧着了窗帘。
They stole a car and set light to it.
The fire spread quickly, setting light to nearby houses.
He fell asleep and dropped his cigarette, which then set light to the bedclothes.
She poured brandy on the pudding and set light to it.
bring something to lightidiom C2 发现…;使…公开
If someone brings something to light, they discover it or make it known publicly.
These problems should have been brought to light much earlier. 这些问题早就该被发现了。
cast/shed/throw light on somethingidiom C2 为…提供解释;使…较容易理解
Something or someone that casts/sheds/throws light on a situation provides an explanation for it or information that makes it easier to understand.
As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem. 作为经济学家,他能解释这个问题。
come to lightidiom C2 真相)为人所知,被披露
If facts come to light, they become known publicly.
Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder. 新近发现的证据表明那起凶杀案并不是他干的。
go out like a lightidiom informal 立即入睡;马上失去知觉
to go to sleep very quickly or to become unconscious very quickly
in the light of somethingidiom UK (US in light of sth)C1 因为,鉴于
because of
In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings. 鉴于最近发生的几起事件,我们提醒顾客要特别注意照看好自己的个人物品。
light at the end of the tunnelidiom 隧道尽头的亮光,曙光(指局势出现好转或艰巨任务即将完成的迹象)
signs of improvement in a situation that has been bad for a long time, or signs that a long and difficult piece of work is almost finished
As finals approached, she felt that at last she could see the light at the end of the tunnel. 随着决赛的临近,她觉得自己终于快要熬出头了。
the light of your lifeidiom humorous 最爱的人;心肝宝贝
the person you love most
show someone in a bad lightidiom 丑化某人
to make someone seem to be a bad person
He was concerned that the article had shown him in a bad light. 他担心那 部影片丑化了他的形象。
adjective uk/laɪt/ us/laɪt/
A2 轻的轻便的
not weighing a lot
Here, take this bag - it's quite light. 给你,拿着这个袋子——很轻的。
He's a few pounds lighter than he used to be. 他的体重比以前轻了几磅。
How do you get your cakes so wonderfully light, Amy? 艾米,你是怎样把蛋糕做得这么松软的?
He has a very light (= gentle) touch, which is what is required in massage. 正如按摩所要求的那样,他的手法很轻。
She's very light on her feet (= she moves gracefully). 她走起路来步态轻盈。
A2 (服装面料)凉爽的,轻薄的
Light clothes are made of thin material that allows you to be cool.
a light summer dress 凉爽的夏季长裙
  • Will you be able to carry these bags to the car? There're quite light.
  • This umbrella is very light and it fits easily into my bag.
  • I can't carry you around any more - you're not as light as you were, my girl!
  • My suitcase is fairly light as I didn't have time to pack very much.
  • The kitten was so light I could hardly feel it sitting on my lap.
B1 亮的,光亮的,明亮的
lit by the natural light of the day
The big windows make the room feel wonderfully light and airy. 大窗户使房间显得特别明亮、通透。
It gets light very early these summer mornings. 在这样的夏日里天亮得很早。
Summer is coming and the evenings are getting lighter (= getting dark later). 夏天快到了,天黑得越来越晚了。
  • The new offices are light and airy.
  • It doesn't get light until nine.
  • The hall was light and decorated in a modern style.
  • I wanted the summer room to be very light.
  • Her house is light and airy.
A1 颜色)淡的,浅的
(of colours) pale
light blue/green 浅蓝色/绿色
Opposite: dark
  • He had spiky light brown hair, shaved at the sides and gelled on top.
  • A dark carpet won't mark as easily as a light one.
  • The walls are painted light blue.
  • I prefer to wear light colours.
  • They have a light brown carpet.
entertaining and easily understood, but not serious and not intended to make you think
I want some light reading for the summer holidays - a romance or something. 暑假里我想读点轻松的东西——比如言情小说之类的。
A lively argument between the two main speakers provided some light relief (= something enjoyable or amusing) in an otherwise dull conference. 两位主要发言者间活跃的争论是一种愉悦轻松的调剂。否则, 会议实在枯燥乏味。
make light of somethingC2 轻视,忽视(尤指问题)
to behave as if a situation, especially a problem, is not serious or important
It is easy to make light of other people's problems. 忽视他人的问题很容易。
They tried to make light of their injuries.
Please don't think I'm making light of your situation.
We felt that officials made light of our concerns.
He committed a serious assault, and I'm not going to make light of that.
  • I found her novels rather light.
  • The programmes are intended as light entertainment.
  • I did a little light reading.
  • She enjoys light opera.
  • The movie was light but fun.
B1 弱小的少量的
not great in strength or amount
A light wind was blowing. 外面有微风。
The traffic was quite light so we got through London quickly. 路上车不多,所以我们很快就穿过了伦敦。
It's only light rain - you don't need an umbrella. 只是下了点儿小雨——你不必拿雨伞。
light eater/drinker/smoker 饭量/酒量/烟瘾小的人
someone who eats/drinks/smokes only a little
The recipe will feed eight light eaters or six hungry people.
If you are a light eater, I recommend snacking on Vietnamese summer rolls.
I am only a light drinker and my husband doesn't drink alcohol at all.
Even light smokers are more at risk of lung cancer than non-smokers.
I am a light smoker but I do enjoy a cigarette after a meal.
light sleeper 易醒的人,睡觉轻的人
someone who is easily woken up by noise, etc.
I'm a very light sleeper.
He was a light sleeper and woke every time a train went by.
She was a light sleeper who found it difficult to get back to sleep.
Her baby was such a light sleeper, he woke up whenever she entered the room.
I am a light sleeper but I didn't hear anything.
  • There was a light covering of snow.
  • This wine has a light, fruity flavour .
  • The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet.
  • The boat goes fast, even in light winds.
  • There is only light traffic on the roads tonight.
A light meal is small and easy to digest.
I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack. 我午饭吃得不多——只吃一点儿小吃。
used to describe alcoholic drinks that are not strong in flavour
It's described on the label as "light, fruity wine". 标签上写着“浓郁醇香的低度葡萄酒”。
needing only a very small amount of effort
light exercise, such as walking 散步之类轻微的运动
a little light housework 一点儿家务活儿
A light sentence in prison is a short one.
He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction. 因为是初犯,他得以轻判。
make light work of something/doing something 轻而易举地做某事
to do something quickly and easily
Heather made light work of painting the walls. 希瑟轻而易举地刷完了墙。
You made light work of that chocolate cake (= you ate it quickly)! 你三两下就把巧克力蛋糕吃光了!
The men made light work of moving all the boxes upstairs.
She made light work of the journey in her new sports car.
A chainsaw makes light work of cutting up the wood.
(as) light as a featheridiom 轻如羽毛的,极轻的
very light
verb uk/laɪt/ us/laɪt/ lit or lighted | lit or lighted
B1 [ I or T ]点燃,点火
to start to burn or to make something start to burn
to light a fire 点火
I can't get the cooker to light. 我无法点燃煤气灶。
He lit his fifth cigarette in half an hour. 不到半个小时,他已经开始点第5支烟了。
  • The room was lit by candles.
  • A full moon lit up the sky.
  • A dim torch lit the cave.
  • Laser beams lit up the night.
  • A white light lit up the screen.
B2 [ T ]照亮,点亮;为…照明
to produce light that makes an object or area bright or easy to see
The stage had been lit with candles. 蜡烛照亮了舞台。
Fireworks lit up the sky (= made the sky bright). 焰火点亮了天空。
light a fire under someoneidiom mainly US使某人)加快,加强(尤指在过去行动迟缓的情况下)
to make someone act quickly or forcefully, especially someone who has not been doing enough before
The coach tried to light a fire under the team in his halftime speech. 教练试图在半场休息时鼓励队员们振奋起来。
Phrasal verbs
light on/upon something 突然发现,突然想起
to find or think of something unexpectedly
We lighted upon the solution entirely by accident. 我们想起这个办法实属偶然。
light (something) up 使高兴起来,(使显出笑意
If your face or eyes light up, or if a smile lights up your face, you suddenly look happy.
Rosie's whole face lit up with excitement when she saw the presents. 看到礼物的时候罗茜满脸兴奋。
to light a cigarette
I was lighting up when I noticed a "no smoking" sign. 我点烟的时候才发现有一块“禁止吸烟”的牌子。




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