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词汇 imagine
verb [ T ] uk/ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn/ us/ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn/
B1 想象;设想
to form or have a mental picture or idea of something
Imagine Robert Redford when he was young - that's what John looks like. 想象一下罗伯特‧雷德福年轻时的样子——那就是约翰的模样。
[ + (that) ] Imagine (that) you're eating ice cream - try to feel how cold it is. 设想你在吃冰激凌——试着体会一下它有多么冷。
[ + question word ] Can you imagine how it feels to be blind? 你能想象失明的感觉吗?
[ + -ing verb ] She imagined herself sitting in her favourite chair back home. 她想象自己正坐在家中最喜欢的扶手椅上。
They hadn't imagined (= expected) (that) it would be so difficult. 他们没想到会这么难。
I can't imagine (= I really don't know) what he wants from us. 我想不出他想从我们这儿得到些什么。
B2 猜想,猜测
to believe that something is probably true
[ + (that) ] I imagine (that) he's under a lot of pressure at the moment. 我猜想他现在面临的压力一定很大。
I don't imagine (that) they have much money. 我想他们不会有很多钱。
"Will they change it?" "I imagine so." “他们会改变它吗?”“我想会的。”
B1 误以为
to think that something exists or is true, although in fact it is not real or true
"Did you hear a noise?" "No, you're imagining things/No, you must have imagined it." “你听见什么动静了吗?”“没有,你听错了吧/没有,你一定是听错了。”
I've never heard her criticize you - I think you imagine it. 我从来没有听见她批评过你——我想你在胡思乱想。
used to express shock or surprise, often at someone else's behaviour
She got married at 16! Imagine that! 她16岁就结婚了!不可思议!
[ + -ing verb ] Imagine spending all that money on a coat! 花那么多钱买一件大衣,真是匪夷所思!
you can't imagine (表示强调)你无法想象
used to emphasize a statement
You can't imagine what a mess the house was in after the party. 你简直想象不到聚会之后屋内有多乱。
You can't imagine how difficult it was to get a table at his restaurant.
You can't imagine how relieved I was when the plane landed.
You can't imagine how cold it was at night.
It was so terrible coming home to an empty house after he died, you just can't imagine.
  • Spending Christmas with him and his brother - I can't imagine anything worse!
  • Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man 10 000 years ago.
  • "Did you hear a noise?" "No, you're imagining things."
  • You can't imagine what it would be like to have your child die - it's quite unthinkable.
  • He has the most awful taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.




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