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词汇 in the depth(s) of somewhere
in the depth(s) of somewhere idiom
in the middle of somewhere, and a long distance from its edges
a house in the depths of the forest 森林深处的房屋
in the depth(s) of something phrase
experiencing an extreme and negative emotion
He was in the depths of despair/depression about losing his job. 他丢了工作深感绝望/沮丧。
He wrote the hymn in the depths of despair after losing his first wife in childbirth.
Alone in prison, he found himself in the depths of despair.
Even in the depth of depression, I knew I loved him.
He went between high spirits and the depths of misery.
during the worst period of a bad situation
The company was started in the depth of the recession of the 1930s. 该公司创办于20世纪30年代经济最萧条的时期。
It was the depths of the Depression and people were desperate to find work.
He began his career during the depths of the Depression.
Companies have been folding at the fastest pace since the depth of the recession in the early 1990s.
See also: depth (STRENGTH)




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