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词汇 justice
noun uk/ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/ us/ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/
B2 [ U ]公正,公平;正义
fairness in the way people are dealt with
There's no justice in the world when people can be made to suffer like that. 如果人们被迫遭受这样的痛苦,那么世上就没有公正可言了。
The winner has been disqualified for cheating, so justice has been done (= a fair situation has been achieved). 获胜者因舞弊而被取消了资格,正义得以伸张。
Synonyms: equity (FAIRNESS) fairness (FAIR TREATMENT)impartiality
Opposite: injustice
  • What poetic justice that Collins has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.
  • That photo doesn't really do justice to her good looks.
  • The final score doesn't do justice to our team's performance.
  • She felt that her exam results didn't do her justice.
  • The book presents a vision of a society based on equity and social justice.
B2 [ U ]司法制度;法律制度
the system of laws in a country that judges and punishes people
the justice system in this country consists of a series of law courts at different levels. 这个国家的司法系统由各级法庭组成。
The police are doing all they can to bring those responsible for the bombing to justice. 警方在尽一切努力将爆炸案的涉案歹徒绳之以法。
They are victims of a miscarriage of justice (= when the law has been carried out wrongly). 他们是审判不公的受害者。
He has been accused of obstructing the course of justice (= preventing the law being put into action). 他被控阻挠司法公正。
  • The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals.
  • We shall do everything necessary to bring the murderer to justice.
  • The state must ensure the independence and impartiality of the justice system.
  • The defendants are also accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were fugitives from justice .
[ C ] US法官
a judge in a law court
The president is expected to name a new Supreme Court justice within the next few days. 预计总统会在未来几天内任命一名新的最高法院法官。
Justice Ben Overton 本‧奥弗顿法官
[ C ] UK(用于英国高等法院的法官姓名前)法官
used before the name of a judge in the High Court
Mr Justice Ellis 法官埃利斯先生
  • Lord Justice Wallace is expected to deliver his verdict early next week.
  • The re-trial will be heard before the justices.
  • Justice Woolf is hearing the case in closed session.
  • All but one of the justices agreed that the appeal should be dismissed.
  • The Supreme Court of the United States has nine members - a chief justice and eight associate justices.
do justice to someone/somethingidiom (also do someone/something justice)C2 公平地对待合理地处理
to treat someone or something in a way that is fair and shows their or its true qualities
This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery. 这张明信片没能充分展现那美丽的景色。
do justice to yourselfidiom (also do yourself justice) 充分发挥自己的能力
to do something as well as you can in order to show your true qualities and ability
She didn't really do justice to herself in the interview. 面试时她并未充分展示出自己的能力。




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