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词汇 glow
verb [ I ] uk/ɡləʊ/ us/ɡloʊ/
C2 发光;发热
to produce a continuous light and sometimes heat
A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom. 孩子们卧室的角落里有一盏小夜灯发出微光。
This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark. 这种物质辐射性很强,在黑暗中都可以发出亮光。
C2 (尤指因为眼睛放出光芒而)容光焕发,喜形于色
to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining
The children's faces were glowing with excitement. 孩子们兴奋得满脸通红。
They came back from their week at the beach, glowing with health. 他们在海边度假一周,回来时个个容光焕发。
be glowing UK因锻炼而发热(或发红)
to be hot or red from exercising
When we got back from our walk in the snow, my whole body was glowing. 我们在雪中散步回来,我全身上下都热乎乎的。
Have you been running? You're glowing!
The kids had run all the way and by the time they arrived, their faces were glowing.
I've just seen my reflection - my face is glowing!
I finished my run half an hour ago and I'm still glowing.
noun [ S ] uk/ɡləʊ/ us/ɡloʊ/
C2 发光;发热;光亮;灼热
continuous light and/or heat that is produced by something
the glow of the fire 火光
Neon emits a characteristic red glow. 氖发出独特的红光。
C2 面部感觉(或显得)温暖健康
the fact of your face feeling or appearing warm and healthy
Like all the staff at the health club she had the healthy glow of the young and fit. 和健康俱乐部的所有职员一样,她带着一种年轻健康的光芒。
a positive feeling
They felt a glow of pride as they watched their daughter collect the award. 看着女儿领奖,他们感到非常自豪。
She felt a warm glow of satisfaction. 她感到心满意足,如沐春风。




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