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词汇 jam
noun uk/dʒæm/ us/dʒæm/
A2 [ C or U ]果酱
a sweet, soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is eaten on bread.
strawberry/raspberry jam 草莓/覆盆子酱
jam sandwiches 果酱三明治
Compare: jellymarmalade
  • She won first prize for her raspberry jam at the Mitchell county fair.
  • Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.
  • We were served scones with butter and jam.
  • The recipe uses a whole jarful of jam.
  • She has toast with raspberry jam for breakfast.
B2 [ C ]交通堵塞(同 traffic jam)
→  traffic jam
We were stuck in a jam for two hours. 我们堵车堵了两个小时。
C1 [ C ]堵在机器中的东西;让机器部件无法运动的东西
something that is stuck in a machine, or that prevents the parts of a machine from moving
She fed the documents into the machine making sure that there were no paper jams. 她把文件送进机器,确保没有纸张把机器卡住。
[ S ] informal困境,窘境
a difficult situation
I'm in a jam - could you lend me some money till next week? 我手头有点儿紧——你能借我点钱到下周再还吗?
How are we going to get ourselves out of this jam? 我们如何才能摆脱这一困境?
[ S ]拥挤堵塞
a situation in which a lot of people are in a small space
It's a real jam inside - it took me ten minutes to get to the bar. 里面太拥挤了——我用了10分钟才挤到吧台。
jam tomorrowidiom UK 许而不予的好东西,可望不可及的东西
something good that is promised but never happens
As children we were always being promised jam tomorrow, if only we would be patient. 小时候,大人总是许诺只要我们耐心点儿就会给我们好东西。
what more do you want - jam on it?idiom UK informal 知足常乐(用来表示某人应对其所拥有的或别人所提供的表示感激,而不应当得寸进尺)
used to say that someone should be grateful for what they have or have been offered, and not demand something better
They've given him a holiday in Italy. What more does he want - jam on it? 他们已经让他到意大利度假。他还想要什么呢?知足吧!
verb uk/dʒæm/ us/dʒæm/ -mm-
C1 [ I or T ]使轧住;(使卡住
to be, or make something, unable to move
The door jammed behind me and I couldn't get out. 我进来后门随即卡住了,我出不去了。
[ + obj + adj ] He jammed the window open with a piece of wood. 他将窗户打开,用一块木头卡住。
[ T ]干扰(无线电信号)
to stop radio signals from reaching the people who want to receive them
Foreign radio broadcasts were regularly jammed. 外国的无线电广播经常受到干扰。
[ I ](与他人)即兴演奏爵士乐(或摇滚乐)
to play jazz or rock music with other people informally without planning it or practising together
[ T + adv/prep ]把…塞入
to push something forcefully or with difficulty into something else
He jammed the boxes into the back of the car. 他把箱子塞进汽车后面。
C1 [ T + adv/prep ]把…完全填满
to fill a place completely
The centre of town was jammed with cars moving at a very slow pace. 镇中心堵满了车,移动缓慢。
The motorway was jammed solid (= the traffic could not move) all morning. 整个上午高速公路都被堵得严严实实。
jam on the brakesidiom 猛地刹车
to use the brakes of a road vehicle suddenly and forcefully
A motorbike appeared from nowhere and I had to jam on the brakes. 不知从哪里窜出来一辆摩托车,我只好急踩刹车。




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