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词汇 magic
noun [ U ] uk/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ us/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/
A2 魔法;法术;巫术
the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible, such as in stories for children
The group is known for its belief in witchcraft and magic. 这一组织以相信巫术和魔法而出名。
As if by magic/Like magic, the car changes into a boat when it hits the water. 汽车一碰到水便像变魔法似的变成了船。
A2 魔术,戏法
the skill of performing tricks to entertain people, such as making things appear and disappear and pretending to cut someone in half
He's a comedian who also does magic. 他是个也表演魔术的喜剧演员。
  • The magic show had a lot of audience participation, with people shouting things to the performers and going up on stage.
  • It seems that some people still believe in sorcery and black magic.
  • My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set.
  • It disappeared as if by magic.
  • She used magic to cure illnesses.
B2 魔力魅力神奇
a special and exciting quality that makes something seem different from ordinary things
Although the film was made 50 years ago, it has lost none of its magic. 这部电影虽然拍摄于50年前,但至今魅力仍丝毫未减。
No one could fail to be charmed by the magic of this beautiful city. 没有人不会为这座美丽城市的魅力所打动。
adjective uk/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ us/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/
A2 有魔力的
with special powers
The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog. 女巫施魔咒将王子变成了青蛙。
I'll show you a magic trick. 我来给你表演一个魔术。
B1 魔术般的出乎意料的容易的迅速的
happening in an unusual or unexpected way, or easily or quickly
There's no magic solution to the problem. 解决这个问题没有什么妙方。
There's no magic formula for winning - just lots of hard work. 获胜没有诀窍——只有大量艰苦的努力。
  • There's no magic formula for success.
  • The fairy godmother waved her magic wand over the cabbages and they turned into horses.
  • She was given a magic charm to ward off evil spirits.
  • He seems to just think I can wave a magic wand and everything will be all right.
  • There is no magic solution to your problems.
a magic touchidiom 魔力(可以很好完成事情的特殊能力)
a special ability to do something very well
The film's success will no doubt please the 46-year-old director, who was rumoured to have lost his magic touch. 这部电影的巨大成功无疑会令这位46岁的导演非常欣慰,一度传闻他已经失去了他的神奇魔力。
exclamation UK old-fashioned informal uk/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ us/ˈmædʒ.ɪk/
used when you think something is very good and you like it a lot
"Kate's having a party on Saturday night." "Magic!" “凯特星期六晚上要举行派对。”“太好了!”




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