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词汇 glug
verb uk/ɡlʌɡ/ us/ɡlʌɡ/
[ T or I ]大口喝
to drink something in large mouthfuls
He glugs the milk straight from the bottle. 他直接对着瓶子大口喝牛奶。
She is glugging from a huge container of orange juice. 她正从一个巨大的罐子里大口大口地喝着橙汁。
  • She took a small sip, then glugged the rest of the water.
  • He is glugging coffee, typing a last-minute report into his computer.
  • He grabbed a bottle of beer and glugged thirstily.
[ I ]液体)哗哗地流动;咕噜咕噜地喝
(of a liquid) to make a sound when poured or drunk
The dirty water glugged away. 脏水哗哗地流走了。
You can hear the water glugging into a glass. 你可以听到水汩汩地流进玻璃杯里。
  • He found two cans, two handfuls of ice, and had the soda glugging into a pair of glasses.
  • The diesel fluid glugged down a rubber pipe into a tank hidden in the back of a van.
  • You could confuse the gin with cologne as it glugs out of the bottle.
  • There is an art to making a bottle glug.
noun [ C ] uk/ɡlʌɡ/ us/ɡlʌɡ/
the sound that a liquid makes when it is poured or drunk
You could almost hear the glug of another celebratory whisky pouring into the glass. 你几乎可以听到威士忌倒入杯中的咕噜声,那是以示庆祝的声音。
I emptied the can of oil into the engine - glug, glug, glug. 我把油罐里的油都倒进发动机里——咕噜,咕噜,咕噜。
  • You could hear the glug of more wine being poured.
  • All you could hear was the glug of the water cooler.
  • The pipework under the sink makes a loud glug sound every few minutes.
an amount of a liquid that is poured
Add a good glug of olive oil. 加入一大口那么多橄榄油。
I usually add a glug or two of balsamic vinegar to the dressing. 我通常会在调料中加入一两口量的甜醋。
  • Then pour in a spoonful of grainy mustard and a glug or two of cream.
  • Add a glug of water if the mixture looks like it's becoming a little dry.
  • You can lose three grams of fat by brushing a tiny bit of oil in the pan instead of using the usual generous glug.




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