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词汇 clear
adj.1. 明朗的;清澈的
clear eyes清澈的眼睛
2. 清楚的;易懂的
a clear photograph一张清晰的照片
3. 头脑清楚的;明确的
a clear thinker头脑清楚的思想家
4. 明白的;有信心的
She seems quite clear about her plans.她似乎对自己的计划很有信心。
She seems quite clear about her future curricula.她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。
The secretary seems quite clear about what to do.秘书对她该做什么好像很有把握。
5. 无罪的;无忧虑的;无愧疚的
a clear conscience无愧的良心
He had a clear conscience.他问心无愧。
6. 开通的;无障碍的;无危险的; 畅通无阻的
a clear road畅通无阻的道路
The highways are clear of snow now.高速公路上已无积雪。
7. 没有疤痕的;颜色纯而 均匀的;无瑕疵的
a clear complexion无瑕的肤色
8. 清楚的;明显的
a clear case of murder一桩明显的谋杀案
It was clear that he wanted to be alone.很清楚,他想一个人待着。
9. 完全的;无限的
a clear victory彻底的胜利
adv.1. 清楚地
I want to be quite clear on this problem.在这个问题上我希望搞清楚。
2. 不碍事地;干净利落地
She jumped clear.她跳得干净利落。
The boy was nimble and jumped clear of the truck.男孩很灵巧,纵身一跳就避开了卡车。
3. 完全地;一直地
He got clear away.他逃得无影无踪。 the clear免于危险;无罪;不受阻碍(或限制)
vt., vi.1. 使干净;使清洁;使清澈
Let's clear all this crap off the kitchen.让我们把厨房里所有的垃圾清理掉。
The school has decided to clear out all the classrooms and laboratories these days.学校决定这几天打算对所有教室和实验室进行大扫除。
Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?清除街道上淤积的雨水是谁的工作?
2. (常与of连用)除去;拿走
clear the plates away把盘子拿走
I'll just clear the plates away, then the children can use the table to do their homework.我把盘子收拾走后,孩子们就可以用桌子做作业了。
Please clear the desk of all these books and papers.请把书桌上所有的书和报纸都收拾起来。
3. (常与of连用)宣告无罪;证明无罪
The prisoner was cleared.该囚犯被宣告无罪。
The court cleared the accused of any crime and set him free.法庭宣布被告无罪,予以释放。
4. 跳过;越过
The horse cleared the fence.马跳过篱笆。
The horse No 6 easily cleared every fence.那匹6号马轻易地越过了各道栅栏。
By the end of last year quite a few woman high jumpers had cleared 1.90 metres. in the world到去年年底世界上有好几们女子跳高运动员跳过了1.90米的高度。
5. 符合官方规定;使(船)办理出港手续; 为船只结关
clear a ship at the customhouse在海关办理船只的出港手续
6. 正式允许离开或进入一个国家;准许或授权
clear a plane for landing许一架飞机降落
7. 交换(票据);兑现(支票)8. 净得;净获(一大笔)利润或工资9. 还清债务;使了却债务
clear off离去;迅速地离开某地
At the sight of the policeman the boys cleared off as quickly as they could.孩子们一看见警察就赶快溜走了。
clear out1. 离开;逃走
When they heard the police arrive, the thieves quickly cleared out of house.听说警察来了,那些小偷赶紧溜出了门。
2. 丢弃;抛弃3. 彻底清理
clear the air使空气清洁;消除误解
clear up1. 解释;寻找答案;使明了
to clear up a misunder-standing解除误会
2. 整理;完成;收拾
clear up the desk整理书桌
Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive?客人到来之前,请拾掇一下这个房间好吗?
3. 了结;结束;变缓和
I hope your troubles clear up soon.我希望你的困难尽快了结。
I'm fully occupied these days. I still have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.最近几天我忙极了,到周末还有许多事情要完成。




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