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词汇 proof
noun uk/pruːf/ us/pruːf/
B2 [ C or U ]证据证物证明
a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true
[ + that ] Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods? 他们有什么证据证明是汉普森偷了货物?
I have a suspicion that he's having an affair, though I don't have any concrete (= definite) proof. 我怀疑他有婚外情,不过我没有确凿的证据。
If anyone needs proof of Andrew Davies' genius as a writer, this novel is it. 如果有人需要证据证明安德鲁•戴维斯是天才作家,这本小说就是。
"How old are you?" "21." "Do you have any proof on you?" “你多大了?”“21岁。”“你身上有什么证明吗?”
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. 保留收据作为购物证明。
  • The police have no definitive proof of her guilt.
  • There's no absolute proof, but all the evidence suggests (that) he's guilty.
  • I'm glad I had the forethought to make a copy of the letter, as proof of what had been promised.
  • incontrovertible proof
  • Do you have any kind of proof of purchase?
[ C ]校样
a printed copy of something that is examined and corrected before the final copies are printed
I was busy correcting proofs. 我正忙着改校样。
the proof of the pudding (is in the eating)idiom saying (also the proof is in the pudding) 布丁好不好,吃了才知道(只有通过体验才能判断事物的好坏;空谈不如实证)
said to mean that you can only judge the quality of something after you have tried, used, or experienced it
adjective [ after noun ] uk/pruːf/ us/pruːf/
of the stated alcoholic strength, a higher number meaning a greater amount of alcohol
It says on the bottle that it's 60 percent proof. 瓶子上写着酒精度为60度。
providing protection against something
No household security devices are proof against (= protect completely against) the determined burglar. 再好的家用防盗装置也防不住一心要偷盗的窃贼。
Her virtue would be proof against his charms. 她的美德使她能够抵御他的诱惑力。
verb [ T ] uk/pruːf/ us/pruːf/
to treat a surface with a substance that will protect it against something, especially water
suffix uk/ -pruːf/ us/ -pruːf/
protecting against, or not damaged by, a particular thing
a bullet-proof vest 防弹背心
a waterproof/wind-proof jacket 防水/挡风夹克衫
frost-proof pots for the garden 花园里用的防冻花盆




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