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词汇 lay
verb uk/leɪ/ us/leɪ/ laid
C1 [ T usually + adv/prep ]放置,安放,平放
to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for a particular purpose
She laid the baby on the bed. 她把婴儿放在了床上。
He laid the tray down on the table. 他把托盘放在桌子上。
She laid aside her book and went to answer the phone. 她把书放在一边去接电话。
We're having a new carpet laid in the hall next week. 我们准备下周给大厅铺新地毯。
The plan is to lay (= build) the foundations for the new apartments in October. 按照计划新公寓将于10月打地基。
[ T ]计划,研究(方法
to prepare a plan or a method of doing something
Even the best laid plans go wrong sometimes. 即使最周密的计划有时也会出错。
  • Just lay the suitcase on the bed, would you?
  • He laid the wreath reverently in front of the memorial.
  • The road has been dug up in order to lay cables.
  • Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid.
  • He took out his gold watch and laid it ostentatiously on the table in front of him.
past simple of lie
B2 [ I or T ]);产(
(of an animal or bird) to produce eggs from out of the body
Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand. 成千上万只海龟爬上海滩在沙子里产卵。
[ T ] slang某人)发生性关系,与(某人性交
to have sex with someone
So did you get laid (= find someone to have sex with)? 你和人发生性关系了吗?
[ T ]赌注),为…打赌,对…下注
to risk something, usually money, on the result of an event
She won't get the job - I'd lay money on it! 她得不到那份工作——我敢打赌!
[ T ]声称,声明
to express a claim, legal statement, etc. in a serious or official way
She can't accept she made a mistake and now she's trying to lay the blame on (= accuse) her assistant. 她无法接受自己犯错误的事实,于是想把责任推到助手的头上。
Do you understand the seriousness of the charge (= legal accusation) that has been laid against you? 你知道对你的这项指控有多严重吗?
lay claim to something 声称…归其所有
to say that you own something
Two companies have laid claim to the design. 两家公司都声称自己拥有此项设计的所有权。
lay something at someone's dooridiom mainly UK 将…归咎于(某人
to blame someone for something
Blame for the accident has been laid at the government's door. 人们认为发生此次事故的责任在政府。
lay someone lowidiom 使某人)病倒,使(某人)卧床不起
to cause someone to be unable to do what they usually do
A kidney infection laid her low for a couple of months. 肾部感染让她病了好几个月。
lay something on the lineidiom 使…受到危害,使…处于危险中
to risk harm to something
I'd be laying my career/life on the line by giving you that information. 给你透露那个消息会毁了我的前途/要了我的命。
to say very clearly that something is the case
You're just going to have to lay it on the line and tell her that her work's not good enough. 你就得把这件事摆到台面上,明白无误地跟她讲她的工作没做好。
lay yourself open to attack, criticism, ridicule, etc.idiom 给人留下攻击/批评/取笑等的把柄
to make it easy for people to attack you, etc.
She lays herself open to criticism with such unashamedly extreme views. 她大言不惭地提出如此极端的观点给人留下了批评的把柄。
lay someone to restidiom 安葬某人),埋葬(某人
to bury a dead person
She was laid to rest next to her husband. 她被安葬在丈夫旁边。
lay something to restidiom 打消,消除(顾虑或恐惧)
to end a worry or fear
I hope what he said has laid your fears to rest. 我希望他说的这些能消除你的恐惧。
lay something (to) wasteidiom (also lay waste to something) 完全摧毁,彻底捣毁
to completely destroy something
The bomb laid the city centre to waste. 炸弹将市中心夷为平地。
lay a finger on someoneidiom 某人)一个手指头,动(某人)一根毫毛
to harm someone even slightly
Don't you dare lay a finger on me. 看你敢动我一个手指头。
lay a hand on someoneidiom 某人)动手,伤害(某人
to harm someone
I never laid a hand on her! 我从未伤害过她!
lay bare somethingidiom 公开,公布
to make something known
It's been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend. 这本自传被宣传成是一部揭示传奇背后真相的作品。
More idioms
lay it on a bit thickidiom informal (also lay it on with a trowel) 过分夸奖,过分赞誉
to praise someone too much
She went on and on about how she admired his work - laid it on a bit thick, if you ask me. 她一直不停地在说对他的工作有多么钦佩——要我说有点过分了。
lay the basis/foundations for somethingidiom 为…打基础;开创
to prepare for or start an activity or task
The initial negotiations are seen as laying the basis for more detailed talks. 初期磋商被视作为进一步会谈做准备。
lay the ghost of something (to rest)idiom 终于摆脱…的困扰,终于走出…的阴影
to finally stop being worried or upset about something that has worried or upset you for a long time
With one stunning performance, he has laid to rest the ghost of all his defeats last season. 以其出色的表现,他终于走出了上赛季失败的阴影。
lay up trouble for yourselfidiom 埋下祸根,留下隐患
to do something that will cause you trouble in the future
You're laying up trouble for yourself if you ignore health problems now. 如果现在不重视健康,就会为将来留下隐患。
Phrasal verbs
lay something aside (通常指暂时)放下,停下
to stop doing or thinking about something, usually for a short period of time
He's temporarily laid aside some quite interesting projects to write the script. 他已经暂时放下一些非常有意思的项目去写剧本了。
to keep something, usually money, for use in the future
She's trying to lay something aside (= save some money) for her retirement. 她想为退休后的生活存些钱。
lay something down food & drink specialized储存,储藏(
to store wine for drinking in the future
If you lay down your weapons, you stop fighting.
They laid down their weapons and surrendered. 他们放下武器投降了。
Mediators have persuaded both sides to lay down their arms. 调停者已经说服双方停止战斗。
to officially establish a rule, or to officially say how something should be done
This is in line with the policy laid down by the management. 这一点符合管理层制定的政策。
lay something in 预备,准备,储备
to get a supply of something because you will probably need it in the future
We'd better lay in plenty of food in case we're cut off when it snows. 我们最好储备充足的食物以防下大雪时供应中断。
lay into someone 痛打某人);斥责(某人
to attack someone physically, or to criticize someone in an angry way
In the middle of the meeting she suddenly laid into him for no apparent reason. 在会上她突然无缘无故地把他训斥了一顿。
lay someone offB2 解雇某人),解聘(某人
to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do
Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to lay off several hundred workers. 由于订单减少,公司被迫解雇了数百名工人。
lay off (something/someone) 停止;停用
to stop using or doing something
You'd better lay off alcohol for a while. 你最好戒酒一段时间。
Why can't you lay off (= stop criticizing or hurting) the kid for once! 你为什么不能少训斥孩子一次?
lay something off (足球比赛中)为…喂球
in football , to kick the ball gently into a space so that another player from your team can run forward into the space, then move forward with the ball or shoot towards the goal without slowing down or stopping
Quinn laid off the ball for Kinsella to score. 奎恩把球喂给金塞拉让他射门。
lay something on 提供,供应,供给
to provide something for a group of people
They lay on free entertainment at the club every day. 他们每天在俱乐部安排免费娱乐活动。
They laid on a wonderful buffet after the wedding. 婚礼后他们安排了一顿丰盛的自助餐。
mainly US slang告知,通知
to tell someone something they did not know
I hate to be the one to lay this on you, but your girlfriend has just left with another guy. 我真不愿告诉你,你的女朋友刚才跟另一个家伙走了。
lay something outC1 排列,摆放,铺开
to arrange something on a flat surface
Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern. 在曼哈顿的大部分地区呈网格状排列。
We laid the pieces of the dress pattern out on the floor. 我们把衣服样品一件一件都摊开在地板上。
C2 informal(大把)
to spend money, especially a large amount
It's not every day you lay out $500 on a dress. 花500美元买条长裙可不是常有的事。
See also: outlay noun
C1 (通常用书写的方式)向…清楚地解释
to explain something clearly, usually in writing
The code of practice lays out very clearly what the duties of the registrar are. 行为规范清楚写明了注册员的责任。
lay someone out 装殓尸体
to prepare a dead person's body to be buried
to hit someone so hard that they fall down and become unconscious
Harrison was laid out for several minutes by a blow to the head. 哈里森头上挨了一拳,昏迷了好几分钟。
More phrasal verbs
lay someone up 使某人)卧床
to force someone to stay in bed
She's been laid up with the flu for over a week. 她因为流感已经卧床一星期了。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/leɪ/ us/leɪ/
not trained in or not having a detailed knowledge of a particular subject
From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible. 从外行的角度看,这份问卷调查简直让人无法理解。
See also: layman (NOT TRAINED)
having a position in a religious organization that is not a full-time job and is not paid
a lay preacher 兼职牧师
See also: layman (CHURCH)
noun [ C ] slang uk/leɪ/ us/leɪ/
used to describe how good someone is at sex, or how often they have sex
She's a good lay (= sex with her is enjoyable). 她是个不错的性伙伴。
She got a reputation as an easy lay (= she was thought to have slept with a lot of people). 她和很多人都睡过,得了个放荡的名声。




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