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词汇 hand
noun uk/hænd/ us/hænd/
A1 [ C ]
the part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
All their toys are made by hand. 他们所有的玩具都是手工制作的。
I delivered her invitation by hand (= not using the postal service). 我亲自送去她的请帖。
informal Get your hands off (= stop touching) my bike! 别碰我的自行车!
He can fix anything - he's so good with his hands. 他什么都会修——他的手可真巧。
You have to hold my hand when we cross the road. 我们过马路的时候你得拉着我的手。
They walked by, holding hands. 他们手挽手从这里经过。
Hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand. 左手拿叉,右手拿刀。
She sat, pen in hand (= with a pen in her hand), searching for the right words. 她手拿钢笔坐在那里,在脑海中搜寻合适的词。
They can't keep their hands off each other - they never stop kissing and cuddling. 他们的手就是离不开对方——他们不停地接吻拥抱。
"Congratulations!" she said and shook me by the hand/shook my hand/shook hands with me. “祝贺你!”她握着我的手说道。
She took me by the hand and led me into the cave. 她拉着我的手,把我带进了洞里。
a hand towel 手巾
  • The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
  • Hold the racquet in one hand and the ball in the other.
  • The school provides paper towels for the children to dry their hands on.
  • I've got my hands in my pockets to keep them warm.
  • The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands.
[ C ](钟表的)指针
one of the long, thin pieces that point to the numbers on a clock or watch
Does anyone have a watch with a second hand? 谁戴的表有秒针?
  • The minute hand is longer than the hour hand.
  • The hands and dial of the watch glow in the dark.
  • The hands on the clock showed the exact time at which the explosion occurred.
  • The watch movement regulates the speed at which the hands move.
  • The hands of the watch are attached to individual gear wheels that turn at specific speeds.
[ C ]一局牌;一手牌
a (single part of a) game of cards, or the set of cards that a player has in a game
Who wants to play a hand of poker? 谁想玩一局扑克?
You dealt me an appalling hand in that game. 你发了那么一手臭牌给我。
B1 [ S ]帮助,帮忙
help with doing something that needs a lot of effort
[ + -ing verb ] Would you like a hand carrying those bags? 需要帮忙搬这些包吗?
Could you give/lend me a hand with (= help me to move) the table, please? 你能帮我搬一下这张桌子吗?
I think Matthew might need a hand with his maths homework. 我看马修可能需要人帮他做数学家庭作业。
I could really use a hand with these accounts if you could spare a moment. 如果你有空,我还真需要人帮忙清点这些账目。
[ C ]体力劳动者;熟练工人
a person who does physical work or is skilled or experienced in something
How many extra hands will we need to help with the harvest? 我们还需要多少人来帮着收割?
I joined the firm as a factory hand and gradually worked my way up to the top. 我以工人的身份加入公司,通过努力逐渐升到了高层。
See also: farmhand
[ C ]船员,水手
a sailor
All hands on deck! 全体水手到甲板集合!
[ S ]参与,卷入;影响
involvement in or influence over an event
It is not thought that terrorists had a hand in the explosion. 人们并不认为恐怖分子与此次爆炸有关。
[ S ]鼓掌,拍手喝彩
clapping for a performer
So please give a big hand to (= welcome with clapping) your host for the evening, Bill Cronshaw! 请热烈鼓掌欢迎今晚的主持比尔‧克朗肖!
[ S ] old use某人的笔迹
a person's writing
an uneven hand 潦草的笔迹
[ C ]一手之宽(用来测量马匹的高度)
a unit for measuring the height of a horse up to its shoulder
One hand equals four inches (= 10.16 centimetres). 一手之宽相当于4英寸。
at handidiom C1 (时间上)临近;在附近
near in time or position
We want to ensure that help is at hand (= easily available) for all children suffering abuse. 我们想确保所有遭受虐待的儿童都能随时得到帮助。
at the hands of someoneidiom C2 某人折磨
If you suffer at the hands of someone, they hurt you or treat you badly.
How many people have died at the hands of terrorist organizations? 有多少人死在恐怖组织手中?
a game in handidiom UK (体育比赛中)少赛一场
If a sports team has a game in hand over other teams in a competition, it still has another game to play in which it can gain points.
Fulham are third from bottom with two games in hand over the teams below them. 富勒姆排名倒数第三,但是比排名靠后的球队少赛两场。
get/lay/put your hands on someoneidiom informal 抓住某人
to catch someone
I'll kill him if I ever get my hands on him. 如果我抓住他,就会杀了他。
get/lay/put your hands on somethingidiom informalC2 把…弄到手,得到
to find something
I can never lay my hands on a stapler in this office. 在这间办公室里我永远也找不到订书机。
go hand in hand with somethingidiom C1 与…关系密切
If something goes hand in hand with something else, it is closely related to it and happens at the same time as it or as a result of it.
Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment. 繁荣与投资密切相关。
hand in gloveidiom (US also hand and glove) 密切合作(常指干坏事),相勾结
working together, often to do something dishonest
It was rumoured at the time that some of the gangs were working hand in glove with the police. 当时有传言说一些匪徒和警方勾结。
hand in handidiom B2 手牵手
holding each other's hand
I saw them walking hand in hand through town the other day. 那天我看见他们手牵手走过小镇。
hand over fistidiom 迅速大量地(赚钱或赔钱)
If you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose a lot of money very quickly.
Business was good and we were making money hand over fist. 生意很好,我们很快发了大财。
hand to handidiom 人与人之间距离很近,伸手可及
involving people who are close enough to touch
Conflicts used to be settled by men fighting hand to hand. 曾相互贴身搏斗的双方往往也是解决冲突的人。
More idioms
someone's hands are tiedidiom 受到限制,被束缚住手脚
If your hands are tied, you are not free to behave in the way that you would like.
I'd like to raise people's salaries but my hands are tied. 我是想提高人们的工资,但我受到重重限制。
have your hands fullidiom C2 忙得不可开交
to be so busy that you do not have time to do anything else
I'd love to help but I've got my hands full organizing the school play. 我愿意帮忙,可是我正忙着组织学校的戏剧演出,腾不出空儿来。
have something in handidiom 把…组织得很好;把…置于控制之下
to have something well organized or under control
The police have the situation in hand. 警方已经控制了局面。
How come there's a problem? I thought you had everything in hand . 怎么会出问题?我以为你全都安排好了。
mainly UK…在掌握中;拥有
If you have something in hand, you have not yet used it and it is still available.
I had enough money in hand to buy a new car. 我手头有足够的钱买一辆新轿车。
have something on your handsidiom 手头有(麻烦事)要处理
If you have a difficult situation on your hands, you have to deal with it.
If the police carry on like this they'll have a riot on their hands. 如果警方继续这样下去,那么他们将要面临一场暴乱。
She has a battle on her hands if she wants the organization to change. 如果她要让机构发生改变的话,那么她会有一场仗要打。
to be to blame for something
We have the blood of these people on our hands (= we are responsible for their death or injury). 我们要为这些人的伤亡负责。
His death is on the government's hands. 政府要为他的死负责。
hold/put your hands upidiom mainly UK 承认(不愉快的事实或自己的错误)
to admit that something bad is true or that you have made a mistake
I know I'm bossy and I hold my hands up to that. 我承认我有点专横。
in handidiom C2 在进行中,在处理中
being worked on or dealt with now
They've had plenty of time to prepare, so the arrangements should be well in hand (= almost ready). 他们有足够的时间去准备,所以应该安排就绪了。
the job/matter in handidiom UK (US the job/matter at hand) 当前重要的事务
the job or matter that is important at the present moment
Could you just concentrate on the job in hand? 你能不能集中精力做手头的工作?
If we could return to the matter in hand, we can discuss other issues later. 如果我们能够回到眼前的事情上,其他事情我们可以稍后再讨论。
keep your hand inidiom mainly UK 经常练习(以免技艺荒疏)
to practise a skill often enough so that you do not lose the skill
I do a bit of teaching now and then just to keep my hand in. 我有时教一点书,只是不想让自己荒疏了。
keep a firm hand on somethingidiom 有力地控制
to control something or someone carefully
Susan keeps a firm hand on everything that goes on in the office. 苏珊牢牢地掌控着办公室里的一切事情。
live (from) hand to mouthidiom 仅够糊口,勉强度日
to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra
My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we lived from hand to mouth. 父亲挣得很少,家里又有4个孩子,所以我们的日子过得紧巴巴的。
on handidiom (UK also to hand)C2 在跟前,在旁边
near to someone or something, and ready to help or be used if necessary
A 1,200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire. 将有一支1200人的部队在现场监督停火。
For those of you who don't have an atlas to hand, Newcastle is a city in the northeast of England. 谨向手头没有地图册的人说明,纽卡斯尔是英格兰东北部的一座城市。
on the one hand ... on the other handidiom B2 一方面…,另一方面…
used when you are comparing two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation
On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment. 一方面我想要一份薪水更高的工作,但另一方面我也喜欢现在的工作。
out of handidiom 失去控制
out of control
Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken. 聚会的场面有点失控,有3扇窗户被打破了。
He went to see his doctor because he felt his drinking was getting out of hand. 他去见了医生,因为觉得自己的酗酒问题有点失控。
If you refuse something out of hand, you refuse it completely without thinking about or discussing it.
Moving to London is certainly a possibility - I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. 搬到伦敦去当然也是一种可能的选择——我不会断然拒绝考虑。
put your hand in your pocketidiom (为某人或慈善机构)捐钱
to give money to someone or to charity (= organizations that collect money to give to poor people, ill people, etc.)
People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children. 人们更倾向于捐款帮助儿童。
a safe pair of handsidiom UK 信得过的人
someone who you can trust to do an important job well, without making mistakes
Colleagues regard her as a safe pair of hands. 同事们认为她是一个信得过的人。
take someone/something in handidiom mainly UK (尤指为了改善状况或某人的行为)开始负责某人);开始处理某事
to start to be in charge of someone or something, especially in order to improve a situation or someone's behaviour
The matter was taken in hand by the director himself. 主管亲自处理此事。
That child needs taking in hand, if you ask me. 要我说的话,这孩子必须有人管着。
win (something) hands downidiom (also beat someone hands down) 轻松取得(对…的)胜利,轻松击败(某人
to win something/beat someone very easily
She won the debate hands down. 她轻松获得了这场辩论的胜利。
The last time we played tennis he beat me hands down. 我们上一次打网球时他轻松将我击败。
verb [ T ] uk/hænd/ us/hænd/
B1 将…交给,将…递给
to put something into someone's hand from your own hand
[ + two objects ] The waiter smiled politely as he handed me my bill/handed my bill to me. 侍者彬彬有礼地微笑着递给我账单。
Please read this memo carefully and hand it on (to your colleagues). 请仔细阅读这一备忘录并(交给你的同事们)传阅。
  • When you've finished your work sheets, clip them together and hand them to me.
  • She handed me a business card with her name neatly embossed on it.
  • The waiter handed me the menu with a flourish.
  • She handed me a tissue just as I sneezed.
  • Please would you hand me my coat?
have (got) to hand it to someoneidiom C2 不得不佩服某人
If you say you have (got) to hand it to someone you mean that they have been very successful or skilful.
I mean you've got to hand it to her, she's brought up those three children all on her own. 我的意思是你不得不佩服她,她一手带大了3个孩子。
Phrasal verbs
hand something around 分发
to pass or offer something to all the people in a group
Adam, could you hand around the cookies? 亚当,你能分发一下饼干吗?
hand something back 递还
to return something to the person who gave it to you
[ + two objects ] "No, I've never seen him before," I said, handing her back the photograph. “不,我以前从来没见过他,”我说着把照片交还给了她。
hand something downC2 将…传给,将…留给
to give something to someone younger than you in the family because you want them to have it or because you no longer need it
This necklace was handed down to my mother by my grandmother. 这条项链是外祖母传给我妈妈的。
C2 把…传下去
to pass traditions from older people to younger ones
a custom handed down through the generations 世代相传的风俗
to announce an official decision, especially in a court of law
The court handed down an eight-year sentence. 法庭宣布判处其8年徒刑。
He plans to appeal the verdict handed down by a jury yesterday.
A federal grand jury handed down an indictment intended to strip him of his US citizenship.
hand something inB1 上交,提交
to give something to someone in a position of authority
Have you handed in your history essay yet? 你的历史论文交了没有?
I've decided to hand in my resignation (= tell my employer I am leaving my job). 我已决定递交辞呈。
hand something outB1 分发,发放
to give something to each person in a group or place
The teacher asked her to hand out the worksheets. 老师让她分发活页练习题。
They stood on the street corner handing out leaflets. 他们站在街角发放宣传单。
hand something overB2 把…交给,把…送交
to give something to someone else
We were ordered to hand over our passports. 有人命令我们交出护照。
See also: handover
hand something/someone overB2 移交(控制权、责任等)
to give another person control of someone or something, or responsibility for dealing with him, her, or it
The hijacker was handed over to the French police. 劫机者被移交给法国警方。
If you hold on a moment I'll hand you over to someone who might be able to help. 如果你可以稍等一会儿,我将给你转接或许能帮上忙的人。
See also: handover
hand something round (同 hand sth around)
→  hand something around




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