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词汇 patch
noun [ C ] uk/pætʃ/ us/pætʃ/
C2 (与周围不同的)斑,小块
a small area that is different in some way from the area that surrounds it
Our dog has a black patch on his back. 我们的狗背上有块黑斑。
The hotel walls were covered in damp patches. 旅馆的墙壁上满是湿渍。
There were lots of icy patches on the road this morning. 今天早上路上有好多地方结了冰。
This story is good in patches (= some parts are good), but I wouldn't really recommend it. 这部小说有些部分写得不错,但我不是很想推荐它。
UK informal工作地
a local area within which someone works
He's been working as a policeman on the same patch for 20 years. 他已经在同一个管区当了20年的警察。
  • Is that a patch of damp on the wall?
  • He skidded on a patch of ice.
  • For a moment I thought you had a patch of grey hairs, but it's just a trick of the light.
  • Freezing fog and icy patches are expected to cause problems for motorists tonight.
  • I get scaly patches on my scalp.
C2 补丁,补片
a small piece of material sewn or stuck over something to cover it
I'll have to sew a patch onto these jeans - they're ripped at the knee. 我得给这条牛仔裤打个补丁——膝盖处撕破了。
a small piece of material that can be stuck to the skin, from which particular substances can be absorbed into the body
Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking. 有些人贴尼古丁戒烟贴片来帮助自己戒烟。
an eyepatch
a small computer program that can be added to an existing program in order to make the existing program work as it should
I downloaded a patch from their website. 我从他们的网站上下载了一个程序补丁。
Compare: plug-in noun
go through a bad/difficult/rough/sticky patchidiom informalC2 倒霉,不走运
to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life
Andy's going through a rough patch at the moment - his wife wants a divorce. 安迪眼下处境有点儿不顺——他老婆要跟他离婚。
not be a patch on somethingidiom UK informal 远比不上,远不如
to be much less good than something
This new washing machine isn't a patch on our old one. 这台新洗衣机远不如我们那台旧的。
verb uk/pætʃ/ us/pætʃ/
[ T usually + adv/prep ] internet & telecoms specialized接通,连接(电子设备或电话)
to connect electronic or phone equipment to a system
C2 [ T ]缝补修补
to put a patch on something
to solve a problem that a computer system or program has
They issued an update to patch the bug. 他们发布了一个更新来修补这个错误。
We need to identify and patch vulnerabilities in internet security. 我们需要识别和修补互联网安全方面的漏洞。
Phrasal verbs
patch into something 接入设备或网络
to connect to a device or network
The team has the ability to patch into the Cleveland Clinic health care system for instant access to X-rays, MRIs, and other test results. 该团队能够接入克利夫兰诊所的医疗保健系统,以即时获取X射线、核磁共振和其他测试结果。
patch something into something 将一台设备接入另一台设备或网络
to connect one device to another or to a network
The cameras are patched into a computer that sees the video in real time and analyzes it. 摄像机被接入一台计算机,实时查看视频并进行分析。
patch someone through 为某人接通某个电话号码或接入某个网络
to connect someone to a phone number or network
I patched her through to customer service. 我把她的电话接通给了客户服务部。
patch something together 仓促拼合,草草拼凑
to arrange something very quickly but not very carefully
There is much disagreement, but the group of countries is trying to patch together a treaty on defence. 尽管存在很多分歧,这几个国家还是试图草拟出一份防御条约。
patch something upC2 弥合关系),和解
to try to improve a relationship after there have been problems
Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage. 杰姬和比尔仍在设法弥合他们的婚姻。
Did you manage to patch things up with her after your row? 你们争吵过后,你有没有设法和她言归于好?
to repair something, especially in a simple and temporary way
patch someone/something up 给…提供基本(或临时)的治疗,给…草草包扎
to give basic medical care to someone that helps them temporarily
If you've cut your hand, the first-aider will patch you up. 如果你划破了手,急救员会给你处理的。




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