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词汇 let
verb uk/let/ us/let/ letting | let
B1 [ T + infinitive without to ]让;允许;准许
to allow something to happen or someone to do something by not doing anything to stop an action or by giving your permission
She wanted to go but her parents wouldn't let her. 她想走,但父母不让。
He decided to let his hair grow long. 他决定把头发留起来。
Let your shoes dry completely before putting them on. 让鞋子干透以后再穿。
I'm letting you stay up late, just this once. 我允许你熬夜,但仅此一次。
Don't let it worry you. 不要让它惹你心烦。
If he needs money, let him (= he should) earn it! 如果他需要钱,就让他去挣吧!
[ T + obj + infinitive without to , not in past tenses ]任由
used to show that you accept what is going to happen, although you do not like it
Let it rain - it won't spoil our afternoon. 随它下吧——下雨不会影响我们下午的活动。
[ T + obj + infinitive without to , not in past tenses ](表示非常希望)让…发生
used to say that you wish something to happen very much
Oh, please let him get the job! 噢,让他得到那份工作吧!
  • They agreed to let us live there rent-free.
  • It isn't hygienic to let the cat sit on the dining table.
  • We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.
  • The dog's scratching at the door - shall I let him in?
  • Kyle's mum lets him stay up late on the weekends.
let's (also formal let us)A2 (表示建议或请求)让我们
used to express a suggestion or request that includes you and the other person or people
Let's go out to dinner. 我们出去吃晚饭吧。
Let us consider all the possibilities. 让我们来考虑一下各种可能性吧。
Let's not fight.
UK Don't let's argue. 咱们别争了。
Let's make sure she has a great birthday this year.
Let's just get to the top of this hill before we turn back.
[ T ] mainly UK (US usually rent)租出去,出租
to allow your house or land to be lived in or used by someone else in exchange for a regular payment
They are letting their house (out) for the summer. 他们准备夏天把房子租出去。
He's let his flat to a young couple. 他把公寓房租给了一对年轻夫妇。
She has a room to let in her house. 她的房子里有一个房间要出租。
let someone beidiom (also let someone alone) 随(某人)去;不打扰(某人
to stop criticizing or annoying someone
Just let her alone – she’s not bothering you. 随她去吧——她没有打扰你。
let goidiom C2 放开,松手
to stop holding something
Hold on tight and don't let go! 抓紧,别松手!
Let go of my hand, you're hurting me! 放开我的手,你弄疼我了!
C2 放下(不再想过去的某事或因之而恼怒)
to stop thinking about or being angry about the past or something that happened in the past
She finds it hard to let go of a grudge. 她发现很难放下过去的怨恨。
You need to let the past go and forgive those who have hurt you. 你需要放下过去,宽恕那些伤害过你的人。
let someone goidiom 使某人自由
to allow someone to be free
He pleaded with them to let him go. 他请求他们放他走。
to make someone leave their job
The firm hired the staff to sell the stocks, then let most of them go only a few months after the crash. 这家公司聘请员工出售存活,但就在生意下跌几月后就把他们解雇了。
let something go/passidiom 不理睬,不反驳,不追究
to not correct or argue with something that a person says or does that is wrong
I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway. 我知道他说的并不十分准确,但不管怎样,我没有去追究。
let yourself goidiom informal放任自流;不修边幅;放纵自己
to allow yourself to become less attractive or healthy
It's easy to let yourself go when you've got small kids. 有了小孩后很容易就不注意打扮了。
to relax completely and enjoy yourself
It's a party - let yourself go! 这是个聚会——尽情地玩吧!
let your hair downidiom old-fashioned informal 放开些,尽情享受
to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself
Oh let your hair down for once! 尽情地玩一次吧!
let someone have itidiom slang 抨击某人);攻击(某人
to attack someone with words or physically
let someone in on a secretidiom 某人透露秘密
to allow someone to know something that you have not told anyone else
Can I let you in on a little secret? 要我告诉你一个小秘密吗?
let someone knowidiom A2 告知,通知
to tell someone something
Let us know when you get there. 你到那儿后告诉我们一声。
Let me know if you need any help. 如果需要帮助就告诉我。
Thank you for coming to the interview - we'll let you know (= tell you whether we are going to offer you a job) in the next week. 谢谢你来参加面试——下周我们会告诉你结果。
let something slipidiom 说漏了嘴,无意中泄漏
to tell people about something without intending to
He let it slip that he hadn't actually read the report. 他无意中透露出他根本就没有看过那个报告。
More idioms
let something goidiom 不再照看(房子或花园)
to stop taking care of something such as a house or garden
The house was beautiful, but the new owners have just let it go. 这座房子很漂浪,但是新房主什么都不打点。
let it all hang outidiom old-fashioned slang 不拘礼节,自由随意
to behave freely without being shy or feeling worried about what other people will think of you
let it be knownidiom formal 让大家都知道,到处宣扬
to make certain that people know something
I let it be known that I was not happy about the decision that had been made. 我公开表示我对作出的决定不满意。
let it lieidiom (also let things lie) 对…不闻不问,对…置之不理,对…听之任之
to take no action about something
Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months. 他们没去报警,好几个月对此都听之任之。
let rip/flyidiom informal 发怒失去理智
to behave in an angry and emotional way
She let rip about the state of the kitchen. 她对厨房的状况大发雷霆。
let the side downidiom mainly UK informal 使自己人难堪;拆自家人的台
to behave in a way that embarrasses or disappoints a group of people that you are part of
let's face itidiom C2 让我们正视事实吧!我们实话实说吧!
something that you say before you say something that is unpleasant but true
Let's face it, we both know why I stopped working there. 实话实说吧,我们都清楚我为什么不在那里工作了。
Let's face it, we're not going to win.
let's seeidiom (also let me see/think) 让我想想看,让我想一想
used when you want to think carefully about something or are trying to remember
Next Saturday, let's see, that's when we're going to the theatre. 下周六,让我想想,那天我们要去看戏。
The last time I spoke to her was, now let me think, three weeks ago. 我上一次和她说话是,让我想想,3个星期以前。
Phrasal verbs
let someone downB2 辜负某人),使(某人失望
to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do
You will be there tomorrow - you won't let me down, will you? 明天你会去那里的——你不会让我失望,对吧?
When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents down. 我入狱的时候真觉得对不起我的父母。
let something down 衣服)放长一些,将(衣服加长
If you let down a piece of clothing, you make it longer.
My trousers shrank in the wash so I let them down. 我的裤子洗过后缩水了,所以我把裤腿放长了。
If you let down something filled with air, you cause the air to go out of it.
Someone let my tyres down while I was at the gym. 我在健身房时有人把我的车胎给放了气。
let someone/something inB2 允许…进入
to allow someone or something to enter
She opened the door and let me in. 她打开门让我进去。
These shoes are starting to let water in. 这双鞋子开始进水了。
let yourself in for something 使自己陷入,使自己卷入
to become involved in a difficult or unpleasant situation without intending to
Do you realize how much extra work you're letting yourself in for? 你意识到你在给自己增加多少额外的工作吗?
let someone in on something 某人)公开;允许(某人参与(秘密的事情)
to tell someone about something that is secret, or to allow someone to become involved in something that only very few people are involved in
Debbie agreed to let me in on her plans. 黛比同意让我参加她的计划。
let something into something 镶嵌,嵌入
to put something into a flat surface so that it does not stick out
A skylight had been let into the roof. 屋顶嵌上了一扇天窗。
let someone offB2 宽宥某人);从轻处罚(某人
to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong, or to not punish them severely
Instead of a prison sentence they were let off with a fine. 他们没有被判刑,只是被罚了款而已。
You won't be let off so lightly (= you will be punished more severely) the next time. 下一次就不会这样轻饶你了。
let something off );开();引爆
to fire a gun, or to make something such as a bomb or fireworks explode
Don't let off fireworks near the house. 不要在房子附近放烟火。
let on 透露,泄露(秘密
to tell other people about something that you know, especially when it is a secret
I suspect he knows more than he's letting on. 除了透露出的那些情况外,我怀疑他对这件事还知道更多。
let someone/something outB2 允许…离开,放开,放走
to allow someone or something to leave a place, especially by opening a closed or locked door
I heard a voice from the cupboard shouting "Let me out!" 我听到橱柜里有人喊:“放我出去!”
More phrasal verbs
let something out 放出,发出
to cause something to come out
He let the air out of the balloon. 他把气球里的空气放了出来。
She let out a scream (= she made this noise). 她发出一声尖叫。
to make a piece of clothing wider by removing the sewing from the sides and sewing closer to the edge of the material
These trousers are too tight - I'm going to have to let them out. 这条裤子太紧了——我准备把它放宽一些。
let out 结束;(学校)放假,放学;演出散场
When something that people go to, such as school or a show, lets out, it ends and everyone leaves.
When does school let out for the summer? 学校什么时候放暑假?
let up 改善,好转;停止
If bad weather or an unpleasant situation lets up, it stops or improves.
When the rain lets up we'll go for a walk. 等雨一停我们就出去散步。
to stop doing something that you have been doing continuously or in a determined way
Neil spent the entire evening moaning about his job - he just wouldn't let up. 尼尔一整晚都在抱怨他的工作——说起来没完没了。
The police insist that they are not letting up on their campaign against drugs. 警方坚称不会停止打击毒品犯罪的行动。
adverb uk/let/ us/let/
let aloneC1 (用于否定句后表示强调)当然不会,更不用说
used after a negative statement to emphasize how unlikely a situation is because something much more likely has never happened
Some people never even read a newspaper, let alone a book. 有些人从不看报纸,更不用说读书了。
He could hardly touch his knees, let alone his toes.
There wasn't enough to keep us occupied for an afternoon, let alone the whole weekend.
I barely had time to take a shower, let alone make home-cooked meals.
I wouldn't want to be in the same room as that woman, let alone date her.
noun uk/let/ us/let/
[ C ] sports (网球等运动项目的)发球擦网,发球触网
(in tennis or similar games) a situation in which the ball touches the net as it crosses it, so that you have to play the point again
without let or hindrance law UK specialized 无障碍地,自由地
without being prevented from doing something
People will be able to travel from country to country without let or hindrance. 人们将能够不受任何限制地在各国之间自由往来。
Anyone can explore the whole area without let or hindrance.
We need tighter regulations, or this pollution will continue without let or hindrance.
We don't want anyone to be able to set up a university without let or hindrance.
This document allows the bearer to pass through the checkpoint without let or hindrance.
[ C ] UK出租,租赁
the act of allowing someone to use your house, land, etc. in exchange for regular payments
a five-year let on a flat 为期5年的公寓租赁
suffix uk/ -lət/ us/ -lət/
small, not very important
piglet 小猪




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