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词汇 hot
adjective uk/hɒt/ us/hɑːt/ hotter | hottest
A1 热的;温度高的
having a high temperature
a hot, sunny day 炎热的晴天
hot weather 炎热的天气
a hot drink/meal 热饮/热饭
It's too hot in here, can we turn down the heating? 这里面太热了,我们能把暖气关小点吗?
Bake the cake in a hot oven, about 220°C, for 30 minutes. 把蛋糕放进烤炉里,用大约220摄氏度的温度烤30分钟。
The food was piping hot (= very hot). 食物是滚烫的。
  • In hot weather, we sell masses of cold drinks and ice creams.
  • Do you want this pie hot?
  • Is the water hot enough for a bath?
  • She passed him a mug of hot black coffee.
  • I like to sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not so hot.
B1 食品)辛辣的,辣的
used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in the mouth
a hot curry 辣咖喱
hot, spicy food 辣味食品
Opposite: mild (FOOD)
  • I love Creole cooking, so hot and spicy.
  • He doesn't like a hot curry - he prefers a mild one.
  • This particular dish is extremely hot - be warned!
  • He covered the meat in a hot chilli sauce.
  • Only use a small amount of this curry powder - it's hotter than the type we usually use.
C1 话题)热门的;有争议的
used to describe a subject that causes a lot of disagreement or discussion
Global warming has become a very hot issue. 全球气候变暖已成为一个热门话题。
C1 新的;激动人心的
new and exciting
Hollywood's hottest new actress 好莱坞新近最红的女演员
hot gossip 热门话题
This 21-year-old actor has become Hollywood's hottest property. 这位21岁的演员已经成了好莱坞最走红的明星。
  • What's a hot look this autumn?
  • I've got a hot tip for you.
  • They're a hot new band from Manchester.
  • Bold prints are a hot look this season.
  • The band are being tipped as one of the hot acts of next year.
[ after verb ] informal所知甚多的技艺精湛的
knowing a lot or skilful
I'm not too hot on Russian history. 我对俄罗斯的历史所知不多。
hot tip informal 对比赛结果的准确猜测
a piece of advice or information that you believe is accurate about what will happen or what to do, especially from someone with special knowledge about a subject
Do you have any hot tips for this afternoon's race? 今天下午的比赛你拿得准谁会获胜吗?
He bet a week's wages on a hot tip.
The reporter was following a hot tip on a story she was writing.
Invest based on solid evidence of growth and profit – not on the basis of speculation or hot tips.
I have lived in Rome for ten years, so here are my hot tips on where to eat in the city.
hot favourite UK 夺冠的大热门,最可能获胜者
the person or animal that is most likely to win a race, competition, election, etc.
He's the hot favourite to win the election. 他是最有希望赢得竞选的热门人选。
The Oxford team are hot favourites to win this year's boat race.
Miller beat the hot favourite, Ben Jackson, to win the race.
Manchester City were hot favourites before the match, but conceded two goals within the first fifteen minutes.
He is hot favourite to take the Olympic title next week.
be hot on something UK informal 非常注重(…)
to think that a particular thing is very important and to demand that it is done well or correctly
They're very hot on dress at work so she always looks very smart for the office. 他们非常注重工作着装,所以她总是穿得非常整洁。
The company was always hot on health and safety in the workplace.
She's very hot on environmental issues.
Australians tend to be very hot on protecting skin from sun damage.
My doctor's not very hot on alternative therapies.
Hot goods have been recently stolen and are therefore difficult to sell or dangerous to deal with because the police are still looking for them.
sexually attractive, or feeling sexually excited
She's really hot! 她很性感。
I'm hot for you, baby. 我为你着迷,宝贝儿。
I've got a hot date tonight. 今晚的约会让我欲火中烧。
hot temper 脾气暴躁的,易怒的
If someone has a hot temper, they are easily made angry.
He had a hot temper and his colleagues learned to approach him with caution.
She seems to have inherited her grandmother's hot temper.
He was a large man with a famously hot temper.
Most of her problems arose from her hot temper.
His normally hot temper has become even more fiery lately.
be hot on someone's track/trailidiom 快要抓住某人);快要找到(某人
to be very close to catching or finding someone
be hot stuffidiom informal 技艺精湛,是个高手
to be very skilful
She's really hot stuff at baseball. 她是个真正的棒球高手。
to be very sexually attractive
Man, she's hot stuff! 天呢,她可真够性感的!
be in hot wateridiom (also get into hot water) 陷入困境惹上麻烦
to be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished
He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration. 他发现自己针对移民事务发表的那些言论给自己惹上了麻烦。
be too hot to handleidiom informal 太棘手,难以应付
to be too difficult to deal with or talk about
For many politicians, abortion is an issue that's too hot to handle. 对于很多政治家来说,堕胎是个太过棘手的问题。
go/sell like hot cakesidiom informalC2 热销
to be bought quickly and in large numbers
The new game is apparently selling like hot cakes. 显然,他新设计的游戏很畅销。
hot airidiom informal 空话,大话
If something that someone says is hot air, it is not sincere and will have no practical results.
His promises turned out to be a lot of hot air. 他的承诺到头来只是一句空话。
(all) hot and botheredidiom informal 心急火燎的,焦灼不安的,怒气冲冲的
worried or angry, and sometimes physically hot
hot and heavyidiom US informal 感情激烈的性欲旺盛的
If something or someone is hot and heavy, they are full of strong emotions or sexual feelings.
Guess who I saw getting hot and heavy on the dance floor? 猜猜我在舞池中看到谁大跳热舞?
hot dog!idiom US informal 太棒了!
something that you say when you are very pleased about something
You won your race? Hot dog! 你赛跑赢了?太棒了!
hot off the pressidiom 新闻最新的
News that is hot off the press has just been printed and often contains the most recent information about something.
More idioms
hot to trotidiom US informal 欲火中烧的
sexually excited and wanting to find someone to have sex with
hot under the collaridiom informal 困窘的;发怒的
embarrassed or angry about something
When I suggested he was mistaken he got rather hot under the collar. 当我暗示是他弄错了的时候,他发火了。
in hot pursuitidiom 紧紧追赶
following someone closely, trying hard to catch them
The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit. 那帮匪徒驱车逃走,警察在后面紧紧追赶。
in the hot seatidiom 处境尴尬,处于困境
in a position where you are responsible for important or difficult things




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