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词汇 spread
noun uk/spred/ us/spred/
B2 [ S ]扩散,蔓延
the development or growth of something so that it covers a larger area or affects a larger number of people
The spread of the disease in the last few years has been alarming. 近几年这种疾病的广泛传播着实令人担忧。
  • The government is trying to allay public fears about the spread of the disease.
  • The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.
  • The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the disease.
  • The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.
[ S ]涉及区域;范围
the area or range covered by something
The survey found a wide spread of opinion over the proposed new building. 调查广泛征集了对于拟议中的新建筑的意见。
Few other corporate roles require such a broad spread of knowledge and experience.
  • The course includes not only philosophy and history but a broad spread of modern European languages and literature.
  • There is a wide spread of ages among the volunteers.
[ C ]整版(或横贯几版的)文章(或广告)
a large article or advertisement covering one or more pages in a newspaper or magazine
The magazine recently ran a spread on Oregon beaches, mountains, hotels and restaurants.
There's a double-page spread on the latest fashions. 有一篇横贯两版的文章介绍最新的时尚。
  • Food and Wine did a spread on caviar around Christmas.
  • The advertising manager had written to confirm the booking of a double-page spread in the colour supplement for six successive weeks.
[ C or U ]涂在面包(或饼干)上的食物;酱
a soft food for putting on bread and biscuits
cheese/chocolate/fish spread 奶酪/巧克力/鱼酱
There's bread and various spreads for tea. 茶点有面包和各种抹酱。
[ C ] US大牧场,大农场
a ranch or other large area of land or water
[ C ] UK old-fashioned or US(尤指丰盛的)饭菜,酒席
a meal, especially one for a special occasion with a lot of different dishes arranged on a table
Sheila laid on (= made) a magnificent spread for us. 希拉为我们准备了丰盛的饭菜。
Synonyms: banquetfeast (FOOD)
[ C ]差异,差距;(价格或利率等之间的)差额
the difference between two amounts, such as two prices or interest rates
The issue was priced at a spread of 115 basis points above Treasury bonds. 这一期的价格定在比财政部债券高115点的位置。




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