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词汇 knock
verb uk/nɒk/ us/nɑːk/
B1 [ I ]反复地)敲,击,打
to repeatedly hit something, producing a noise
She knocked on the window to attract his attention. 她敲敲窗想引起他的注意。
There's someone knocking on/at the door. 有人在敲门。
Please knock before entering. 进来前请先敲门。
[ I ] engineering specialized发动机)发爆震声,砰砰作响
If an engine is knocking, it is producing a repeated high sound either because the fuel is not burning correctly or because a small part is damaged and is therefore allowing another part to move in ways that it should not.
[ I ](管子等)发碰撞声
If something such as a pipe knocks, it makes a repeated high sound.
  • I wish he'd knock instead of just barging in.
  • He knocked quietly before entering the room.
  • She knocked on the table to get our attention.
  • She never knocks before she comes in.
  • Knock three times, then I'll know it's you.
B1 [ I + adv/prep, T ]碰,撞;碰倒撞倒
to hit, especially forcefully, and cause to move or fall
He accidentally knocked the vase off the table. 他不小心把花瓶碰下了桌子。
She knocked her head against the wall as she fell. 她跌倒时头撞在墙上。
Who knocked over that mug of coffee? 谁打翻了那杯咖啡?
[ + obj + adj ] Some thug knocked him unconscious/senseless. 有个恶棍把他打昏了。
She took a hammer and knocked a hole in the wall. 她拿锤子在墙上砸了一个洞。
knock through something (also knock (something) into something) (两个房间)打通
If you knock one room into another room, or knock through a room, you remove the wall between one room and the next so that they form one room.
We're planning to knock the kitchen into the dining room to make one large eating space.
Food was served through a hatch knocked through the kitchen wall.
The previous owners had knocked the living room into the dining room to make a large open-concept gathering space.
You could turn this into a full-sized bedroom if you just knock into the walk-in closet.
You could knock through the hallway to make the living room wider.
  • The force of the wind knocked my hat off.
  • I knocked over a cup of tea.
  • The chair knocked against the lamp.
  • She knocked her head on the cupboard door.
  • Mind you don't knock the glass over.
[ T ] UK informal指摘;挑剔
to criticize, especially unfairly
Don't knock him - he's doing his best. 别挑他的刺了——他已在竭尽全力了。
be knocking (on) 60, 70, etc.idiom informal 快60/70岁等(通常指高龄)
to have almost reached a particular, usually old, age
She was knocking on 80 when she died. 她去世时快80岁了。
knock someone's block offidiom informal 要把(某人)揍扁,要痛打(某人
If you say that you will knock someone's block off, you are threatening to hit them very hard, especially on the head.
I'll knock his block off if he tries anything with me! 要是他敢对我怎么样,我会让他好看!
knock something on the headidiom UK informal 制止…发生;最终完成
to prevent something from happening, or to finally finish something
It's nearly done - another couple of hours should knock it on the head. 快做完了——再有几个小时就搞定了。
knock (some) sense into someoneidiom informal 某人懂道理
to forcefully teach someone not to be silly
A couple of years in the army will knock some sense into him. 在部队里呆上几年会让他懂些道理。
knock someone sideways/for sixidiom UK informal 使某人)惊呆;使(某人)大病一场
to shock or upset someone very much, or to make someone very ill
That flu really knocked me sideways. 那次流感使我大病一场。
The news of his death knocked me for six. 他的死讯令我震惊。
knock on woodidiom US informal (UK touch wood) 老天保佑
said in order to avoid bad luck, either when you mention good luck that you have had in the past or when you mention hopes you have for the future
The deal will be agreed on Wednesday, knock on wood. 这笔交易将在星期三达成,老天保佑。
knock 'em dead!idiom informal (用于告诉某人要尽力做好)干得漂亮点!全力以赴!
used to tell someone to perform or play as well as possible
knock it offidiom informal 住嘴住手
used to tell someone to stop doing something that annoys you
Oh, knock it off Alex, I'm really not in the mood for your jokes. 哎,别说了,亚历克斯,我真的没心情听你说笑话。
knock spots off somethingidiom UK informal 远远胜过
to be much better than something or someone else
It knocks spots off that restaurant in Cotswold Street. 这家餐馆远远胜过科茨沃尔德街上的那家。
knock the bottom out of somethingidiom 破坏…的基础;严重损害
to damage something severely, especially by destroying its support
The rise in mortgage rates really knocked the bottom out of the housing market. 按揭利率上升确实严重打击了房产市场。
More idioms
knock, knock!idiom 咚咚的敲门声;“敲门,敲门!”(有时候开玩笑时说的第一句话,然后是玩笑的内容)
a way of describing the sound made when you hit a door. It is sometimes used as the first line of a joke.
you could have knocked me down/over with a featheridiom saying (用来表示自己极度吃惊)你吓死我了!
said when you are extremely surprised
Phrasal verbs
knock around 闲呆着,悠闲地打发时间
to spend time relaxing and doing very little
I spent the weekend just knocking around the house. 我周末就在家里闲呆着。
to spend a lot of time with someone
I used to knock around with him at school. 我过去在学校里常和他在一起。
knock around (something) (某人长时间)漫游,游荡;(某物长时间)散置在(某处)
to be in a place that is not exactly known or in various places especially over a long period of time
I'm sure I've got a copy of "Lolita" knocking around somewhere. 我肯定我有一本《洛丽塔》在什么地方。
He spent years knocking around the Far East before the First World War. 一战前他在远东漫游了多年。
knock someone around 粗暴对待,虐待(某人
to behave violently towards someone and hit them
Her husband used to knock her around. 她的丈夫过去常常虐待她。
knock someone back (something) 某人花费一大笔钱
to cost someone a large amount of money
I bet that computer knocked you back several hundred. 我敢说那台电脑花了你几百块钱。
knock back (something) 一下子喝下(尤指很多酒)
to quickly drink something, especially a lot of alcohol
She was knocking back the champagne at Maria's party. 她当时正在玛丽亚的聚会上畅饮香槟。
knock someone downB1 (驾车)撞倒某人
to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them
She was knocked down by a bus. 她被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。
knock someone/something down 击倒,打倒
to cause someone or something to fall to the ground by hitting him, her, or it
to reduce a price, or to persuade someone to reduce the price of something they are selling
She wanted $200 but I knocked her down to $175. 她开价200美元,我还到175美元。
See also: knock-down
knock something downB2 拆掉,拆毁(建筑物等)
to destroy a building or part of a building
There are plans to knock the library down and replace it with a hotel complex. 计划拆除图书馆,改建酒店综合大楼。
to show that what someone has said is not true
She easily knocked down every argument he put up. 她轻而易举地驳倒了他提出的每个论点。
knock off (something) 停止工作);下班
to stop working, usually at the end of the day
I don't knock off until six. 我到6点才下班。
What time do you knock off work? 你几点下班?
knock something off (something) (从价格中)减去,除去
to take a particular amount away from a price
The manager knocked $5 off because it was damaged. 因为有破损,经理将价格降低了5美元。
More phrasal verbs
knock something off UK slang (US knock something over)抢劫;偷
to steal something
He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops. 他有一大堆从各个商店偷来的电脑配件。
He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub. 他在酒馆里出售偷来的车载收音机时,被当场抓住。
to produce something quickly and easily
She can knock off (= write) a novel in a couple of weeks. 她能在几周内赶出一部小说。
See also: knock something out (PRODUCE)
knock someone off slang杀死,谋杀,干掉(某人
to murder someone
He hired a hitman to knock off a business rival. 他雇了杀手来干掉一个商业对手。
offensive old-fashioned某人性交
to have sex with someone
knock someone outB2 击昏某人);使(某人)不醒人事
to hit someone so that they become unconscious
His opponent knocked him out with one punch. 他的对手一拳就将他击昏了。
See also: knockout noun (UNCONSCIOUS)
If a drug or alcohol knocks you out, it makes you go to sleep.
The sleeping tablets knocked him out for 18 hours. 安眠药使他睡了18个小时。
B2 (在竞赛中)淘汰(某人或某队)
to defeat a person or a team in a competition so that they can no longer take part in it
The champion was unexpectedly knocked out (of the tournament) in the first round. 冠军在比赛的第一轮中被意外淘汰出局。
old-fashioned slang某人)留下深刻印象;使(某人钦佩
to cause enjoyment or admiration in someone
We were all really knocked out by the film. 我们对这部电影留下了深刻的印象。
knock yourself out (尤指因为撞到头部)使自己不省人事
to make yourself unconscious, usually by hitting your head
She hit her head on the ceiling and knocked herself out. 她的头撞在天花板上,昏了过去。
to make yourself ill with tiredness
If you carry on working like this, you'll knock yourself out. 如果你继续这么干下去,会累垮的。
knock something out informal仓促完成;草草拟出
to produce something quickly without spending time thinking about the details
I've knocked out a first draft of the report that we can amend at a later date. 我已粗略写好了报告的第一稿,日后我们可作修改。
See also: knock something off (PRODUCE)
If something such as a piece of equipment is knocked out by something else, it stops working or is damaged or destroyed.
The surge in the power supply knocked out all the computers. 供电电流的冲击毁坏了所有的电脑。
Enemy aircraft have knocked out 25 tanks. 敌机摧毁了25辆坦克。
knock something out of someone 使某人丧失(某种品质)
If a quality is knocked out of someone, they lose that quality because the situation they are in does not allow it to exist.
Any creativity I had was soon knocked out of me at school. 在学校,我所拥有的任何一点创造力都很快丧失殆尽。
knock someone over (驾车)撞倒某人
to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them
She got knocked over by a taxi as she ran for the bus. 她赶公共汽车时被一辆出租车撞倒了。
knock something over
to steal something
knock something together/up 匆匆拼凑成,草草做成
to make something quickly and without much care
I could knock together a quick lunch if you like. 如果你愿意,我可以很快做好一顿午餐。
knock up (网球等运动中)赛前练习,赛前试打
Players knock up before beginning a game of tennis or similar sport by hitting the ball to each other.
The players have a couple of minutes to knock up before the match starts. 开赛前运动员有几分钟时间练球。
knock someone up UK informal敲门叫醒某人
to wake someone up by knocking on the door of their house or bedroom
I'm sorry to have to knock you up in the middle of the night. 很抱歉,我不得不半夜敲门叫醒你。
to make a woman pregnant
You don't want to get knocked up by some guy you hardly know. 你不想让你几乎不认识的家伙搞大肚子吧。
noun [ C ] uk/nɒk/ us/nɑːk/
a sudden short noise made when someone or something hits a surface
There was a knock at/on the door. 有敲门声。
the act of something hard hitting a person or thing
He received a nasty knock on the head from a falling slate. 一块石板掉下来把他的头重重地砸了一下。
the knock at/on the dooridiom 警察(或士兵)到家里来把某人带走
an occasion when police or soldiers come to take you away from your home
During the dictatorship people had come to fear the knock at the door in the middle of the night. 独裁时期,人们害怕半夜时会被人从家里抓走。
take/have a knockidiom 遭受挫折
to be damaged because of a bad experience
Her confidence took a hard knock when her application was rejected. 申请被拒绝了,她的自信心受到了严重的打击。




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