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词汇 cross
verb uk/krɒs/ us/krɑːs/
A2 [ I or T ]越过横穿横渡横跨
to go across from one side of something to the other
It's not a good place to cross the road. 这里不适宜横穿马路。
Look both ways before you cross over (= cross the road). 过马路前先要左右看看。
Cross the bridge and turn right. 过桥后右拐。
They crossed from Albania into Greece. 他们穿越阿尔巴尼亚进入了希腊。
cross someone's mindB2 念头)闪现,掠过;想起,记起
If something crosses your mind, you think of it.
It crossed my mind yesterday that you must be short of staff. 昨天我突然想起你一定缺人手。
It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy. 我从没想过她可能会不高兴。
Apparently it didn't cross her mind that the pain could be a heart attack.
We enjoyed writing the songs, and it definitely crossed our minds that they might be successful.
Giving up my career isn't even something that's crossed my mind.
  • You have to hold my hand when we cross the road.
  • The train crosses the border between France and Spain.
  • With one leap he crossed the stream.
  • We had to cross a large area of arid, featureless desert.
  • Leave the main road and cross the bridge, and keep going until you see a gate on the left-hand side.
cross your arms/fingers/legs 交叉双臂/手指/双腿
to put one of your arms, fingers, or legs over the top of the other
She sat down and crossed her legs. 她坐下跷起了二郎腿。
He crossed his arms and stared at the judge without showing any emotion.
Lenny crossed his legs and rested his hands on his knees.
Are you able to cross your fingers, or are they still too stiff?
He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms.
[ T ]与…作对;惹恼
to annoy someone by not doing or saying what they want
I wouldn't cross him if I were you, not if you value your life. 如果我是你就不会跟他作对,除非不想活了。
[ T ]使杂交
If you cross a plant or animal with another of a different type, you cause them to breed together in order to produce a new variety (= type of plant or animal).
[ I or T ](球类运动)横传
in some sports, to hit, kick, or throw the ball across the playing area to another player, not forwards or backwards
He crossed (the ball) to Bremer, who somehow failed to score from two metres out. 他把球横传给布莱梅,可是不知怎么的布莱梅两米外射门却没有射中。
finance & economics UK specialized(支票中间)上画两道线(表示需要转入银行账户)
to draw two lines across the middle of a cheque to show that it needs to be paid into a bank account
a crossed cheque 划线支票,转账支票
cross yourselfreligion specialized 基督徒在胸前画十字
When Catholics and some other types of Christians cross themselves, they move their hand down and then across their face or chest, making the shape of a cross.
She fell to her knees, crossed herself, and began to pray fervently.
He bowed in front of the altar, crossing himself.
I dipped my fingers in the holy water and crossed myself.
It is common to see athletes huddling in a circle and crossing themselves before a game.
cross someone's hand/palm with silveridiom 付钱请…算命
to give someone money so that they will tell you what will happen to you in the future
cross my heart (and hope to die)idiom saying 我发誓所说属实(否则不得好死)。
said to show that what you have just said or promised is completely true or sincere
cross the lineidiom 行为越过界限
to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable
This time, you've really crossed the line. 这一次,你真的太过分了。
cross someone's path/cross paths with someoneidiom C2 偶然)与…相遇
to meet someone, especially by chance
I hope I don't cross his path/cross paths with him again. 我希望不要再遇到他了。
cross swordsidiom (与…)交锋,争论
to have an argument with someone
I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to itidiom 船到桥头自然直;车到山前必有路
an expression that means you will not worry about a possible future problem but will deal with it if it happens
Phrasal verbs
cross someone/something off (something) (从…中)划掉,删去
to remove someone or something, such as a name, from a list by drawing a line through it
Did you cross her name off the guest list? 你把她的名字从宾客名单上划掉了吗?
cross something out (通常因为有误而)划掉
to draw a line through something you have written, usually because it is wrong
If you think it's wrong, cross it out and write it again. 如果你认为错了,划掉重新写。
cross over 改变风格;改变从事的活动
to change from one activity or style to another
Charles crossed over from blues to gospel. 查尔斯的风格从布鲁斯转成福音音乐了。
to become popular with a new group of people
The group's traditional black soul sound has crossed over to white audiences. 这个乐队的黑人灵魂乐在白人听众中流行起来。
to start to affect a new group of people, animals, or things
Scientists will try to determine whether the virus has crossed over to any other species. 科学家们将查明这种病毒是否会影响到其他物种。
noun [ C ] uk/krɒs/ us/krɑːs/
A1 UK(标示位置或错误的)叉号(X)
a written mark (x or +) formed by two lines going across each other. The mark x is usually used to show where something is, or that something has not been written correctly.
  • Put a cross next to the name of the candidate you want to vote for.
  • There was a big red cross on the side of the van.
  • On the altar there was only a simple wooden cross.
  • You can see the cross on the top of the church steeple from a long way away.
  • I got all the answers wrong - look, the teacher put a cross against all of them!
B1 (古代死刑用的)十字架
an object made of one long upright piece of wood, with a smaller piece across it near the top. In the past, people were tied or fastened with nails to crosses as a punishment and left hanging on them until they died.
B1 (象征基督教的)十字架,十字形物件
an object in the shape of a cross that people were killed on, used as a symbol of Christianity
Christ died on the Cross. 耶稣基督死在十字架上。
She wears a gold cross around her neck. 她脖子上戴着一个金十字架。
The priest made the sign of the cross (= moved his or her hand down and then across the chest) over the dead bodies. 牧师对着尸体在胸前画了个十字。
a medal in the shape of a cross
In Britain, the Victoria Cross is awarded for acts of great bravery during wartime. 在英国,维多利亚十字勋章授给那些在战争中表现英勇的人。
a mixture of two different things that have been combined to produce something new
Police dogs are often a cross between a retriever and a German Shepherd. 警犬往往是寻回犬和德国牧羊犬杂交的后代。
See also: crossbreed noun
in some sports, a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that goes from one side of the playing area to the other, not forwards or backwards
He headed the ball into the net, after a great cross from Pele. 他接贝利一记精妙横传,一甩头把球送入了网窝。
a (heavy) cross to bearidiom 沉重的十字架烦恼心理负担
an unpleasant or painful situation or person that you have to accept and deal with, although you find it very difficult
adjective uk/krɒs/ us/krɑːs/
mainly UK恼怒的愤怒的生气的
annoyed or angry
My Dad gets cross (with me) if I leave the kitchen in a mess. 要是我把厨房搞得乱七八糟,我爸爸会生(我)气的。
Synonyms: angry (EMOTIONAL)apoplecticbe beside yourselffurious (ANGRY)incandescent (QUALITY)incensediratelivid (ANGRY)mad (ANGRY) seething (angry)sore (ANGRY) wrathful
Related word: crossly
prefix uk/krɒs-/ us/krɑːs-/
cross-border 跨国的
including different groups or subjects
cross-party discussions 跨党派讨论




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