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词汇 either
adverb uk/ˈaɪ.ðər/ /ˈiː.ðər/ us/ˈiː.ðɚ/ /ˈaɪ.ðɚ/
B1 (用于否定句)
used in negative sentences instead of "also" or "too"
I don't eat meat and my husband doesn't either. 我不吃肉,我丈夫也不吃。
"I've never been to the States." "I haven't either." “我从没去过美国。”“我也没有。”
They do really good food at that restaurant and it's not very expensive either. 那家餐厅饭菜做得很好,而且价格也不太贵。
  • I've never been here before either, so it's all strange to me too.
  • We certainly don't lead a life of luxury but we're not poor either.
  • "And the dress that you bought me doesn't fit either!" she shouted as she walked off.
  • Actually I'm pleased you don't want to go, because I don't either.
  • I'm not allowed another piece of cake, so you're not either!
determiner, pronoun, conjunction uk/ˈaɪ.ðər/ /ˈiː.ðər/ us/ˈiː.ðɚ/ /ˈaɪ.ðɚ/
B1 (两种可能性的选择)要么…要么,不是…就是,或者…或者;(两者中)任何一个
used when referring to a choice between two possibilities
Either candidate would be ideal for the job. 这两个人中的任意一个都是做这项工作的理想人选。
"Do you prefer pork or beef?" "I don't like either." “你喜欢吃猪肉还是牛肉?”“两样我都不喜欢。”
"Would you like the metal or plastic one?" "Either will do." “你是要金属的,还是塑料的?”“哪种都行。”
You can get there by train or bus - either way/in either case it'll take an hour. 去那儿你坐火车和大巴都行——怎么去都得花一个小时。
We can either eat now or after the show - it's up to you. 我们可以现在吃饭,也可以在演出后吃——由你定。
Either you leave now or I call the police! 要么你现在离开,要么我就叫警察!
  • You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
  • She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her.
  • We got caught in pouring rain without either raincoats or umbrellas.
  • He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.
  • It's either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I've forgotten which.
determiner uk/ˈaɪ.ðər/ /ˈiː.ðər/ us/ˈiː.ðɚ/ /ˈaɪ.ðɚ/
B2 (两者中)每个,各方
Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me. 真倒霉,餐桌上坐在我两边的人都抽烟。
  • We have students living on either side of us.
  • I had children on either side of me.
  • Company directors were seated on either side of me so I was on best behaviour.
  • I was lucky because I had friends sitting on either side of me on the plane.
  • We have family living on either side of us.




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