

词汇 trouble
n.1. 困难;麻烦;着急;危急;烦恼
The boy caused a lot of trouble to his parents;he was always in trouble.这个男孩给他的父母招来很多麻烦,他甚为苦恼。
Students growing up from nursery school to college have trouble dealing with realities.从幼儿园到大学的大学生在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难。
2. 困境;被责难的处境;动乱;纠纷
Trouble seems to be developing both in the cities and in the villages.城市和农村好象都在酝酿着麻烦的事端。
Trouble may flare up in the big cities at any time. (喻)那些大城市里随时都可能会突然出现麻烦事。
We're in trouble; this is no time for contention.我们处境很困难,现在不是争论的时候。
3. 过错;罪过4. 疾病;病痛;生理上的毛病
ask for trouble找麻烦 (= look for trouble)
get (a girl) into trouble使(女孩)未婚怀孕
vt., vi.-bled, -bling1. 使焦急;使忧虑;使紧张2. 麻烦
Can I trouble you to shut the door?我能麻烦你关上门吗?
3. 使疼痛;使感不适
I am troubled with a cough.我咳嗽得挺厉害。
fish in troubled waters混水摸鱼,趁机取利




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