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词汇 know
verb uk/nəʊ/ us/noʊ/ knew | known
A1 [ I or T, not continuous ]知道,熟悉,了解
to have information in your mind
"Where did he go?" "I don't know." “他上哪儿去了?”“我不知道。”
"What does it cost?" "Ask Kate. She'll know." “这个要多少钱?”“问凯特,她知道。”
She knows the name of every kid in the school. 她知道学校里每个孩子的名字。
I don't know anything about this. 我对此一无所知。
[ + question word ] We don't know when he's arriving. 我们不知道他什么时候到。
I don't know (= understand) what all the fuss is about. 我不明白这么大惊小怪干什么。
[ + (that) ] I just knew (that) it was going to be a disaster. 我就知道这会是场灾难。
She knew (= was aware) (that) something was wrong. 她知道出错了。
[ + obj + to infinitive ] Even small amounts of these substances are known to cause skin problems. 我们知道这类物质即使是一丁点也会损害皮肤。
formal The authorities know him to be (= know that he is) a cocaine dealer. 当局知道他是个可卡因贩子。
A1 [ T not continuous ](用于询问信息)知道
used to ask someone to tell you a piece of information
Do you know the time? 你知道几点了吗?
[ + question word ] Do you know where the Post Office is? 你知道邮局在哪儿吗?
A2 [ I or T, not continuous ]确知;确信
to be certain
[ + (that) ] I know (that) she'll be really pleased to hear the news. 我确信她知道这个消息会很高兴的。
[ + question word ] I don't know whether I should tell her or not. 我不知道是否该告诉她。
The party is at Sarah's house as/so far as I know (= I think but I am not certain). 据我所知,聚会在萨拉家举行。
  • "Will the table fit in here?" "I don't know - let's measure it."
  • I still don't know whether she's coming or not.
  • It's a bit suspicious that no one knows where he was at the time of the murder.
  • No one knew how many troops had died in combat.
  • "He's been married three times." "Oh, really? I didn't know that!"
B1 [ T not continuous ]认识;熟悉
to be familiar with or have experience and understanding of
I've known Daniel since we were at school together. 从我们一起上学开始我就认识丹尼尔。
She grew up in Paris so she knows it well. 她在巴黎长大,对那儿很熟悉。
I've seen the film "Casablanca" so many times that I know a lot of it by heart (= I know it in my memory). 电影《卡萨布兰卡》我看过很多遍,对很多情节我都烂熟于心。
Knowing Karen (= from my experience of her in the past), she'll have done a good job. 据我对萨拉的了解,她会干得很好。
formal I have known (= experienced) great happiness in my life. 我的人生中体味过极大的欢乐。
B1 [ I or T, not continuous ] (also know about)知晓,通晓
If you know a subject, you are familiar with it and understand it.
Do you know about computers? 你懂电脑吗?
She knows her subject inside out (= very well). 她精通自己的学科。
A2 [ T not continuous ]通晓语言);会
If you know a language, you can speak and understand it.
Do you know any French? 你会法语吗?
[ T not continuous ]认出;辨认出
to recognize someone or something
That's Peter alright - I'd know him anywhere! 那就是彼得——到哪儿我都能认出他!
I know a bargain when I see one. 是不是好买卖,我一看就知道。
know how to do somethingA2 懂得怎么做
to be able to do something because you have the necessary knowledge
Do you know how to print on this computer? 你会用这台电脑打印吗?
Read this book if you want to know how to succeed in business.
Baking is something she knows how to do very well.
Does anyone know how to disable the reboot feature?
We have a chainsaw, but I don't know how to use it.
get to know someone/somethingB1 逐渐熟悉,逐渐了解
to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about them or it
The first couple of meetings are for the doctor and patient to get to know each other. 开始的几次会面使医生和病人相互逐渐熟悉。
I'll need a few weeks to get to know the system. 我需要几周的时间来熟悉这一系统。
I was delighted to return to Mozambique to meet up with the kids I'd got to know there.
I spent my evenings walking around, getting to know the area.
During the year she spent inhospital, we got to know the nurses really well.
know someone by name 听说过某人
to have heard the name of a person but not seen or talked to them
I know him by name, but I don't think I've ever met him.
His election campaign has only just got up and running, so most voters don't know him by name yet.
She didn't recognize me because she only knew me by name.
A lot of people in the crowd knew him by name and called out to him.
She was known only by name to most of the people invited.
know someone by sight 某人)只是面熟
If you know someone by sight, that person looks familiar to you, but is not a friend of yours.
Mike spends a lot of time in this area, so you'd probably know him by sight.
I knew Jo's husband by sight, but I'd never really met him.
He walked up to Rose, whom he knew by sight.
The guards wouldn't let him enter because they didn't know him by sight.
I'll introduce myself to you father - I'm sure I'll know him by sight.
  • I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next.
  • If you don't know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.
  • It's always awkward when you meet someone you know, but you can't remember their name.
  • He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends.
  • I hope she knows where to get off the bus.
before you know itidiom C1 还没意识到之前(用来表示很快)
very soon
We'll be on our way out again before you know it. 在你还没意识到之前,我们就又出去了。
be known to be/do somethingidiom C1 众所周知
If something or someone is known to be or do something, people know that it is true or happens, or that someone is or does something.
A daily intake of 20 mg of vitamin C is known to be sufficient in most cases to ward off scurvy. 众所周知,每天摄入20毫克维生素C就足以抵御坏血病了。
Goodness/God/Heaven/Christ knowsidiom informal (表示不知道或加强语气)天知道(有些人认为此种表达具冒犯意)
used to mean "I don't know" or to emphasize a statement. Some people may find this use offensive.
God only knows what'll happen next! 只有老天爷知道接下来会发生什么!
Take your shirt off - Heaven knows it's hot enough today! 把衬衫脱了——今天可够热的!
how was I to know?idiom informal (表示所做的错事并非自己的过错)我怎么会知道?
used to say that something you did wrong was not your fault because you did not have enough information
I just wanted to give her a surprise; how was I to know you'd already bought tickets? 我只想给她个惊喜,我怎么会知道你已经买了票?
I don't knowidiom informal (表示不理解或恼火)我不明白
used to express that you do not understand or are angry at something that someone has done
I don't know, however many notices I put up, people still park in my space. 我不明白,不管我贴了多少告示,人们还是在我的车位泊车。
I don't know about you but...idiom informal 不管你要做什么;不管你怎么想
used to mean "whatever you are going to do" or "whatever you think"
I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed. 不管你怎么想,我要睡觉去了。
I don't know how, what, why, etc.idiom informal (用于加强批评、惊讶等的语气)真没想到,真不知道
used to add force to criticisms, expressions of surprise, etc.
I don't know how you can eat that revolting stuff! 天知道你怎么吃得下那么恶心的东西!
I don't know why you bother. 真不知道你为何要操心。
I knowidiom B1 (表示突然想到好主意、答案、解决办法)我有个主意,我知道了,我有办法了
said when you suddenly think of a good idea, an answer, or a solution
I know - let's go to the beach! 有了——我们去海滩!
B2 (表示赞同)是的,没错
said to show you agree with something someone has just said
"But he's so awful." "I know - he's dreadful." “但他很令人讨厌。”“没错——他是令人不快。”
know something back to frontidiom informal (UK also know something backwards); (US also know something backward(s) and forward(s)) 熟谙;对…了如指掌
to have very good and detailed knowledge of something
She knows her part in the play back to front. 她熟谙自己在剧中的角色。
know something like the back of your handidiom informal 精通;对…了如指掌
to have very good and detailed knowledge of something
I know this area like the back of my hand. 我对这一地区了如指掌。
More idioms
know your own mindidiom 有自己明确的想法(或愿望);有主见
to be certain about what you believe or want
know your placeidiom 安分守己;安于现状
to accept your position within society, an organization, your family, etc. and to not want to improve it
I just get on with my job and do as I'm told - I know my place. 我只是按吩咐做好我的工作——我很守本分。
know your stuffidiom informal (also UK old-fashioned know your onions)C2 精通业务,懂行
to have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or subject
know your way around somethingidiom (also know the ropes) 在行;熟悉
to be familiar with a place or organization and able to act effectively within it
know all the answersidiom mainly disapproving 自以为比别人知道得多,自恃聪明
If someone knows all the answers, they think they know much more than other people.
know all there is to know about somethingidiom approving 对某科目很擅长;对某活动很了解
to know a lot about a subject or activity, or be very good at it
know bestidiom C2 最适合承担责任和作决定;最具权威;最懂得
to be the most suitable person to have responsibility and make important decisions
When it comes to dealing with my own son, I think I know best. 对于我儿子的事情,我想我最有权威。
know better (than to do something)idiom C2 明事理(而不至于做某事)
to be wise or moral enough not to do something
Sure, she's only six, but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us. 当然,她只有6岁,但也该知道不能离开我们乱跑。
I'm surprised at you behaving so badly - you ought to/should know better. 你表现这么差我很惊讶——你该学乖一点儿。
know better (than someone)idiom (比某人)更懂,更在行
to know more than someone else because you have more experience and more skill
They thought the painting was a fake, but Shackleton knew better. 他们认为这幅画是赝品,但沙克尔顿更在行。
know the scoreidiom informal 了解情况;(尤指)了解问题的症结
to know all the important facts in a situation, especially the unpleasant ones
You know the score - no payment till after the article is published. 你了解情况——文章发表后才付稿酬。
know what you are doingidiom 掌握有效做某事的技能(或知识)
to have the skills and knowledge to do something effectively
You don't need to tell me - I know what I'm doing! 你不用告诉我——我能应付得了!
know what you are talking aboutidiom C1 作经验之谈
to understand a subject because of your experience
He doesn't know what he's talking about - he's never even been to Africa. 他在信口胡诌——他从没去过非洲。
(you) know what I meanidiom informal 懂我的意思
used when you think that the person listening understands and so you do not need to say any more
You've got to give him a chance, you know what I mean? 你得给他一个机会,你明白我的意思吧?
know what it is (like) toidiom 了解…的感觉(或滋味)
to be familiar with how it feels to be or do something
She knows what it's like to go bankrupt - it happened to her 20 years ago. 她知道破产是什么滋味 — 20年前她就破产过。
know what's whatidiom informal 懂行;老练
If you know what's what, you have a lot of experience and can judge people and situations well.
Linda's been in the business for 30 years - she knows what's what. 琳达从事这一行已有30年了——她很懂行。
know which side your bread is buttered (on)idiom informal 明白自已的利益所在,善为个人利益谋算
to know who to be nice to and what to do in order to get an advantage for yourself
something knows no boundsidiom formal (某人的某特质)没有限量,无限
If someone has a quality that knows no bounds, it is extreme.
Her generosity knows no bounds. 她极其慷慨大方。
not know someone from Adamidiom informal 根本不知道某人),与(某人)素不相识
to have never met someone and not know anything about them
Why should she lend me money? She doesn't know me from Adam. 她怎么会借钱给我?她根本不认识我。
not know the first thing about somethingidiom 对…一无所知
to know nothing about a subject
I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about car engines. 恐怕我对汽车发动机一无所知。
not know the meaning of the wordidiom (某人对做某事)没有经验,一无所知;(某人完全缺乏某种素质
If you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone doesn't know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or have no experience of that activity.
Work? He doesn't know the meaning of the word! 工作?他对工作根本一无所知。
And the irony of Phil talking about ethics. He doesn't know the meaning of the word. 菲尔谈论道德规范简直是个讽刺。他本身根本就是一个没有道德的人。
not know what has hit youidiom informal 感到震惊;仓皇失措
to be shocked and surprised because something unpleasant suddenly and unexpectedly happens to you
You wait till he starts working for Michael - he won't know what's hit him! 你等到他开始为迈克尔工作时——他就会不知所措了!
not know where to put yourselfidiom informal 局促不安,十分窘迫
to feel very embarrassed
And then he started to sing. Well, I didn't know where to put myself. 接着他开始唱歌。唉,我简直尴尬极了。
not know where/which way to turnidiom 不知所措;不知该求助何人
to not know what to do or who to ask for help
When both her parents died, she didn't know which way to turn. 她的父母双双去世时,她不知道该如何是好。
not know whether to laugh or cryidiom 哭笑不得;不知如何是好
to not know how to react in a particular situation
When she told me they were getting married I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 当她告诉我他们要结婚了时,我简直不知该如何是好。
not that I know ofidiom 据我所知并非如此,据我所知没有
used when answering a question to mean that, judging from the information you have, the answer is no
"Is she especially unhappy at school?" "Not that I know of." “她在学校特别不高兴吗?”“据我所知没有。”
there's no knowingidiom 无从知晓;难以预料
If you say there's no knowing, you mean it is impossible to be certain about something.
There's no knowing what she'll do if she finds out about this. 无从知晓她查出这事后会做些什么。
(well) what do you know!idiom informal (表惊讶时用,常借此幽默地表达相反的意义)真想不到!你说怪不怪!
something you say when you are surprised by a piece of information. This phrase is often used humorously to mean the opposite
So they're getting married, are they? Well, what do you know! 这么说他们要结婚了,是吗?真想不到!
Well, what do you know! The Raiders lost again! 唉,你说怪不怪!突袭者队又输了!
wouldn't know something if you fell over one/itidiom informal (also wouldn't know something if it hit you in the face) 即使很明显也识别不出
used to say that someone would not recognize something even if it was obvious
She wouldn't know a bargain if she fell over one! 即便明摆着的好买卖她也看不出来!
you knowidiom informalB1 (用于话语衔接)你知道
a phrase with little meaning, used while you are trying to think of what to say next
Well I just thought, you know, I'd better agree to it. 嗯,你知道,我想我最好同意此事。
I'm not happy with the situation but, you know, there isn't much I can do about it. 我对这一情况也不满意,但你知道,我对此做不了什么。
B1 (用于提醒或解释)你知道
used when trying to help someone remember something or when trying to explain something
What's the name of that guy on TV - you know, the one with the silly voice? 电视里那个人叫什么——你知道的,那个说话声音很怪的人?
you know something?idiom informal (also you know what?) (用于告知意见或信息之前)要我告诉你吗?你听说了吗?
said before giving an opinion or a piece of information
You know something? I don't think I like that man. 听我说,我想我不喜欢那个人。
You know what? I think it's time to go home. 要我告诉你吗?我觉得该回家了。
you never knowidiom informalB2 很难说,很难预料
said to mean there is a possibility that something good might happen, even if it is slight
You never know, she might change her mind. 很难说,她或许会改变想法。
Phrasal verbs
know something from something 辨别;识别
to know the difference between two things and therefore be able to recognize either, used especially to mean that you have a good knowledge and understanding of a particular subject
Computer expert? He doesn't know a mouse from a modem! (= He knows nothing about computers.) 电脑专家?他连鼠标和调制解调器都分不清!
know of someone/somethingB2 知道有,听说过
to have heard of someone or something and be able to give a small amount of information about him, her, or it
Do you know of a good doctor? 你知道有好医生吗?
noun informal uk/nəʊ/ us/noʊ/
be in the know 知情,熟知内幕
to have knowledge about something that most people do not have
This resort is considered by those who are in the know to have the best downhill skiing in Europe. 了解情况的人认为,这个度假胜地有着欧洲最理想的滑雪坡道。
Oh, if she's being too nosy, you can tell her to buzz off. She just wants to be in the know.
He likes to be in the know when it comes to what's happening in the tech industry.
Those in the know tell reporters that she'll run for re-election though she hasn't yet announced it.
Have you heard their news yet? How in the know are you?




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