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词汇 hide
verb uk/haɪd/ us/haɪd/ hid | hidden
B1 [ I or T ]把…藏起来;躲藏
to put something or someone in a place where that thing or person cannot be seen or found, or to put yourself somewhere where you cannot be seen or found
She used to hide her diary under her pillow. 她过去常把自己的日记藏在枕头下。
A kilo of heroin was found hidden inside the lining of the suitcase. 在那个手提箱的内衬里发现藏有1公斤海洛因。
I like wearing sunglasses - I feel I can hide behind them. 我喜欢戴太阳镜——我觉得我可以藏在镜片的后面。
[ T ]遮掩,遮盖
to prevent something from being seen
He tries to hide his bald spot by sweeping his hair over to one side. 他试图通过把头发梳向一边来掩盖他头顶上的秃块。
B1 [ T ]掩饰情感
to not show an emotion
She tried to hide her disappointment at not getting the promotion. 她试图掩饰自己对没有得到提升的失望。
B1 [ T ]隐瞒消息
If you hide information from someone, you do not allow that person to know it.
I feel sure there's something about her past that she's trying to hide from me. 我确信她在试图对我隐瞒她过去的某些事情。
  • I dye my hair to hide my grey streaks.
  • The cat was hiding under the sofa.
  • The dog was digging a hole to hide its bone in.
  • Jaime hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
  • A line of trees at the bottom of the garden hid the ugly factory walls.
hide your light under a bushelidiom UK 不要不显山露水不要总是藏而不露
to keep your good qualities and abilities secret from other people
Phrasal verb
hide out 躲藏
to stay somewhere where you cannot be found
Criminals often hide out in these empty apartments. 犯罪份子经常躲藏在这些空置的公寓里。
noun uk/haɪd/ us/haɪd/
[ C or U ](用于制作皮革的)兽皮
the strong, thick skin of an animal, used for making leather
[ C ] UK (US blind)(可以观察野兽或鸟类的)隐藏处,躲藏处
a place where people can watch wild animals or birds without being noticed by them




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