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词汇 for example
for example phrase
A1 例如举例来说
used when giving an example of the type of thing you mean
Offices can easily become more environmentally friendly by, for example, using recycled paper. 举手之劳就可以使办公室更加环保,比如,使用再生纸。
Writers have always used metaphor. For example, Cicero compared the human figure to a vase.
Many of the things he loved as a child - for example candy and cartoons - still give him pleasure.
There are some simple changes you can make for a healthier life. For example, you could take the stairs instead of the lift.
Try to keep your training positive. For example, instead of punishing your dog for misbehaviour, instead praise them for obeying a command.
See also: example (TYPICAL CASE)




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