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词汇 false
adjective uk/fɒls/ us/fɑːls/
B2 假的人工的
not real, but made to look or seem real
false eyelashes/teeth 假睫毛/假牙
UK Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid. 现代办公楼都设有假地板,下面铺设计算机和电话线路。
  • He disguised himself by shaving his head and wearing a false beard.
  • false limbs
B1 disapproving虚假的;伪造的
not true, but made to seem true in order to deceive people
She was charged with giving false evidence in court. 她被控在法庭上作伪证。
When she was stopped by the police for speeding, she gave them a false name and address. 因超速驾驶被警察拦下时,她报了假的姓名和地址。
He assumed a false identity (= pretended he was someone else) in order to escape from the police. 为了逃脱警方的追捕,他用了假身份。
under false pretences disapproving (US under false pretenses) 靠欺诈手段;以虚假的借口
If you do something under false pretences, you lie about who you are, what you are doing, or what you intend to do, in order to get something.
He was deported for entering the country under false pretences. 他因以虚假身份入境而被驱逐出境。
If you're not going to offer me a job, then you've brought me here under false pretences (= you have deceived me in order to make me come here). 如果你不打算给我一份工作,那么你就是把我骗到这儿来的。
I'm afraid I'm here under false pretences. I said I was representing a client, but that's not true.
I got into the building under false pretences, but I didn't have any choice.
They kept him locked up for years under false pretences.
  • The politician was awarded £50 000 damages over false allegations made by the newspaper.
  • The two men allege that the police forced them to make false confessions.
  • His accusations were false, but they served to besmirch her reputation.
  • Their promises lulled us into a false sense of security.
  • The government's claim that it would reduce taxes proved false.
B1 错误的
not correct
"Three plus three is seven. True or false?" "False." “3加3等于7。对还是错?”“错。”
The news report about the explosion turned out to be false. 有关爆炸的新闻报道后来发现有误。
You'll get a false impression/idea of the town if you only visit the university. 如果你只参观大学,就会对这个镇产生错误的印象。
Synonyms: erroneous fallacious incorrectuntruewrong (NOT CORRECT)
  • It is an illogical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.
  • Your actions are based on some false presuppositions.
  • That theory was proved false.
  • My fears about the job turned out to be false.
  • Teams will lose two points for any false answers.
C1 disapproving不真诚的;虚情假意的
not sincere or expressing real emotions
a false smile/laugh 虚情假意的微笑/大笑
I didn't like her - she seemed false. 我不喜欢她——她有点虚伪做作。
Synonym: fake
literary disapproving不忠诚的;不可靠的
A false friend is not loyal or cannot be trusted.




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