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词汇 direct
adjective uk/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/ us/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/
B1 直通的,直达的
going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without stopping or changing direction
direct route/line a direct route/line 直通的路径/线路
Is there a direct train to Edinburgh? 有到爱丁堡的直达列车吗?
B2 直接的
without anyone or anything else being involved or between
She decided to take direct control of the project. 她决定直接管理这个项目。
He denied that he had any direct involvement in the deal. 他否认自己与这笔交易有任何直接关系。
Do you have any direct experience of this kind of work? 你有没有这种工作的直接经验?
direct result/consequence He left as a direct result/consequence of what she said. 她的话是他离去的直接原因。
direct link/connection There is a direct link/connection between smoking and lung cancer. 吸烟与肺癌有直接的联系。
direct light/heat 直射光线/直接受热
strong light or heat that has nothing protecting and separating you from it
This plant should be kept out of direct sunlight. 这种植物应避免阳光直射。
The paintings need to be protected from direct light.
Keep the packaging away from open flames or direct heat.
It's not a good idea to melt chocolate over direct heat.
Heavy rain, strong winds, and years of harsh, direct light can lead to roof damage.
direct relation/relative/descendant 直系关系/亲属/后代
a relation who is related to you through one of your parents, not through an aunt or uncle, etc.
Diana is a direct descendant of Robert Peel. 黛安娜是罗伯特‧皮尔的直系后代。
He was a direct relative of the artist.
His mother was a direct descendant of the governor of Massachusetts.
She had no living direct descendants.
It was always said that he was a direct relation of the former president.
As a direct relative of someone who was diagnosed with the disease, he should also be screened for it.
  • We are in direct communication with Moscow.
  • If you're in a hurry to get there, take the path through the park - it's more direct.
  • It's direct line from here to London King's Cross, so you won't have to change trains.
  • The rebel headquarters took a direct hit from a bomb during the attack.
  • His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.
a direct contrast 完全的对比
direct opposite She's very thoughtful - the direct opposite of her sister. 她想得很周到——和她姐姐截然相反。
C1 直率的,坦率的,直接的
Someone who is direct says what they think in a very honest way without worrying about other people's opinions.
I like her open and direct manner. 我喜欢她坦率直接的态度。
Related word: directness
adverb uk/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/ us/dɪˈrekt/ /daɪˈrekt/
B1 直线地;直达地
in a straight line towards somewhere without stopping or changing direction
Does this bus go direct to the airport? 这路公共汽车直接去机场吗?
B1 直接地
without anyone or anything else being involved or between
I intended to go direct to the manager with my complaint. 我打算直接向经理投诉。
verb uk/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/ us/dɪˈrekt/ /daɪˈrekt/
C1 [ T ]管理,领导,指挥
to control or be in charge of an activity, organization, etc.
She directs a large charity. 她主管一家大型慈善机构。
C1 [ T ]指挥交通
to tell people the direction in which they must drive
There was a police officer directing the traffic. 有一位警察在指挥交通。
B1 [ I or T ]导演(电影或戏剧),执导
to be in charge of a film or play and tell the actors how to play their parts
He wanted to give up acting and start directing (his own films). 他想放弃表演转而开始导演(自己的电影)。
"Jaws" was directed by Steven Spielberg. 《大白鲨》是史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格导演的。
Compare: produce verb (FILM/MUSIC)
  • He's directed so many movies that you might expect a few duff ones.
  • Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.
  • The movie, three hours long, is directed in his usual idiosyncratic style.
  • He was on another one of his ego trips, directing and taking the main part in a movie.
  • She directs one of Europe's largest book festivals.
C1 [ T usually + adv/prep ]朝着,指向
to aim something in a particular direction
Was that remark directed at/towards me? 这话是对我说的吗?
be directed against/at Criticism was directed against/at the manufacturers of the product. 批评意见直指该产品的生产厂家。
  • It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.
  • Much of the violence was directed against large multinational companies.
  • The government's latest anti-smoking campaign is directed at children.
  • The tragedy directed public attention away from the government's domestic problems.
  • Criticism is being directed at parents rather than teachers for the breakdown in classroom discipline.
B1 [ T ]给…指路(或方向)
to tell someone how to get somewhere
direct someone to something Could you direct me to the airport? 你能告诉我去机场的路吗?
I couldn't find the station, so I asked someone if they could direct me. 我找不到车站,只好问路。
[ T + obj + to infinitive ] formal(尤指正式地)命令
to order someone, especially officially
direct someone to do something The judge directed the defendant to remain silent. 法官命令被告保持安静。
adverb uk/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/ us/daɪˈrekt/ /dɪˈrekt/
without having to stop or change direction
Does this train go direct to Edinburgh? 这是到爱丁堡的直达列车吗?
without anything or anyone else being involved or in between
Can I dial this number direct or do I have to go through the switchboard? 我可以直接拨这个号码还是需要总机接转?




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