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词汇 rough
adjective uk/rʌf/ us/rʌf/
B1 高低不平的崎岖的难行的
not even or smooth, often because of being in bad condition
It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes. 那是一条崎岖的山道,满是石头和巨大的坑洼。
B1 表面)粗糙的,毛糙的,不平滑的
If a surface such as paper or skin is rough, it does not feel smooth when you touch it.
My hands get very rough in the cold. 天一冷我的手就变得特别粗糙。
Rough ground is ground that is not used for any particular purpose, is not even, and is full of wild plants.
  • Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.
  • The horse and cart jogged down the rough track towards the farm.
  • My tyres took quite a punishing on the rough terrain.
  • The fabric had a rough texture.
  • He had workman's hands that were rough and covered with calluses.
B1 [ before noun ]粗略的大致的近似的
not exact or detailed
The builder did a rough sketch of how the new stairs would look. 建筑工人画了张新楼梯草图。
This is only a rough guess. 这只是一个大致的推测。
She made a rough estimate/calculation of the likely cost. 她粗略估算/计算了一下可能的开销。
The tests are a rough guide to students' progress. 这些测试能够大致说明学生的进步情况。
Synonym: approximate
  • This is only a rough draft - the finished article will have pictures as well.
  • I can give you a rough estimate of how much it will cost.
  • I never follow recipes exactly when I cook - I just use them as rough guides.
  • Could you give me a rough approximation of how many people will be coming?
  • You can get a rough idea of the size of the room by pacing it out.
used to describe an alcoholic drink, especially wine, that tastes cheap and often strong
not made in a careful or expensive way
I made a rough table out of some old boxes. 我用几个旧箱子做了一张简陋的饭桌。
Synonyms: basiccrude (SIMPLE)elementaryinchoate rough and readyrude (SIMPLE) rudimentary simple (PLAIN)undevelopedunrefinedunsophisticated
A rough voice or sound is hard and loud.
If a machine sounds rough, it is making a noise because it is in bad condition.
B2 粗暴的,粗野的;猛烈的;充斥暴力的,危险的
dangerous or violent
a rough area of town 城内的危险区
The other boys were rough, always looking for a fight. 其他的男孩子们非常粗野,总是寻衅打架。
B2 天气有狂风大浪的
(of the weather or the sea) having strong winds or big waves
I'm always seasick if the water/wind/sea/weather is rough. 在波涛汹涌时/狂风大作时/汹涌海浪中/暴风雨天气里我总会晕船。
B2 艰难的艰苦的令人不快的
difficult or unpleasant
He's had a rough time/month/year, what with the divorce and then his father dying. 他刚离了婚,父亲又去世了,那一段时间/一个月/一年对他来说是太难熬了。
It must be rough to have two kids and nowhere to live. 带着两个孩子,又无处安身,日子肯定是很艰难。
Synonyms: austerebleakcomfortless hard (SEVERE)harsh (UNKIND)inhospitable (PLACE)severe (VERY SERIOUS)spartan
[ after verb ] UK不舒服的,不适的,生病的
You look a bit rough - how much did you have to drink last night? 你看上去有点气色不好——你昨晚喝了多少酒啊?
Related word: roughness
rough and readyidiom 草草制成的,粗制滥造的
produced quickly, with little preparation
simple but good enough
rough and ready accommodation 简陋但还过得去的住处
rough edgesidiom 瑕疵,美中不足之处
If something such as a product, a piece of work or a performance has rough edges, some parts of it could be improved.
He's a great player, but his game still has a few rough edges. 他是一个优秀的足球运动员,但他的技艺仍有瑕疵。
If a person has rough edges, they do not always behave well and politely.
Age and experience have softened his rough edges (= have made him a more polite or gentle person). 岁月和经历改变了他的一些小毛病。
rough justice/luckidiom 不公平的遭遇/残酷的命运
something that happens to you that is severe or unfair
It seems like rough justice that he should lose his house as well as his wife. 他老婆、房子都没了,这好像有点太残酷了。
verb uk/rʌf/ us/rʌf/
rough itinformal 暂时)将就度日,因陋就简地生活
to live temporarily in basic and uncomfortable conditions
While the house was being decorated we roughed it in a tent. 在装修房子期间,我们将就着住在帐篷里。
Phrasal verbs
rough something in 大致勾画出…的轮廓,勾勒
If you rough a drawing in, you draw the basic lines, without the detail.
rough something out 勾勒,画出…的轮廓;拟出…的梗概,草拟
If you rough out a drawing, idea, or plan, you draw or write the main parts of it without giving its details.
rough someone up (通常为恐吓或威胁而)某人),殴打(某人),对(某人)动粗
to hit and kick someone, usually to frighten or threaten them
noun uk/rʌf/ us/rʌf/
[ C ]草图,略图
a first quick drawing of something
in rough 粗略地大概地大致上
simple and without details
His first plans were drawn up in rough. 他最初的计划是草草拟就的。
[ C ]粗人,莽汉,暴徒
a violent person
a gang of drunken young roughs 一群醉酒撒野的年轻人
the rough (高尔夫球场的)生有长草的起伏地面,深草区
in golf, an area of ground with long grass
My ball landed in the rough. 我把球打进了深草区。
rough and tumbleidiom 孩子间的小打斗
fighting between children that is not serious
It was just a bit of rough and tumble. 那只不过是孩子间的小打小闹。
a busy activity that people do in a very forceful way
She enjoys the rough and tumble of politics. 她喜欢复杂的政治斗争。
take the rough with the smoothidiom 是好是歹一起承受,好事坏事都能接受,既能享乐也能吃苦
to accept the unpleasant parts of a situation as well as the pleasant parts
That's relationships for you - you have to take the rough with the smooth. 谈恋爱就是那样,你苦乐都得一起接受。
adverb uk/rʌf/ us/rʌf/
forcefully or violently
The local team had a bad reputation for playing rough. 这支地方队打法粗野,臭名远扬。
live/sleep rough 风餐露宿
to live outside not in a house, and sleep on the ground
When we ran out of money, we slept rough for a week. 我们的钱花没了,一个星期都露宿街头。




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