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词汇 skin
noun uk/skɪn/ us/skɪn/
B1 [ C or U ]皮肤;皮
the natural outer layer that covers a person, animal, fruit, etc.
dark/fair/pale/tanned skin 暗黑/白皙/苍白/棕褐色的皮肤
skin cancer 皮肤癌
Babies have soft skins. 婴儿皮肤柔嫩。
a banana/potato skin 香蕉/土豆皮
B1 [ C or U ]被剥下的(带或不带毛发的)兽皮
the skin of an animal that has been removed from the body, with or without the hair or fur
Native Americans used to trade skins . 印第安人过去曾买卖兽皮。
a rug made from the skin of a lion 用狮子皮做成的地毯。
See also: lambskinsheepskin
  • She has a very clear skin.
  • Don't let that glue come into contact with your skin.
  • He loved the feel of her soft hair against his skin.
  • As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.
  • Patches of skin are starting to flake off.
[ C or U ]外壳
any outer covering
The bullet pierced the skin of the aircraft. 子弹击穿了飞机的外壳。
[ S ](某些液体置于空气中或冷却后形成的)膜,薄层
a thin surface that forms on some liquids, such as paint, when they are left in the air, or others, such as heated milk, when they are left to cool
[ C ] internet & telecoms specialized皮肤(电脑程序的一部分,可随意改变以在屏幕上显示不同的图片、图案、颜色等)
the pictures, designs, colours, etc. that appear on the screen of a mobile phone or other device and can be changed by the user
Many electronic devices let you create your own skins. 许多电子设备都允许使用者创建个性化的外观界面。
Related words: -skin-skinned
be no skin off someone's noseidiom (US also be no skin off someone's back) 某人)毫不相干;(某人毫不在乎
used when you want to say that it makes no difference to you what someone else does or thinks
It's no skin off my nose if you don't take my advice. 你就是不听我的建议,我也一点儿不在乎。
be skin and bone(s)idiom 瘦得皮包骨头
to be extremely thin
She was (just) skin and bone(s). 她骨瘦如柴。
by the skin of your teethidiom 侥幸成功,勉强完成
If you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it.
He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth. 他从秘密警察手里侥幸逃脱。
drenched/soaked/wet to the skinidiom 湿透的
extremely wet
We had no umbrellas so we got soaked to the skin in the pouring rain. 我们没带伞,所以在倾盆大雨中被淋透了。
get under someone's skinidiom 激怒某人,惹(某人生气
to annoy someone
Jack really gets under my skin - he never buys anyone a drink. 杰克真的让我生气——他从来不请人喝东西。
jump/leap out of your skinidiom 大吃一惊
to be extremely surprised by something
The loud noise made me jump out of my skin. 巨大的声响吓了我一大跳。
make someone's skin crawlidiom (因令人不快或恐惧而)使人起鸡皮疙瘩
If someone or something makes your skin crawl, you think they are very unpleasant or frightening.
The filthy house made my skin crawl.
This is a classic horror novel that will make your skin crawl.
verb [ T ] uk/skɪn/ us/skɪn/ -nn-
to remove the skin of something
The hunters skinned the deer they had killed. 猎人们将猎杀的鹿剥了皮。
I skinned my knee (= hurt my knee by rubbing skin off it) when I fell down the steps. 我从台阶上摔下来时蹭破了膝盖。
skin someone aliveidiom informal humorous 活剥(某人)的皮,狠狠责罚(某人
to punish or tell someone off severely
My mother will skin me alive for being so late home. 这么晚回家,我妈妈会活剥了我的皮。
suffix uk/ -skɪn/ us/ -skɪn/
used to form adjectives that describe the kind of skin that something is made of
He was wearing an old sheepskin coat. 他穿着一件旧羊皮大衣。
She was carrying a big, crocodile-skin handbag. 她拿着一个大大的鳄鱼皮手提包。
See: skin
  • Often they came upon bands of nomads in their goatskin tents.
  • They played lacrosse, using a deerskin ball and deerskin nets on sticks.
  • He wears a big bearskin cape that hangs down past his knees, and a bearskin hat and bearskin boots.




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