

词汇 watch
vt., vi.1. 看,观看
to watch a play看戏
Do you often watch television?你常看电视吗?
2. 寻找,等待(机会等)
She watched her moment to cross the road.她看准时机横穿马路。
He watched to see what I would do.他等着看我要做什么。
3. (常与over连用)照顾;照看
to watch a baby照顾小孩
to watch over her children照看她的孩子们
4. (常与for连用)守夜;不睡
to watch at the bedside of a sick child彻夜守候在病孩的床边
watch one's step谨慎从事
watch the clock工作时看表,心不在焉地工作
n.1. 表,钟表2. 看守;守卫
The police kept watch on the criminal's house.警察监视该罪犯的家。
3. 守夜,值更
the watches of the night夜更
4. (水手的)半舷值班
keep a close watch on密切注意
on the watch for警戒;注意




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