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词汇 flight
noun uk/flaɪt/ us/flaɪt/
A2 [ C ]空中航行,航程
a journey in an aircraft
I'll never forget my first flight. 我永远也不会忘记第一次乘飞机的经历。
How was your flight? 空中旅行感觉如何?
All flights to New York today are delayed because of bad weather. 因天气不好,今天飞往纽约的所有航班都延误了。
My flight was cancelled. 我的航班取消了。
  • Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the flight.
  • If the flight is late, we'll miss our connection.
  • Welcome aboard flight BA345 to Tokyo.
  • I wonder if you could help me - I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand.
  • Have you had any luck with booking your flight?
[ C ]航班飞机,班机
an aircraft that is making a particular journey
Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding at Gate 9. 飞往布宜诺斯艾利斯的474航班现在正在9号登机口登机。
  • Welcome aboard flight BA345 to Tokyo.
  • All passengers for flight LH103 please proceed to gate 16.
  • "This is flight 595X. Do you read me? Over."
  • Flight BA498 has been delayed by 30 minutes.
  • British Airways regret to announce the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
[ U ]飞行;飞行路线
an occasion when something flies or moves through the air
an eagle in flight 飞翔的鹰
Suddenly the whole flock of geese took flight (= started flying). 突然,整群大雁都飞了起来。
Modern missiles are so accurate because their flight is controlled by computer. 现代导弹十分精确,因为其飞行路线是由计算机控制的。
[ C ] UK(一同飞行的)鸟群(机群等)
a group of birds, aircraft, etc. flying together
a flight of geese/swans 飞行的一群大雁/天鹅
[ U ]逃跑;逃避,躲避
(an act or example of) escape, running away, or avoiding something
They lost all their possessions during their flight from the invading army. 在躲避侵略军时,他们失去了所有的财产。
put someone to flight UK old-fashioned 迫使…逃跑
to defeat someone and force them to run away
The rebels were put to flight by the small regiment.
The townspeople attacked the intruders with everything they had, putting the miscreants to flight and securing the gate.
The All Blacks endured driving rain but eventually put the South Africa Springboks to flight.
His quick thinking had put to flight the robber attempting to break in.
The soldiers charged and put the enemy to flight.
take flight 逃走
to run away or leave a place
The burglars took flight when the alarm sounded. 警报一响,盗贼们就逃走了。
Fed up with what he saw as the city's closed, conservative nature, he took flight to California.
In dangerous situations, many people freeze, fight, or take flight.
The graduates were ready to take flight from university and move into this next phase of their lives.
Startled, the herd of deer took flight.
  • Many residents of the town took flight when they heard news of the approaching hurricane.
  • The book gives an account of his flight from political persecution in 1956.
  • He confronted the danger and never considered taking flight.
  • The villagers took flight from the advancing troops.
  • While others defended the town, he took flight to the mountains.
C2 [ C ](通常指两个楼层间的)一段楼梯,一段台阶
a set of steps or stairs, usually between two floors of a building
We live up three flights of stairs. 我们住在3楼。
[ C ] food & drink specialized(供品尝的)套酒
a number of different types of wine, beer, etc. for tasting
Wine bar patrons can sample flights of wine. 葡萄酒酒吧的顾客有机会品尝套酒。
A wine flight is available to accompany the tasting menu at £ 35 per person. 配合品尝菜单的,还有葡萄酒套酒,每人35英镑。
flight of fancyidiom 异想天开想入非非
an idea that shows a lot of imagination but is not practical
He was talking about cycling across the US or was that just another flight of fancy? 他正在谈论骑自行车横穿美国,这又是一次异想天开吗?
the top flightidiom UK (职位或体育运动中的)最高档次,最高级别
the highest level in a job or sport
The Sheffield Eagles move down to the second division after two seasons in the top flight. 谢菲尔德鹰队在超级联赛中打了两个赛季后降到了乙级。




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