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词汇 innocently
adverb uk/ˈɪn.ə.sə us/ˈɪn.ə.sə
B2 清白地,无罪地
in a way that means you are not guilty of a crime
He said he had obtained the television innocently, not knowing it had been stolen. 他说自己是通过正当渠道买来电视机的,不知道它是赃物。
Is there any way their hands could have been innocently contaminated with the explosive? 有没有可能他们的手不知情地粘上了炸药粉末?
in a way that does not involve doing anything wrong, or suggests you are not involved in doing anything wrong
Her relationship with a married colleague started innocently enough. 她与一位已婚同事的恋情开始时只是颇为寻常的交往。
"Have I done something wrong?" she asked innocently. “我做错什么事了?”她天真地问道。
without any knowledge of unpleasant or evil things in life
The boy had grown up innocently, an only child in an affluent suburban home. 作为郊区富裕家庭的独生子,这个男孩天真地长大。
They answer questions so innocently, with childlike candour. 他们很天真地回答问题,带着孩子般的坦率。
in a way that is not intended to harm anyone
I just innocently asked if I could use his computer—I had no idea it would upset him. 我只是天真地问我是否可以使用他的电脑——我不知道这会让他心烦意乱。
  • They had been using the brand name perfectly innocently without being aware it was a trademark.
  • He claimed he was innocently implicated in the mis-selling scandal.
  • We were sitting innocently eating our lunch when the incident happened.
  • The children were playing quite innocently.
  • At 40, I innocently and smugly thought I knew what it would be like to be old.
See: innocent




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